Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 672

Lin Feng felt cool on his face.

Like rain on my face.

He opened his eyes.

Li Mingxi, who was carved with powder and jade, spilled the water in the stream on his face.

"It\'s good to be alive."

Lin Feng smiled and rubbed Li Mingxi\'s cerebellar bag.

"Big brother, are you better?".

Li Mingxi asked innocently.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "big brother will be fine.".

He sat up from the ground.

Then he took out a pill and took it.

Although there are still two Zhu fruits, and there is a ten thousand year elixir.

But Lin Feng didn\'t use these things.

It\'s too valuable.

Just use it at the critical moment.

After refining the power of the healing pill, Lin Feng\'s face returned to blood.

Then he looked into the distance.

Suddenly showed a stunned expression.

From a distance.

At this moment, the originally vibrant dense forest seems to be transformed into a place of death.

Dead flowers and trees are everywhere.

"What\'s going on?".

Lin Feng was stunned.

He has no idea what happened.

"Mingxi, do you know what happened?"

Lin Feng squatted down and asked.

Li Mingxi shook his head and made a sleeping gesture with both hands.

Said he had just fallen asleep.

"It\'s probably related to the death Jedi. It\'s a terrible place.".

Lin Feng muttered and held Li Mingxi in his arms.

Then he rose into the sky and flew away into the distance.


The dead Jedi had no grass for a hundred miles.

The silence here is terrible.

Although the darkness dispersed.

But there is still residual energy.

Filled the air.

Not completely dissipated.

An old figure, carrying a hoe, walked towards the death Jedi step by step.

That is an old man.

Wearing coarse cloth.

With a hat.

Like an old farmer who has just returned home from his work in the field.

But every step the old man takes.

They disappeared from where they were.

The next moment.

It has appeared more than ten miles away.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary person.

The old farmer.

Into the precipice of death Jedi.

The power of time swept.

But he broke it with one foot.

The power of prohibition swept in.

But it\'s hard to hurt him.

This old farmer is really terrible.

Several creatures in the restricted area appeared and killed the old farmer.

Which forbidden creature can\'t kill the existence of power level?

But in mid air, the bodies of the creatures in the restricted area collapsed.

I can\'t get close to the old farmer at all.

This old farmer crosses Jiuchong mountain.

To the depths of the dead Jedi.

"Do you want to die if you intrude into the cultivation place of chaotic monarch?".

The cold voice suddenly came out.

In the abyss.

Endless black fog.

In the black fog, a statue stepped on the earth and the existence of the sky above appeared.

Death Lord.

It was him.

This statue exists in the deepest part of the death Jedi, although it is the most junior.

But the cultivation is no worse than the others.

It\'s against the sky.


The devil of death took his hand and caught the old farmer.

The old farmer hit him with a hoe.


The death demon was smashed and flew out.

The void exploded.

The twisted force of time and space leaked out.

"Who are you?".

The demon of death looked dignified.

At present, the old farmer\'s combat strength.

Too strong.

Their presence at this level can know the strength of their opponents once.

Himself, not his opponent.

"What about the chaotic monarch?".

The old farmer asked.

His voice is very old.

But there is a majesty of monarching the heavens.

"If you want to see our monarch, you must defeat me first.".

Endless black fog poured out of the demon of death.

"Lord of death, you are not his opponent".

An old voice came out.

Then, in the endless abyss, a statue of existence appeared with an ancient magic weapon.

It is a magic weapon that makes the void tremble and the avenue moan.

Shrouded in divine light.

I can\'t see what it looks like.

"Emperor soldier!"

The presence in the depths of the dead Jedi took out the imperial soldiers.

Confront the old peasants.

Obviously, he was extremely afraid of old farmers.

"You\'re not dead yet?".

The old farmer was surprised to see the existence of holding imperial soldiers in the fog.

The statue smiled bitterly and said, "thanks to the grace of the chaotic monarch, I have lived to the present.".

"Chaotic monarch... Is really powerful. Indeed, it deserves to be the first of the nine monarchs in ancient times".

The old farmer sneered, "so, can the chaotic monarch tear up the ancient god agreement?".

"My monarch has been reincarnated for centuries. Now, it\'s the time to play the most. Why don\'t Shennong forgive me?"

Said the mysterious being.

The old farmer sneered and said, "understanding? Unilaterally tearing up the ancient god\'s covenant and thinking that the ancient gods who made the ancient god\'s covenant fell? It\'s ridiculous. If you don\'t punish them, will the other dead Jedi riot? Today, I take the life of the death demon.".


He\'s so strong!

When he took the shot, the sky fell apart, the sun and the moon disappeared, the stars turned upside down, and the world collapsed.

"Do it...".

In the depths of the death Jedi, several figures appeared.

Each breath is terrible.

They urged the ancient imperial soldiers to sweep at the old farmers.


The two sides fought together.

Several powerful beings holding ancient emperors were swept out.

"Why do you want to fight me? You chaotic monarchs didn\'t dare say you could beat me back then.".

The old farmer sneered, smashed the past with a hoe and flew several masters of the restricted area.

"It\'s really worthy of being the junior brother of Taigu Longxiang. Even if it can\'t compare with your senior brother, it\'s terrible enough.".

A forbidden area master sneered, but with a trace of sarcasm in his tone.

The old farmer looked a little heavy. He sneered and said, "do you want to say that I\'m not as good as my senior brother? Have you ever thought about the price if you annoy me?".


The war broke out.

It was a terrible war.

The surrounding void is collapsing.

The whole wild and wild areas were shaking violently.

Countless people were shocked and did not know what terrible thing was going to happen.

"Want to destroy the wasteland and wild land? We don\'t care.".

A cold voice said, "we have never recovered the imperial soldiers, that is, we don\'t want to completely destroy the wasteland and barbarian areas.".

"Threaten me? Believe it or not, I\'ll wipe out Luoshen cliff?".

The old farmer sneered. The light in his hand flashed and a small tripod appeared.

The smell of the small tripod is no less than that of several imperial soldiers who dominate the restricted area.

"Emperor soldier! Shennong tripod!"

Several masters of the restricted area took a deep breath.

"You even brought the imperial soldiers. Now you bring the imperial soldiers, you can indeed kill us, but we will revive the power of the imperial soldiers before we die. Seventy two northern states will be destroyed in an instant. Is this what you, Shennong, want to see?".

The oldest forbidden area master said.

"I am confident that I will destroy you before you destroy the seventy-two northern states.". The old farmer\'s eyes were cold.

The masters of several restricted areas also feel headache.

The old peasants are too powerful for them to compete.

It\'s really tricky for them to deal with it.

At this time, in the endless fog, a chaotic light appeared. In the chaotic light, a petite figure appeared, which seemed to be the appearance of a little girl.

She smiled and said, "Shennong, I have been reincarnated for centuries. You are not my opponent. If you fight, it will be no good for you and me.".

"With me, can I kill you?". The burial of the ninth generation came step by step.