Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 679

At the beginning of man, all are Qi.


Represents destiny.

When the great emperor of ancient times went out, he was full of purple Qi.

This is the supreme Qi.

Through practice, you can nourish Qi and make Qi more powerful.


"Qi" is also different.

Ning Xiucai explained that "ordinary people are white gas, monks are mostly cyan gas, and those who get the favor of heaven are golden gas. Some people, like rare people, are purple gas, which is naturally different from others."

"There are several kinds of purple gas, among which the dark purple gas from the East is respected"


"Qi, what can you see?". Lin Feng asked.

"Qi is stable! Cultivation can be stable!"

Ning Xiucai smiled.

Study to Nourish Qi.

This is the truth.

In ancient times, there were great Confucians who did not practice. They studied to Nourish Qi for 80 years, and then directly experienced thunder robbery and became gods.

Haoran Zhengqi is one of the purple Qi.

It is also one of the most noble deep purple.

And the more noble the Qi is.

The more rare.

The higher the life.

The greater the achievements will be in the future.

It\'s like the ancient emperors came from the East.

But I haven\'t heard that the ancient emperor was "green rising to heaven".

This is the so-called "life style".

Their own "Qi" can often peep into the future.

Although some people can change their lives against the sky, and even change their own "Qi" to break through the restriction of heaven on their "life style".

But obviously, it will be extremely difficult.

Lin Feng followed Xiucai Ning to study.

The first reading is the Analects of Confucius.

The first of the four books and five classics.

Confucius said, "to govern with morality, such as Beichen, live in its place and share it with all the stars."

Confucius said: "the three hundred poems, in a word, say: \'thinking is innocent\'."

Confucius said, "the way is to govern, the Qi is to punish, and the people are free from shame. The way is to morality, the Qi is to etiquette, and there is shame and dignity."

Confucius said, "I am determined to learn in five out of ten, stand in thirty, know the destiny in fifty, be obedient in sixty, and follow my heart in seventy."

When Meng Yizi asked about filial piety, Confucius said: "no violation." fan Chiyu told him, "when Meng sun asked about filial piety to me, I said \'no violation\'." fan Chi said: "what is also?" Confucius said: "life, things are polite; death, burial and sacrifice are polite."

In front of the mountain temple, Lin Feng followed Xiucai Ning to study together.

Although Lin Feng just started reading.

It is impossible to study with Ning Xiucai to cultivate "Haoran righteousness".

But after calming down to study for three days, Lin Feng felt that his restless heart calmed down.

Moreover, Lin Feng felt that his cultivation was about to break through.

This surprised Lin Feng very much.

"The purple air is stable. I\'m glad that you read to your heart instead of reading for reading.".

Ning Xiucai smiled.

"Yes, sir taught well"

Lin Feng bowed to scholar Ning like a scholar.

He refined more than 160 supreme spirit stones in the mountain temple.


Lin Feng made a breakthrough.

Cultivation has broken through from the Ninth Heaven in the realm of King Wu to the tenth heaven in the realm of King Wu.

Distance from Yin and Yang.

It\'s only one step away.

Lin Feng can\'t "view Qi" like Ning Xiucai.

If he can "observe Qi".

You\'ll see.

With the improvement of cultivation.

The purple Qi above him was much stronger.

Ziqi represents Lin Feng\'s luck and his future.

People with purple Qi are too rare.

Who can have purple Qi.

There is often great luck.

Some people go out and find money.

Some people were killed by a car when they went out.

Why did the same go out, but something different happened?

Because of "luck".


Darkness enveloped the earth.

Lin Feng reads the doctrine of the mean with Xiucai Ning.

The destiny is nature, the frankness is Tao, and the cultivation of Tao is teaching. Those who follow the Tao must not leave in a moment; Can leave, not the Tao.

Therefore, a gentleman should be cautious about what he does not see and fear what he does not hear. Do not see hidden, do not show micro, so a gentleman should be cautious about his independence.

