Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 671

"The boy is dying...".

Many people exclaimed.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng will die this time.

After all, Lin Feng has burned Shou yuan three times.

Their own longevity yuan should be almost consumed, right?

Therefore, there is no way to burn Shouyuan against the strong one of the seven heaven in the realm of yin and Yang.

The terrible blow was blatantly shot down.

At this time.

Lin Feng jumped up.

"Shouyuan combustion".

160 years of direct combustion.

More powerful power erupted in the black dragon sword.

"Go to hell".

Lin Feng swept his sword at each other.


Thousands of swords, condensed in an instant.

Force down.


The monk of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang changed his face.

But this man is really powerful.

"Zidao Shenxiao thunder can\'t destroy the body protection skill".

The monk of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang exerted a powerful and powerful secret skill with all his strength.

Around his body.

The power of purple thunder is intertwined.

Dense runes.

Formed a thunder mask.

When Lin Feng\'s blow came.

It was resisted by his condensing mask.

"Hahaha, boy, is this your last blow? I resisted it. I\'ll see how you die later.".

The strong man of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang laughed loudly.

Unspeakable rampancy.

Lin Feng grimly smiled, "it\'s too early to be proud.".

"Shouyuan burning, blessing!".

Lin Feng whispered in his heart.

Fourth strike! It hasn\'t dissipated yet. As long as it hasn\'t dissipated, you can continue to burn Shouyuan blessing.

Lin Feng once again burns a hundred year old yuan to bless the fourth attack.

Suddenly, the power of sword Qi increased greatly.


The hood was torn.

"How is that possible?". The monk of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang roared in disbelief.

The next moment.

His body.

Torn in two.

A high-level monk in Yin and Yang was also killed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng successively urged the black dragon sword to kill four attacks and killed dozens of strong people in Yin and Yang.

However, his longevity has also consumed 400 years.

Fifth attack.

It will cost 320 years.

But obviously.

Lin Feng can\'t urge the fifth attack.


Terrible figures appeared.

That is a powerful existence.

They finally did it.


A great power swept out a blow and blew Lin Feng out.


Lin Feng spits out a mouthful of blood.

His face was pale.

It\'s over.


"I\'m the one who put you in trouble.".

Lin Feng touched Li Mingxi\'s head and sighed.

"Big... Brother... Brother",

Li Mingxi bit his lips and wiped the blood off Lin Feng\'s mouth.

"It\'s all over.".

Several powerful men hiding in the fog tried to kill Lin Feng.

Dangerous moments.

A knife appeared in the sky.

"Magic knife".

A low roar resounded from the sky.

That blade cut down in an instant.

Heaven and earth will be split.

"Magic knife, it\'s nalanjing doing it.".

"Nalanjing, do you think you can save this boy through endless time and space? It\'s ridiculous.".


Several powerful people sneered.

They shot at the knife.


Nalanjing\'s voice resounded through Lin Feng\'s ears.

Lin Feng didn\'t dare to hesitate and ran away crazily with Li Mingxi in his arms.

A dazzling blade drowns the world.

Collide with several powerful people.

Li Mingxi stretched out his head and looked at the direction of Luoshen cliff.

There was a trace of coldness in the original pure black eyes.


The earth shaking sound of collision suddenly surged.

Several great powers collided with the magic knife nalanjing across endless time and space.

They broke the magic knife nalanjing\'s blow.

But Lin Feng has disappeared.

Let the boy run away.

These powers look gloomy.

"Damn it, it\'s all nalanjing. It\'s bad for us.".

"Chase, he can\'t run far.".

These great powers are going to chase Lin Feng.

But at this time, amazing waves came out from the depths of Luoshen cliff.

There seems to be endless anger.

Surging out.

"What is this?". Everyone looked at the depths of Luoshen cliff in horror.

No one knows what happened there?

There should be such a terrible fluctuation.

"Calm the monarch.".

Several trembling voices came out from the depths of Luoshen cliff.

That voice, extremely old.

Like crossing the endless river of time, like living from ancient times to the present.

In the fog.

A pair of cold eyes looked at several figures in the abyss.

"There is no grass in a hundred miles".

A cold voice came out.

The eyes immediately disappeared.


Those who have lived for endless years in the deepest part of the dead Jedi breathe.

Then there was a bitter smile.

"Lord of death, do it.".

An old voice came out.


Then a younger voice came out.

The world that had begun to light up.

Suddenly it becomes dark.

Endless black fog surged from the depths of Luoshen cliff.

"Look, what\'s that?".

Someone pointed to the depths of Luoshen cliff.

"God, the death Jedi has changed. Let\'s go.".

Countless people cried in horror.

Everyone ran frantically to the distance.

The existence of those powerful levels also turned pale and rushed madly to the distance.

Endless darkness enveloped the earth.

"Look, there\'s a figure coming out of the dead Jedi.".

Someone shouted in horror.

Let\'s see.

Sure enough, I saw a vague figure.

His body.

It\'s too big.

He seems to support heaven and earth.

He seemed to come from endless purgatory.

Where he\'s been.

Everything is destroying.

Flowers and trees are drying up.

Life is dying.


A monk who was frantically fleeing looked at his body in horror.

Their bodies turned into powder.

Scattered with the wind.

"The ancient existence of the death penalty area, how dare you break the ancient god\'s covenant and come out of the death Jedi".

Several powerful men shouted in horror.

"What\'s the ancient god\'s covenant? In those days, my monarch signed the ancient god\'s covenant with several other monarchs. Now the ancient gods fall and leave, but my monarch is immortal. You humble ants have angered my monarch and don\'t know how to live or die."

In the dark, the figure like death sneered.

Several great powers wanted to tear the void and escape.

But they soon found their bodies in shock.

It began to crack.


These great powers cried in horror.

The next moment.

Their flesh exploded directly.

Endless darkness enveloped the earth.

No life, can escape.

Lin Feng took Li Mingxi in his arms and fled to the distance. Finally, he lost his support and fell into the mountain forest.

Not far away.

The stream is flowing.

Make a Ding Dong sound.

Li Mingxi got up from the ground and gently shook Lin Feng\'s body.

When endless darkness comes.

The God of death in the dark retreated quickly and dared not approach here.