Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 670

Seven people surrounded Lin Feng.

In addition to Yu Boyun, the ancestor of xuanmo, he Hongxuan, Zhang Shang and Li Kuangxiao.

There are also two new monks of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know them.

But obviously, the two also want to kill Lin Feng.

Around, a lot of people looked, with a murderous intention.

But not immediately.

It\'s ridiculous to come out of the dead Jedi alive.

I\'m afraid it\'s a great chance.

Otherwise, how can you escape alive?

"What\'s the smell? So refreshing?".

A power level existence hidden in the dark slightly sniffed his nose and said in surprise.

Suddenly, his eyes looked at Lin Feng\'s pocket.

Lin Feng quickly included the two Zhu fruits in the storage ring.

"Holy medicine...".

Another great power said.

"Only holy medicine can give off such a taste".

There was a sound of cold breath.

Hot eyes looked at Lin Feng.

"Mingxi, don\'t be afraid. Bury your head in your brother\'s arms and don\'t look at anything.".

Lin Feng took out a long cloth and tied Li Mingxi to himself.

He was worried that he would not be able to take care of her during the war.

"I\'m... Not... Afraid...".

Li Mingxi suddenly laughed.

Naive and lovely.

Her voice is crisp and light.

But Lin Feng felt a little strange.

Li Mingxi seems to have just learned to speak.

But Lin Feng didn\'t think much.

Li Mingxi grabbed Lin Feng\'s clothes with a small hand and looked around with big black eyes.

Then he buried his head in Lin Feng\'s arms.

Xuanmo Laozu and others muttered that Lin Feng was holding a little girl?

But these people didn\'t think much.

The little girl seems very ordinary.

"Boy, it\'s not easy for you to escape from Luoshen cliff.".

Xuanmo\'s ancestor looked at Lin Feng with Yin pity.

"Hahaha... Even if you escape, even if you get a great chance in it, now all this will belong to us."

Yu Boyun said with a sneer.

The monks in the seven yin-yang realms are all murderous.

Lin Feng glanced at the seven and finally fell on the two strange monks.

Lightly said, "who are you?".

"Xianyu gate, Qi Lei".

"Wind blowing cave, Xu Qing".

The two men looked indifferent.

Xianyu gate? Fengyang cave? Where\'s the power? "

Lin Feng murmured.

These people wanted to kill him, not against him.

It\'s just for Lin Feng\'s treasure and secret skill.

Now Lin Feng comes out of the dead Jedi.

This is even more imaginative.

They sneered and didn\'t talk.

Lin Feng glanced at them coldly, "the destruction of your Xianyu gate and Fengyang cave is because of your stupidity.".

"Boy, you dare to talk big when you are dying. Everybody, let\'s kill this boy."

Qi Lei said with a sneer.

"OK, do it.".

The strong of the seven yin-yang realms began to brew attacks.


Soon, a terrible attack was brewing.

The secret skills of the seven strong men came together to form a torrent of attack.

The faces of many yin-yang monks who watched the war suddenly changed.

Such a powerful attack.

How can that boy resist?

Are you going to be killed?

Many people showed a sneer at the corners of their mouths.

When Lin Feng was killed, they robbed Lin Feng of his treasure.

Many people are eyeing Lin Feng\'s baby.

Including the existence of some power levels.

This is the world of practitioners.

Kill for profit.

Too common.

"Black dragon sword......".

Lin Feng holds the sword in both hands.

Holding a black dragon sword.

He burns Shou yuan!

Twenty years old yuan was burned in an instant.

The power of the black dragon sword is inspired.


Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Kill with one sword.


The high sound of dragon singing resounded through the sky.

The black dragon sword sent out a terrible smell of destroying heaven and earth.

The black dragon sword, which cost Lin Feng twenty years of life and yuan.

Its power is really strong enough.


The attack of the seven masters was instantly torn apart.

The dazzling powerful sword swept out.

Such power is really powerful enough to make people tremble.

A tearing sound came out.

Yu Boyun and he Hongxuan were killed instantly.

They couldn\'t resist the blow of the black dragon sword.

The rest retreated wildly.

They sacrificed powerful defensive magic weapons to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.

But the blow was too powerful.

Lin Feng\'s blow came only after burning 20 years of life.

It\'s not what ordinary monks in Yin and yang can resist.

Each magic weapon was torn apart by this blow.

"The boy has a black dragon sword in his hand.".

"What? It\'s this treasure? Doesn\'t it mean it has been destroyed long ago?".

A friar recognized the black dragon sword in Lin Feng\'s hand and immediately exclaimed.


The mysterious devil ancestor and others made a cry of panic.

They ran wild.

But he couldn\'t resist Lin Feng\'s attack.


The sound of tearing came out one after another.

The ancestors of xuanmo, xuanmo, Zhang Shang, Li Kuangxiao, Qi Lei and Xu Qing were also killed successively.

Lin Feng took their storage ring and shot away in the distance.

But soon another monk rushed to kill Lin Feng.

"Boy, stay.".

The cold voice suddenly rang out.

Three monks from the realm of yin and Yang were killed.

"Shouyuan combustion"

Lin Feng drank low in his heart and burned forty years of life.

In exchange for great power.

Kill with one sword.


Three strong men in the realm of yin and Yang were killed instantly.

One more time!

Double the burning life!

But the power of the black dragon sword will double!

"Don\'t be afraid, this boy is burning his own life and urging the black dragon sword. He has only 200 years of life. He has just burned twice. I guess this boy can burn his life once at most, and Shouyuan will be almost lost. Sacrifice magic weapons to attack him and continue to lose his vitality.".

A strong man sneered.


A dozen figures appeared.

A powerful magic weapon flew out.

It came towards Lin Feng.

"Die for me".

Lin Feng smiled grimly.

Eighty years old yuan!

Instant burning!

He got more powerful power!

Kill with one sword.

Black Dragon Sword cuts out a sword that runs through heaven and earth.

Sweep around.

One magic weapon was destroyed in an instant, and then the sword cut at more than a dozen strong men in the realm of yin and Yang.


The faces of those strong in the realm of yin and Yang changed greatly.

Crazy retreat.


However, they were still cut by the sword.

"Boy, presumptuous".

The cold voice suddenly sounded.

A strong man of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang appears.

Clap Lin Feng with one palm.


This monk is too strong.

It is not comparable to ordinary monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

He slapped Lin Feng out for tens of meters.

Lin Feng slammed into a big tree.

The whole tree was broken. He fell to the ground and gasped violently.

"Go to hell, boy.".

The monk of the seven heaven realm of yin and Yang smiled grimly, flew quickly, and slapped Lin Feng.