The absence of happiness, anger, sorrow and joy is called in the; Hair and all middle sections are called harmony. Those who are also in the world are the foundation of the world; He also, the way of the world. To achieve harmony, heaven and earth are located, and all things are cultivated.

The first chapter of the golden mean is catchy.

Lin Feng found that the Analects of Confucius and the doctrine of the mean are very different.

The Analects of Confucius talks about benevolence, righteousness, etiquette and morality.

This is the foundation of being a king, a minister, a father, a son and a man.

The doctrine of the mean stresses the "unity of heaven and man".

This is the foundation of monasticism.

The four books and five classics of Confucianism and Taoism are really not simple.

No wonder there were great Confucians in ancient times who had never practiced, but could directly cross the robbery and become gods.

Because the four books and five classics contain too many roads of heaven and earth.

Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, integrity and shame.

The unity of heaven and man, Taoism and nature, etc.

When Lin Feng was reading with Xiucai Ning, the darkness came.

A gust of overcast wind rolled up.

The sound of purring came from the mountains and forests.

It\'s like the sound of ghosts crying and howling.


Lin Feng frowned.

And it\'s a very powerful ghost.

Otherwise, I wouldn\'t dare to come here.

Ghosts come from deep mountains and forests.

This is also a very normal thing.

"Don\'t be distracted"

Ning Xiucai said.

Lin Feng nodded and continued to read with Ning Xiucai.

At this time, he read a Scripture about ghosts and gods.

Confucius said, "the virtue of ghosts and gods is prosperous! See it and forget it, listen to it and forget it, and don\'t leave things. Make people in the world fully dressed.

This sentence means "the way of ghosts and gods is really great! You can\'t see it or hear it, but it is reflected in all things, so that people can\'t leave it. People all over the world fast and clean their hearts, wear solemn and neat clothes to sacrifice it, and it\'s everywhere! It\'s like it\'s on your head, as if it\'s around you."

This is actually a reflection of the sentence "there are gods within three feet of a case".

While Lin Feng was studying.

The world is getting darker and darker.

In the dark.

A terrible figure came step by step.

A fierce ghost who has practiced for thousands of years.

Recover from a deep sleep.

"Human delicious flesh and blood".

The voice of Yin pity came out.

The Millennium ghost is approaching the mountain temple where Lin Feng and Ning Xiucai study step by step.

At this time.

In the mountain temple, the divine light surged.

The Mountain God turned out.

Ning Xiucai studies to Nourish Qi.

Qi is scattered in heaven and earth.

Absorbed by the dying Mountain God.

So the mountain god recovered.

Now the mountain god has evolved and stopped the Millennium fierce ghost.

This is that reading can enlighten God.

Even the "gods" came to help.


"Mountain God, dare to stop me and devour you today.".

The Millennium ghost grinned.

Endless darkness enveloped the mountain god.

It will devour the mountain god in an instant.

The Millennium ghost made a strange laugh.

"Isn\'t it going to be swallowed up by the king?".

At this time.

Suddenly, there was a surge of Haoran righteousness in the mountain god.

The Mountain God said, "I follow the great Confucianism to study and nourish my spirit every day. I have incorporated noble and righteous Qi into my body. Can you resist this evil ghost?".

The voice fell, and the mountain god stretched out his right hand and grabbed the Millennium fierce ghost.

"Run away.".

The thousand year fierce ghost saw the mountain god, turned and ran away.

But the mountain god grabbed the thousand year fierce ghost by the neck and swallowed it.

The mountain god even followed Ning Xiucai to study and refresh himself.

Cultivation increased greatly.

This can easily devour the Millennium ghost.

The mountain god\'s body soon disappeared.

In the mountain temple, the mountain god statue is surrounded by a trace of white air.

Listen carefully.

Vaguely, in addition to the reading voice of Ning Xiucai and Lin Feng, there seems to be a reading voice, which is ethereal for a moment.

It should be the mountain god who secretly followed Ning Xiucai to read the book of the golden mean.