Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 673

"Bury the ninth generation. You really live to this day. I know that when the ancient gods leave, they will choose you to guard the ancient god covenant.".

The little girl\'s voice grew colder.

"No big or small, is that how you talk to the elders of the same family?". Bury the ninth generation, Leng hum.

"Do I have anything to do with you? I have nothing to do with your family for a long time.".

The little girl\'s voice is getting colder and colder.

The surrounding void is collapsing.

She seemed angry.

"Eternal reincarnation, it is difficult to calm the hatred in your heart".

The ninth emperor sighed.

"We work together to get rid of her. If we don\'t get rid of her, it will be a big trouble in the future. Once the eternal reincarnation is completed, it\'s difficult to suppress it.".

Said the old farmer.

There\'s a killer in your eyes.

"Then try!"

The little girl reached out and grabbed it, and the ancient emperor flew into her hand.

"How dare a virtual shadow fight us? Three moves to destroy you, where is your self?".

The old farmer asked coldly.

"If you want me to do it, kill my avatar first.".

The little girl said coldly, without any meaning of concession.

The ninth emperor sighed.

The old farmer looked a little heavy and said, "did the ninth brother choose to withdraw from this war? The Taigu God agreement we guard cannot be violated.".

"Nature cannot be violated, but now, everything is still under control.".

"If there is a war, the killing will be too serious".

Naturally, the old peasants are also clear about this.

He frowned, too.

Bury the ninth way, "hand over the emperor\'s soldiers! Then I will quickly fall back to the divine cliff and will not appear again within a hundred years. We have exposed this matter this time. How about it?".

The little girl snorted.

Very reluctantly.

"Although I don\'t know why you left with that boy, have you ever thought about how many creatures will die in tianwu continent once the guardian of the ancient god makes a war with several monarchs of the dead Jedi? During the war, even you can\'t guarantee that the boy will survive?".

Bury the ninth world.

"How dare you threaten me? If you dare to touch him, do you believe I\'ll kill you?"

The little girl\'s voice was cold to the bone.

The masters of the surrounding restricted areas shivered all over.

They had never seen a monarch show such a terrible intention to kill.

Even the ancient war.

The monarch was not so angry.

Bury the ninth world way, "you don\'t have to worry about what I will do to that boy. In fact, I met him before you met him. I\'m also optimistic about him. He\'s not simple, and his origin is not simple.".

"Oh?" the little girl was surprised.

His mother is... Hehe, maybe you will know later. The ninth burial King smiled, "even if you dead Jedi monarchs know the origin of his mother, they will be surprised.".

The little girl seemed very dissatisfied with what she said about the burial of the ninth world, and couldn\'t help humming Qiong\'s nose.

"Emperor soldier, it doesn\'t belong to you. Leave.".

With a wave of the little girl\'s right hand, the emperor soldiers tore the world and disappeared.

"In a month, I will come back. I will not appear again in a hundred years, and you leave Luoshen cliff quickly.".

The little girl\'s figure faded away.

Finally disappeared.

"Let\'s go...".

Bury the ninth world.

Although the old farmer is not satisfied with this result, he can let the chaotic monarch send the imperial soldiers into space and time.

It can make the chaotic monarch avoid the world for a hundred years.

It has been a good result.

Leave Luoshen cliff.

The old farmer pointed his right hand slightly towards the void.

Suddenly, countless pictures appeared.

Finally, the picture locked a young monk about 20 years old.

Pictures flickered.

Even the scene of Lin Feng being chased and killed by the silver creature in the restricted area.

It also includes the scene of Lin Feng running away with Li Mingxi and fainting to death.

"Who is this boy?".

The old farmer was very surprised.

Chaotic monarch!

That was the existence of the ancient gods in the ancient times.

Absolutely not.

He approached a boy who only had the realm of King Wu for no reason.

Such a monk.

In the eyes of the chaotic monarch, it may be no different from ants.

"Baishi reincarnation, what she experienced is not what we can imagine".

Said the ninth.

The old farmer nodded and said, "it seems that the boy is really not simple. Who do you think his mother is?".

"But I still remember the race with only four or five people.". The ninth emperor took a deep breath and said.

"What? No? How can it be? Isn\'t that race, the ancient times, gone?".

The old farmer shook his head, unbelievable.

"Bury jiuchongtian, kill limitless immortals, modify the order of heaven and earth, forcibly break open the immortal world, open a door for the immortal world, and let other monks from all walks of life soar to the immortal world... It\'s terrible to think about that race, but there are still future generations."

Bury the ninth world.

"It seems that the boy has practiced Taigu dragon and elephant formula. It seems that he really inherited the blood of that race. Otherwise, he won\'t be inherited by his senior brother.".

The old farmer frowned.

"Yes, in those days, your elder martial brother, who had been with that race and broke the immortal world for 3000 years, learned a lot.".

Bury the ninth with some emotion.

"I\'ll see the boy sometime.".

Said the old farmer.

"But don\'t contact him. Our duty is to protect the ancient god covenant. As for many things in the world, it has nothing to do with us.".

Bury the ninth world.

The old farmer nodded and said, "I naturally know this. I just want to see the boy\'s potential.".

"It will make you more surprised that his two blood forces have not awakened.".

Bury the ninth world.

"Two kinds of blood? Yes... Since his mother is that race and father, I\'m afraid she\'s not ordinary.".

The old farmer frowned slightly, and then his face suddenly changed.

"Is he, the man\'s son?".

The ninth burial emperor smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "yes, he is the son of the first boy to enter the immortal world in the mortal world in 100000 years.".

His father had been to me when he left.

The old farmer was silent for a moment and said.

"What did you say?". The ninth emperor was slightly surprised.

Lin Feng came to the earth with Li Mingxi in his arms.

"Is the little girl hungry?".

Lin Feng rubbed Li Mingxi\'s head and asked.

Li Mingxi shook his head.

Lin Feng murmured.

It\'s been a few days. Li Mingxi doesn\'t eat anything. He won\'t have any problems.

When you get back to the mining area, you should check it for the little girl.

But Lin Feng didn\'t know.

All worldly things.

How can you enter the eyes of Li Mingxi?


In the underground world, the terrible things that happened outside the death Jedi naturally spread out quickly.

A hundred miles around.

not even a blade of grass grows.

Countless creatures died miserably.

Even countless monks who went to the death Jedi Luoshen cliff lost their trace.

It even includes the existence of several powerful levels.

This incident has caused an uproar.

Countless forces were shocked.

Many senior leaders of Taigu forces had to gather quickly because of this matter.

Talk privately about what terrible happened to the death Jedi.

And just when tianwu mainland was making a lot of noise because of the death of the Jedi.

Lin Feng returned to Guman mining area with Li Mingxi in his arms.

What Lin Feng didn\'t expect was that Huo Qilin came to Guman mining area from Qingyun sect for some reason.

I haven\'t seen Huo Qilin for some time, and I still miss him.

"Boy, I have something important to tell you.".

Fire Qilin waved his paw and said.

"Big event?". Lin Feng was surprised. It seems that this matter is not simple.

Fire Kirin never aims at nothing.

There must be something really big to find yourself.

"Big dog...". Li Mingxi jumped down and reached for fire Qilin.

Fire Kirin is so angry.

Where do bear children dare to say they are big dogs?

Just shoot it with a claw.

But after seeing the little girl.

Huo Qilin was so scared that he fell to the ground.
