Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 676

Surrounded by the four yin-yang realm experts.

Among the four masters, there is a Yasha, a white haired Shura, an evil master and a demon master.

Lin Feng was in trouble.

Although his strength has greatly increased.

However, Lin Feng did not break through the realm of yin and Yang after all.

Encounter the siege of the strong in the four yin-yang realms.

Suddenly, there were dangers.

Shi Weizhu and others were pale.

They want to help Lin Feng deal with the four monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

However, their accomplishments are insufficient, and rushing up is just a dead end.

"Protect yourself. Don\'t be scattered by evil spirits and underground demons. Break out quickly. I have my own way out."

Lin Feng shouted to Shi Weizhu and others.

"Younger martial brother, be careful, we will protect ourselves.".

Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and others responded with a pale face.

They don\'t know if they can break through.

But they know that the only thing they can do for Lin Feng now is to let Lin Feng not worry about them.

A group of people were together with evil, evil masters and evil spirits of the underground demon family.

People are dying.

There are also evil ways, evil ways and underground evil families being killed.

Such a large-scale scuffle.

Anyone can die in chaos.

"Boy, worry about yourself first"

The four masters are sneering.

In the light of his eyes, his killing intention was awe inspiring.

The attack of the four masters, one wave stronger than another, killed Lin Feng.

"Crack the sky"!

"The sword means everything!"

Lin Feng drank low and fought with the four masters.

Mining area 4.

There are many evil masters, and the underground demons are coming.

Looking at the dark evil master, the underground demon family, Jin Zhengkai turned pale with fear.

"Damn it, why did these evil masters and underground demons besiege the ancient man mining area?".

How ugly and how ugly Kim Jong Kai looks.

Evil master! Underground demons! in a threatening manner!

Obviously trying to kill everything.

"Break through...".

Jin Zhengkai shouted.

"Elder martial brother, we are completely surrounded. We can\'t escape at all."

A disciple of Qingyun sect said pale.

"Go, catch those miners, let them protect us on the periphery, use them as a shield, and we can attack those evil masters and underground demons inside. Maybe we can escape.".

Jin Zhengkai said.

"Elder martial brother, is this too cruel?".

Some disciples said reluctantly.

If you really follow Kim Jong Kai\'s method.

Those miners will become cannon fodder.

"Let you go, you go. Do you want to die here? If the lives of those humble miners can save us, they will die well.".

Jin Zhengkai shouted coldly.

The disciple wriggled at the corners of his mouth to say something more.

When Jin Zhengkai went up, he kicked the disciple out.

"Do you want to die? Dare to disobey my orders?".

"Please calm down, senior brother. I\'ll go now.".

The disciple bit his teeth and got up quickly.

He came to the place where the miners were held.

To prevent the miners from escaping.

The miners\' rest area will be locked at night.

The disciple cut off the door lock with a sword and entered the cave where the miners rested.

Look at these trembling miners.

The disciple said, "run for your lives.".

With that, the disciple rushed out and fought with the evil devil.


Many miners rushed out.

"Damn it, you dare to let these miners go and don\'t know how to live or die.".

Jin Zhengkai was furious and split out with a flying sword.


The flying sword pierced the disciple\'s chest directly.

The disciple laughed miserably, fell to the ground, and died.

"Elder martial brother, what are you doing?".

Many disciples looked at Jin Zhengkai angrily.

"This man released the miner privately. He\'s rebellious and should be killed.".

Jin Zhengkai said coldly.

But the next moment, Kim felt a sudden pain in his chest.

He looked at his chest in disbelief.

A dagger pierced his chest from behind.

Kim Jong Kai turned his head.

I saw a fierce face.

This is a miner.

Among the miners, some have good strength.

I dare not resist on weekdays.

But now, the mining area is in chaos, and they dare to show their strength.

"I died at the hands of these Dalits"

Jin Zhengkai screamed and was out of breath.

The miner who assassinated Jin Zhengkai carried the Qingyun sect disciple killed by Jin Zhengkai and broke out.

Other Qingyun sect disciples did not attack him.

"You guys, kill me. Even if I\'m afraid of dying here, we won\'t be cowards.".

"Yes, kill, kill one without paying, kill two and earn one".


After the death of Jin Zhengkai, Qingyun sect disciples in mining area 4 broke out unprecedented unity.


They instantly fought with evil masters and underground demons.

Mine one!

Mine two!

Mine three!

The war situation is also extremely tragic.

This is a world war that is almost impossible to reverse.

Regardless of the number of masters!

Number of ordinary friars!

Guman mining area is absolutely inferior!

In this war, it seems inevitable that all the people in the Guman mining area will be wiped out.


A roar came out.

An old man rushed.

"It\'s elder Wu Chang"

Cheers broke out from Qingyun sect.

"Big array, open"!

Elder Wu Chang roared.

He activated the formation in the ancient man mining area.

"At last...". Lin Feng was speechless to elder Wu Chang, an extremely irresponsible elder.

He knew that there was a big array in Guman mining area, but Lin Feng didn\'t know where the array eye was.

Naturally, there is no way to urge.

Fortunately, at the critical moment.

Elder Wu Chang arrived.


Terrible waves swept the world.

Boom, boom!

I saw the earth split.

Then a puppet beast in gold armor rushed out of the earth.

"Golden armor puppet beast".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Golden Armor puppet beast is a very powerful existence among puppet beasts.


Great power!

Thousands of golden armor puppet beasts appear!

Those gold armour puppet beasts, armed with swords, hacked and killed the demon master, the underground demon family.

Suddenly, the pressure on the disciples of Qingyun sect was greatly reduced.

At the same time.

Array patterns intertwined in the void and shrouded the monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

The twelve strong men in the realm of yin and Yang were all shrouded by the big array.

"Elder, let me help you kill these people with a large array."

Lin Feng roared and rose into the sky.

Just been besieged by the four strong yin-yang realms.

It\'s unbearable.

Now we can finally get revenge.

"Are you Lin Feng? Your boy is making a lot of noise in Beihuang city. When you return to zongmen, your boy will be punished.".

Wu Chang said with a strange smile.

Lin Feng was speechless.

The elder is really out of tune.

When is it time to make fun of yourself?

Suddenly thought of Lin Feng\'s words to help himself.

Does this boy know big array?

Wu Chang couldn\'t help asking, "boy, do you know the big array?".

"A little knowledge"

The voice fell, and Lin Feng repeated the exact formula with both hands.

Void condensation array.

Earth level, primary level, advanced spirit array!

"Thousand devil vines!"

Only dense tentacles appeared in the void.

Those tentacles are intertwined.

Like a giant devil vine.

The dense tentacles wound towards the twelve strong men in the realm of yin and Yang trapped by the big array.

"Earth level spirit array!"

Wu Chang was moved.


This boy is just the realm of King Wu!

How could he be a ground level spirit array master?

Want to be a spirit array master!

Soul power, at least, needs to reach the level of creation.

"Has the power of his soul reached the realm of creation?".

Thinking of this, Wu Chang\'s heart was full of horror and incredible expression.