Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 674

"Big dog, stand up.".

Li Mingxi grabs fire Qilin\'s tail and lifts fire Qilin upside down.

Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

He was really worried that fire Qilin would shoot Li Mingxi out with one claw.

This guy is not a good tempered man.

Moreover, as a divine beast.

It has the dignity of a divine beast.

"Mingxi, let him go quickly and be careful that he bites you.".

Lin Feng can only persuade Li Mingxi in this way.

Fire Qilin slapped Lin Feng and said, "boy, how can I talk? I\'m the most loving person in the world".

"Mingxi\'s big brother, Mingxi doesn\'t like you anymore.".

Li Mingxi threw fire Qilin on the ground and stepped on two feet.

"I\'m wrong, spare my life.".

Fire Unicorn wails.

Lin Feng just thinks Huo Qilin is teasing Li Mingxi.

I didn\'t think about anything else.

He picked up Li Mingxi, then looked at Huo Qilin and said, "come with me and help me check Mingxi\'s body. She hasn\'t eaten anything for a few days, but I didn\'t find anything wrong with her body. Take a look.".

Huo Qilin is reluctant.

But I don\'t dare not follow.

He came to Lin Feng\'s room and pretended to check it.

Then he said, "no problem, don\'t worry.".

With a wave of Li Mingxi\'s small hand, a spirit fruit appeared in her hand.

Then he took a bite.

"Big brother, I can eat one of these fruits in a few days.".

Li Mingxi said naively.

Dragon snake fruit.

Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

This is an extremely rare spiritual fruit.

If you take it regularly, your accomplishments will improve by leaps and bounds.

However, it is said that only the top forces among the Taigu forces will take dragon snake fruit as food.

Because it\'s too precious.

I can\'t see it outside.

Li Mingxi has a bracelet on his wrist, which is a storage bracelet.

Things are taken out of here.

Lin Feng is speculating about Li Mingxi\'s identity.

Obviously, it\'s definitely not simple.

I\'m afraid it\'s a descendant of some archaic force?

Although she is only four or five years old now.

Li Mingxi\'s body didn\'t have anything, and Lin Feng was finally relieved.

After Shi Weizhu and others knew that Lin Feng came back, they came to Lin Feng.

"What a lovely little girl, younger martial brother Lin, where did you bring this little sister back?"

Shi Weizhu wants to pick up Li Mingxi.

Li Mingxi\'s eyes were slightly cold.

Shi Weizhu felt his body falling into the abyss.

Dare not come forward again.

Soon she wondered, what just happened?

It was a strange feeling.

One more step forward.

I seem to be doomed.

"I saw this girl Mingxi from the underground world, and I don\'t know which power\'s child she is. For the time being, I let her stay in the mining area until I return to Qingyun sect, and then help her find her relatives.".

Lin Feng said.

Huo Qilin sneaked out.

"Big dog, don\'t run...".

Li Mingxi giggled and chased out.

Fire Kirin is so depressed.

My little ancestor, will you let me go?

I can only pray on the psychological side.

It\'s the divine beast fire Unicorn!

But he was called a big dog!

Even if you want to refute anything!

I dare not refute!

It\'s so oppressive.

"Big dog, get big. I want to ride a horse."

Li Mingxi grabbed fire Qilin\'s tail and said.

Huo Qilin was helpless and his body became much bigger.

Li Mingxi rode on Huo Qilin and shouted, "drive...".

The speed of huoqilin ran away like lightning.

Crazy all day.

Li Mingxi was finally tired and fell asleep holding Lin Feng\'s neck.

Lin Feng puts Li Mingxi on the bed.

Then he plans to ask fire Qilin what is the big deal, and let fire Qilin rush from Qingyun sect.

But what made Lin Feng quite speechless was.

Fire Kirin disappeared.

Lin Feng looked around the mining area and couldn\'t find huoqilin.

"Where has this guy gone?".

Lin Feng was quite speechless.

Half of what he said aroused his curiosity and ran away.

The ancient man mining area is dozens of miles away.

A black shadow flashed past.

It\'s Fire Kirin.

"How did that pervert get out? How did Lin Feng get involved with that pervert? I\'d better run away.".

Huo Qilin ran to the distance with a sad face.

After that, peace gradually returned.

The life of ancient man mining area is spent in cultivation most of the time.

"Young master, I want to leave with my sister for a while. We\'re going to a place. I hope the master can approve it. When things are finished, I\'ll go to find the master.".

Emperor Shixuan said.

Sitting on the bench kicking his legs and eating dragon and snake fruit, Li Mingxi showed a surprised expression in his big black eyes when he saw emperor Shi Xuan.

But it just flashed away.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "the world is difficult and dangerous outside. You and Xiaoyu should be more careful. There are some spiritual stones, magic weapons, and some cultivation skills and secrets in this storage ring. You can take them with you for self-defense."

"Childe Xie".

Emperor Shi Xuan thanked him.

In the evening, Lin Feng decided to tidy up all the storage rings he got.

Killed so many strong people.

Some of the strong\'s storage rings were obtained by Lin Feng.

After finishing, he found more than 200 top-grade spirit stones, which made Lin Feng smile.

The best spirit stone is precious.

Even monks in the realm of yin and yang can hardly accumulate.

Because monks in the realm of yin and Yang also need the best spiritual stone to practice.

It\'s a great luck to get more than 200 top-grade spirit stones.

In addition, there are hundreds of magic weapons at the treasure level, more than 1600 magic weapons at the spirit level, and so on.

These things can be sold at a high price.

Among the storage rings of xuanmo\'s ancestors, Lin Feng found several jade tubes, which were not secret skills, but recorded some things of xuanmo\'s ancestors.

Xuansha, xuanmo, xuanming!

Lin Feng was surprised.

It turned out that there was another senior brother named xuansha and another junior brother named xuanming.

Lin Feng, the ancestor of xuansha, didn\'t know him.

But xuanming\'s ancestor Lin Feng knew him.

At the beginning, xuanming\'s ancestors and others besieged the beast emperor poor Qi.

They all died miserably.

Lin Feng didn\'t think that the xuanming ancestor was the younger martial brother of the xuanmo ancestor.

The days passed day by day.

Lin Feng\'s accomplishments are also steadily improving.

Soon after, Lin Feng has been promoted to the peak of jiuchongtian in the realm of King Wu.

It\'s only one step away from the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm.

Lin Feng plans to precipitate a little.

Then he broke through the realm of King Wu.

These days, Lin Feng found that Li Mingxi\'s mood was obviously not very high.

Lin Feng and Li Mingxi play in the mountains and forests.

Li Mingxi also lost his flexibility in the past.

"What\'s the matter with the little girl? Why aren\'t you happy? Can you tell big brother? Are you homesick?".

Lin Feng rubbed Li Mingxi\'s head and asked.

Li Mingxi said, "big brother, don\'t forget Mingxi.".

"Silly girl, of course, the big brother won\'t forget Mingxi".

Lin Feng wondered why Li Mingxi said these words.

But on the second day, Li Mingxi disappeared.

There is something on the table.

This is a jade pendant.

It says "Li Mingxi".

"Are you gone? Did the little girl\'s elders pick her up?".

Lin Feng frowned and was very reluctant to give up.

No wonder the little girl is not in a high mood these days.

Probably her elders came.

Li Mingxi knew he was leaving, so he was very unhappy.

Although I only got along with Li Mingxi for a month.

But I found out.

The little girl has integrated into her life.

Li Mingxi\'s sudden departure.

Let Lin Feng feel a little sad.