Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 677

Elder Wu Chang is now ten Heavenly accomplishments in the realm of yin and Yang.

But because he is a spirit array master, his soul power is far more than ordinary friars.

Therefore, his soul power reached the level of five Heaven in the realm of creation.

And Lin Feng, a boy in the realm of King Wu, is actually a land level spirit array master?

This is really too shocking.

No wonder elder Wu Chang looked so shocked.

The dense tentacles twined away.

Those tentacles.

Nature is not a real tentacle.

It\'s formed by the condensation of array patterns.

This thousand devil vine spirit array skill is one of the strongest spirit array skills Lin Feng has learned.

Equivalent to an evolutionary version of "winding".

Of course, it\'s much more powerful than winding.

Twining is just the Yellow terrace spirit array.

The thousand devil vine is the earth level spirit array.

There is a gap.

Difficult to calculate.

"Spirit array! No, the other party will entangle us. Cut off these tentacles quickly.".

As soon as Feitian Shura\'s face changed, he couldn\'t help shouting.

This flying Shura is the strongest person in the yin-yang realm of evil demons and underground demons.

The realm of yin and Yang contains ten Heavenly accomplishments.

One level with elder Wu Chang.

But now, trapped in the battle array, we are also in trouble.

But Feitian Shura has rich experience against the enemy.

Even in the face of crisis.

And very calm.

He sent four men to resist the dense tentacles.

A flying sword flew out.

In the void, vertical and horizontal excitation and shooting.

The power is amazing.

Poof poof!

The sound of tearing came out.

Lin Feng condensed his tentacles in a large array.

Constantly cut off.

But soon, it was reborn again and continued to haunt the past.


Elder Wu Chang is also urging the formation.

The high spirit stone burned wildly.

Powerful energy surged out.

Bless the power of the great array.

The killing array in the ancient man mining area was activated.

It\'s made of a series of horrible murders. It sweeps towards the flying Shura and others.

"Come with me...".

The flying Shura shouted loudly.


I saw Feitian Shura and the other seven experts fight together to resist the attack of the big array.

The attacks of both sides immediately collided with each other.


The earth shakes!

The violent energy afterwave radiated out.

The surrounding mountains and forests were destroyed.

I don\'t know how many people died under the attack of energy afterwaves.

"These guys have tacit cooperation and rich combat experience. We must solve them quickly. Otherwise, once the big array is broken by them, it will be in trouble.".

Elder Wu Chang looked very dignified.


This is the most critical moment.

Or the combination of Lin Feng and Wu Chang, relying on the power of the big array, killed Feitian Shura and others and reversed the war.

Either the flying Shura and others broke the array and killed Lin Feng and elder Wu Chang. On the side of Qingyun sect, the whole army was destroyed.

Lin Feng looked rather gloomy, because he and elder Wu Chang were only two people after all.

Although relying on the large array, it has achieved certain advantages for the time being.

However, it\'s too difficult to kill 12 experts.

It\'s OK to rely on the power of black dragon sword.

But black dragon sword!

But it takes 320 yuan to burn Lin Feng.

Lin Feng can\'t afford to consume it now.

Although he has Zhu Guo!

One Zhu Guo can prolong the life of 500 years.

But Lin Feng has already eaten one.

Any Tiancai Dibao can only play a miraculous effect when it is eaten for the first time.

Like Zhu Guo! Now eating the second one can no longer prolong Lin Feng\'s life.

At best, it can only heal.

Therefore, there is no way to use the black dragon sword.

"By the way, bronze fragments!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and thought of the treasure of bronze fragments.

Although the bronze fragments will drain Lin Feng\'s strength and make Lin Feng "weak".

But now there is no other way.

We have to fight.

Lin Feng said, "elder, I have a treasure. I sacrifice that treasure to attack the flying Shura. As long as I can kill him or seriously hurt him, those evil and earth devil masters will be in chaos. Then we will have a chance to win.".

"And such a baby? Sacrifice it quickly!"

Wu Chang\'s eyes brightened.


Next moment!

The bronze fragments flew out.

Bronze fragments are hidden in dense tentacles.

Avoid the sight of flying Shura.

Then he rushed to the flying Shura.

When Feitian Shura finds out.

It\'s too late.


Flying Shura suddenly changed his look and wanted to avoid.

But no one can escape.


The bronze fragment instantly pierced the chest of flying Shura.

Flying Shura\'s body fell down.

"Boy, are you plotting against us?"

Flying Shura was seriously injured, but he didn\'t die.

