Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 678

The noble and righteous spirit will live forever in heaven and earth.

Evil fall!

The world suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of magic is this?

With a loud drink, the purple gas was vast and thousands of miles.

"Ghost gossip".

Lin Feng was startled.

He suddenly thought of the story recorded in the ghost gossip.

Li Mo, the Prime Minister of a certain Dynasty, went out to inspect.

Attacked by evil spirits.

Because I have been studying for decades, I am full of noble righteousness.

So even though I haven\'t practiced, I roared in the face of those powerful demons.

Evil spirits fell one after another.

Later, the evil spirit found a female ghost.

Trying to murder limo with a female ghost.

But Li Mo\'s healthy qi protects his body, and it\'s difficult for female ghosts to get close.

This is the noble righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism.

In the stories written above, many protagonists are "scholars".

But these scholars don\'t know the art of cultivation.

Read only four books and five classics.

But can develop noble righteousness.

Evil spirits are hard to invade.

A seemingly absurd story.

Now it\'s happening.

"Is it Xiucai Ning?".

Lin Feng murmured.

He thought of the old scholar Ning Yin.

Ning Xiucai has been studying for more than 70 years. He should have developed the "noble and upright spirit" mentioned in the book of gods and ghosts.

"He is a master of Confucianism and Taoism. Now Confucianism and Taoism are not strong in tianwu mainland. How can there be the level of Confucianism and Taoism?".

Elder Wu Chang seemed shocked, even unbelievable.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved and asked, "how can we become a great Confucian?".

"It is said that we should understand the four books, understand the five classics, know the relationship between heaven and earth, and know the ancient and modern... Moreover, great Confucian scholars often write books and make statements. Once the books are circulated, they will form a new school, a new thought, and countless people will follow suit.".

Elder Wu Chang said.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

Although Ning Xiucai doesn\'t know how to practice, he has studied for decades and worked hard to write down "ghost gossip".

At first glance, the gods and ghosts talk.

Lin Feng just looked at the above contents as interesting stories.

But now taste it.

But I found out.

In many stories, there is a great truth.

As Prime Minister Li Mo experienced.

He holds an important position in the court hall, is upright and serves the country and the people.

Facing the siege of evil spirits, he was awe inspiring and fearless.

In the face of the temptation of beautiful women transformed by female ghosts, he remained unmoved, and crossed female ghosts with Haoran righteousness to let them reincarnate.

A story contains "righteousness", "righteousness" and "benevolence".

And every story.

In fact, they are expounding a truth of life.

Perhaps this is what elder Wu Chang said. The great Confucianism writes books and expounds his own Tao, which can be imitated by countless people.

Elder Wu Chang\'s Tao is thought-provoking through a story.

"Check the casualties first, and then go to find the master of Confucianism and Taoism.".

Elder Wu Chang looked around.

I found that the master of Confucianism and Taoism had not appeared.

He felt that the other party didn\'t seem to want to meet him.

In my heart, I don\'t hold much hope for finding each other.

Although Lin Feng has guessed that the great Confucian who shot is likely to be Ning Xiucai.

But he didn\'t say it.

Because once you say it.

Ning Xiucai is afraid that he will fall into many common things.

Ning Xiucai probably doesn\'t want to see such a situation, does he?

Lin Feng quickly flew towards the fifth mining area.

I wonder what happened to Shi Weizhu and others?

When he came to the fifth mining area, he saw Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and others.

My heart was finally put down.

Mo Yuning said in a sad voice, "seven martial brothers died together.".

This is just a disciple with Lin Feng.

Some old disciples, soldiers and miners were killed and injured seriously.

Lin Feng patted Mo Yuning on the shoulder.

The five mining areas are sorting out the battlefield.

Wang Hu said, "elder martial brother Zhou Zhao, elder martial sister Zhou Yuting and elder martial sister Yue Zhuxin are all right, but Jin Zhengkai is dead.".

"Kim Jong Kai is dead? How did he die?".

Lin Feng was very surprised.

Wang Hu sneered and said, "it is said that Jin Zhengkai wanted to use the miners as cannon fodder to stop the attacks of evil demons and underground demons, but the disciples who went to execute the order did not want to see these miners die miserably, so they released these miners privately. In his anger, Jin Zhengkai beheaded the disciple. Therefore, some miners risked their lives to sneak attack Jin Zhengkai and kill him.".

"You deserve it.".

"Deserve it".

Many disciples said.

The death of Kim Jong Kai was naturally very gratifying.

Elder Wu Chang is rectifying the ancient man mining area.

When it was almost time to clean up the mess, elder Wu Chang sent someone back to Qingyun sect.

Report what happened in the Guman mining area to the senior management.

Let the high-level dispatch experts come.

Elder Wu Chang was mainly worried that these evil masters and underground demons would invade again.

"It\'s really strange. Why did these evil masters and underground demons attack the ancient man mining area?".

Lin Feng has some doubts.

If it\'s for Lingshi resources.

There should be no need.

Because evil forces and underground demons also control the spirit mine.

Therefore, this matter is very strange.

Lin Feng thought for a long time and didn\'t figure out the reason.

No more thought.

He plans to visit Ning Xiucai at his residence.

It\'s not too far away anyway.

After explaining, Lin Feng flew to the place where Ning Xiucai lived.

When Lin Feng came here, Ning Xiucai was writing.

When Ning Xiucai was writing, there were golden flowers above Ning Xiucai.

The flower flashed away quickly.

"Wonderful pen makes flowers?".

Lin Feng moved.

He heard that when some people write, they integrate into the avenue of heaven and can write brilliantly.

Today, he actually saw such a scene.

"Ning Xiucai is really a great scholar.".

Lin Feng murmured.

See Ning Xiucai write "wonderful pen and flowers".

Lin Feng knew that Xiucai Ning was definitely a great Confucian.


No doubt!

"Little friend, you\'re here.".

Ning Xiucai put down his brush and smiled when he saw Lin Feng.

"Thank you, sir, for drinking away the evil spirits. Otherwise, our ancient mining area will be destroyed.".

Lin Feng saluted Xiucai Ning.

Ning Xiucai said, "you don\'t have to be so polite. You\'ve been studying for more than 70 years, but you still have some use. Now it seems that it\'s useless for a scholar. This sentence is still not very correct.".

Ning Xiucai\'s remark carries some self mockery.

His experience can be described as "bleak in his old age".

Naturally, there will be some feelings in my heart.

"Little friend, read with me these days. Read to nourish your qi. I think the purple gas rushes into the sky on your head. Soon, some special changes should take place, but now, the purple gas is unstable, so you should stabilize the purple gas.".

Ning Xiucai Dao.

"Purple gas?" Lin Feng was surprised.

He didn\'t understand what Ning Xiucai was talking about, but Lin Feng felt that it should have something to do with breaking through the realm of yin and Yang.

"Ziqi is the supreme Qi. Little friend, Ziqi comes from the East and comes from an extraordinary background."

Ning Xiucai Dao.

"Is this also the means of Confucianism and Taoism?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Ning Xiucai said, "I\'ve heard of Confucianism and Taoism, but I don\'t understand the cultivation skills of Confucianism and Taoism. I\'m just an ordinary scholar. Reading to Nourish Qi can lead to God and considerable Qi. Qi is the foundation of man..."