Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 675

In the night, the ancient mining area was shrouded in darkness.

The figures appeared outside the ancient man mining area.

These figures exude an evil and terrible smell.

Feel it carefully.

All of them are evil masters.

There are even demons.

Evil forces.

The demons of the underground world.

Surrounded the ancient mining area.

"Is there really something we\'re looking for under the ancient man mining area?".

"It can\'t be wrong. It\'s buried underground.".

"In that case, the ancient man mining area should have a river of blood. One person can\'t let go.".

Let\'s get ready and do it in an hour.

A gloomy voice rang through the darkness.

On the main road leading to the Guman mining area.

More than a dozen monks rushed here quickly on strange animals.

These friars have a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

Look carefully, there is a disciple of Qingyun sect among these people.

It was on that day that Jin Zhengkai ordered his disciples to deliver the letter.

This group is from the situ family of the ancient man country.

That is, Kim Jong Kai\'s mother\'s family.

This is Kim Jong Kai!

Go and ask for help.

He wants his mother to send an expert to kill Lin Feng.

These people are experts sent by situ family.

Of course, they all hide themselves in black.

When making a move, it is also a silent move.

Erase Lin Feng.

He left quickly.

To avoid trouble.

"My Lord, we are about to reach the ancient man mining area.".

The Qingyun sect disciple said.


The strong man in the yin-yang realm of situ family nodded.

"Jie Jie Jie......"

But at this time, the voice of Yin pity suddenly rang out.

Like the cry of a fierce ghost.

So terrible!

In the mountains and forests, the black fog rolled.

In the dark fog, there are many evil masters and underground demons.

"No, it\'s evil.".

The strong man in the yin-yang realm of situ family suddenly changed his face.

Without thinking, he turned and fled to the distance.

But at this time, a flying Shura appeared.

That is a flying Shura in the realm of yin and Yang.

Killed the strong man of situ family.


The flying Shura instantly tore the body of the strong man in the yin-yang realm of situ family.

"Yin Yang realm high level".

The monk in the yin-yang realm of situ family laughed miserably and fell to the ground and died.

"No one left".

Flying Shura waved.

"Spare your life...".

The disciples of Qingyun sect and the friars of situ family begged in horror.

But soon they were swallowed up by the black fog.

In the room.

Lin Feng sat cross legged.

He looked at 90000 stars.

To enhance your soul power.

For Lin Feng.

Practice is equal to rest.

If you don\'t work ten times harder than others.

What about being strong?

What about rescuing your mother?

"The soul level of the realm of creation is indeed unusual. Even if I don\'t condense magic power, my soul power is strong enough to wander outside the sky".

Lin Feng sacrificed his mind and flew quickly in the mountains and forests.

This is the ability to wander outside the sky.

Generally, monks above the yin-yang realm have such ability.

Ordinary friars don\'t cultivate mana.

The mind surges out to visit heaven and earth.

As soon as the wind blows, the mind disappears.

The soul will be greatly hurt.

However, the monks in the realm of yin and yang can wrap the divine mind with mana.

No matter how strong the wind is.

Can\'t blow away mana.

In this way, you can visit heaven and earth without restraint.

Of course, the places that monks in the realm of yin and yang can visit are also very limited.

You can only visit within a radius of 50 miles.

The strong in the archaic era were even able to wander the starry world outside the region.

Although Lin Feng has no mana protection.

But his soul is too powerful.

When the soul is strong enough.

The wind blows.

Can\'t blow away the mind.

So Lin Feng can also travel outside the sky.

"Eh, this is..."

Suddenly, Lin Feng was surprised.

In the dark, shadows lay dormant.

"The smell of evil, this is an evil master, and there are underground demons? No, the ancient man mining area is surrounded.".

Lin Feng\'s look suddenly changed.

His mind flew back quickly.

"No, it\'s the monk\'s mind! Someone found us, do it.".

A demon master looked gloomy and said.

Lin Feng\'s mind returned to his body. He quickly got up and came outside to wake everyone up.

"What happened?"

Everyone wondered.

"The ancient man mining area is surrounded by evil masters and underground demons. I\'m afraid there are more than a dozen strong people in the realm of yin and Yang. We must evacuate quickly.".

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

"What? The Guman mining area is surrounded?".

Everyone\'s face changed greatly.

But at this time.

The cry of killing shook the sky.

Evil master!

Underground demons!

Has begun to siege the ancient man mining area!

Everyone rushed out.

Then I saw that the black fog filled the world.

There are evil masters everywhere.

Underground demons.

Obviously, the demon master and the underground demon family are fully prepared.

There are too many people.

The whole ancient man mining area.

The siege is packed.

"Whether it\'s Qingyun sect disciples, ancient barbarian soldiers or miners, kill them all and leave none.".

A cold voice came out.


There are many evil masters, and the underground demons are coming.

Now I want to escape quietly.

It\'s too late.

"What happened?".

The remaining mining areas are also in complete chaos.

"It\'s the demon master and the underground demon clan who killed him.".

"Breakthrough, organizational strength breakthrough".

One by one, there were shouts of horror.

Today\'s situation is too dangerous.

The other party came prepared.

Experts are like clouds.

overwhelm with numerical strength.

A sudden sneak attack.

On this side of the mining area, there is insufficient preparation.

The two sides fought together.

It was terrible.

Miners, soldiers and Qingyun sect disciples have been killed.

"Everyone keep up and fight a way".

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

He led Qingyun sect disciples, miners and soldiers in the fifth mining area to attack in one direction.

A large number of evil masters and underground demons were killed.

shed blood like water.

"Boy, die"!

An evil expert in the realm of yin and Yang screamed and came to Lin Feng with a evil knife in his hand.

Cut it out with a knife.

Evil spirits soar into the sky.

A fierce ghost, manifest.

This disease evil Dao is called ghost evil Dao.

It is an extremely terrible evil weapon.

The fierce ghosts shrieked.

This is a soul attack.


Fifth, many people in the mining area hugged their heads and screamed in pain.

They were attacked by the souls of those fierce ghosts.

The evil master smiled sadly.

A terrible knife.

Blatantly shot down.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and shouted coldly, "you\'re dead.".

Crack the sky!

The sword is full of meaning!


The meaning of the sword and the spirit of the sword are one.

The terrible attack swept out in an instant.


This blow directly tore apart the attack of the evil master.

Then he killed the evil master and tore the evil master in half.

"Damn it, Jinshi was killed by the boy. Let\'s go together. We must frustrate the boy.".

Four yin-yang masters came to Lin Feng.