He stabilized his body in mid air and looked at Lin Feng with a resentful eye.

The rest of the demon masters and the earth demon masters looked different when they saw that flying Shura was seriously injured.

Just when they panicked.

One tentacle after another entangles the four evil masters who are responsible for resisting the tentacles of the thousand devil vine.


Elder Wu Chang seized the opportunity and urged the formation.

The array unleashes a terrible attack and instantly breaks through four masters in the realm of yin and Yang.

Bang Bang

Four explosions came out in a row.

Four evil spirits in the realm of yin and Yang told the flesh to explode and died miserably on the spot.

There are eight people left.

And flying Shura was seriously injured.

Lin Feng and elder Wu Chang smiled.

They saw the hope of killing these evil masters, told by the underground demon family.

"Hum, you can\'t do such a small thing well. Do you want me to do it myself?".

But just then, a cold hum came out.

Hearing the cold hum, Lin Feng and Wu Chang both flew out like lightning, and their faces were as white as paper.

Endless black fog obscures the sky and the sun.

The existence of power level!

It was the existence of the magic power level!

This is the strong man in the realm of creation!

The monks in the realm of yin and yang are as weak as ants in front of the monks in the realm of creation.

Even if the Yin and Yang realm is ten Heaven, elder Wu Chang.

In front of the strong in the realm of creation, I\'m afraid I can\'t hold up for three rounds.

"My Lord, my subordinates, damn it.".

Eight strong men in the realm of yin and Yang, such as Feitian Shura, quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Each one trembled with fear.


The demon master hidden in the black fog looked indifferent.

A huge lacquered black hand with a round area of 1000 mu condensed and grabbed Lin Feng and Wu Chang.

"The devil can do it. We\'re dead.".

Many Qingyun sect disciples, soldiers and miners looked at the big hand blocking the sky in horror.

Lin Feng and elder Wu Chang are struggling.

But it is difficult to resist the power of a Demon power.

When the big hand came down.

A hundred miles away.

In the bamboo forest.

The old scholar was reading at night in front of the mountain temple.

Confucius said, "learn from time to time, don\'t you say? Isn\'t it fun to have friends from afar? People don\'t know but don\'t get angry, don\'t they also be gentlemen?"

A Confucius said, "it\'s rare for a man to be filial to his younger brother, but it\'s easy to make mistakes; it\'s not easy for him to make trouble. A gentleman\'s business is based on his foundation, and the Tao is born. If he is also filial to his younger brother, it\'s the foundation of benevolence!"

Confucius said, "clever words and expressions are fresh!"

Zengzi said, "I will examine myself three times a day: are you unfaithful to others? Do you make friends but don\'t believe? Do you pass on?"


Ning Xiucai read the Analects of Confucius.

The Bible of Confucianism and Taoism is divided into "four books and five classics".

The four books refer to the Analects of Confucius, Mencius, University and the doctrine of the mean.

The five classics refer to the book of songs, Shangshu, the book of rites, the book of changes and the spring and Autumn Annals.

The four books and five classics are led by the Analects of Confucius.

Because the person who wrote this book is the founder of Confucianism and Taoism.

The "Confucius mound", which is honored as the sage of Confucius by later generations.

Ning Xiucai has studied for more than 70 years.

I have long developed a healthy atmosphere.

I saw a trace of white around his body.

This is the so-called Haoran righteousness.

A scholar can cultivate noble righteousness.


Ning Xiu, who was talking all night, looked up into the distance.

I saw the endless magic fog in the distance.

The terrible magic power is vast.


Ning Xiucai was surprised.

He got up and shouted, "where are the demons? If you dare to go to the ancient barbarian country, people will not retreat quickly.".

Ning Xiucai drank and fell.

I saw in Ning Xiucai\'s body, Haoran righteousness surging out.

A hundred thousand miles of starry sky.

The purple air lasts forever.

This is the noble righteousness of Confucianism and Taoism.

Represents the most just force in the world.

Ning Xiucai shouted loudly.

In Guman mining area.

Countless evil spirits directly exploded and died miserably on the spot.

Even the great power hidden in the black fog, the huge palm condensed from it, was blown to pieces.

He himself was struck by lightning.

Fly backwards.

Spit blood.

"Great Confucianism, how is it possible? Is there any great Confucianism in tianwu mainland?".

The power of the devil\'s way scared the liver and gall.

He grabbed the flying Shura and other people with a big hand and ran crazy towards the distance. He didn\'t dare to stay for a moment.