Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 667

Before the dawn of the world.

The first 72 clusters of fire formed in heaven and earth.

After endless years.

Into 72 kinds of sky fire.

Any kind of sky fire is extremely terrible.

Of course, I want to really show the horror of sky fire.

It\'s not a simple refining fire.

Lin Feng refined the purple flame.

But it is difficult to urge the power of purple flame heart fire.

This is because the purple flame earth core fire has not "awakened".

Skyfire awakening.

Revive the power of sky fire.

Once the sky fire is sacrificed, the power will burn the sky and boil the sea.

How terrible?

Of course, awakening the power of sky fire also needs opportunity.

But it\'s as difficult as heaven.

Lin Feng didn\'t expect that there was a second kind of sky fire here.

"Is the black flame devouring the divine fire?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were full of shocked expressions.

There are 72 kinds of sky fires, strong and weak.

The purple flame earth core fire originally refined by Lin Feng belongs to a relatively weak sky fire.

It ranks 67th among 72 kinds of sky fires.

And the black flame devours the divine fire.

It ranks eighth among the 72 kinds of sky fires.

"I met the black flame devouring the divine fire. Can I refine this flame?".

Lin Feng\'s heart flashed hot.

But now he has refined a kind of sky fire.

I wonder if we can refine the second one?

According to Huo Qilin, if you refine different flames.

There will be great conflict between different flames.

At that time, the greatest possibility is to explode and die.

However, Lin Feng practiced Taigu dragon elephant formula.

So he wanted to try.

If the ancient dragon elephant formula can suppress two kinds of sky fire.

Maybe you can really refine the black flame.

At the beginning, when Lin Feng refined purple flame\'s heart fire, his cultivation broke through three levels in a row.

But the purple flame earth core fire can not be compared with the black flame devouring divine fire.

If the refining black flame devours the divine fire, does it have the opportunity to directly impact the realm of yin and Yang?

Rao is Lin Feng!

I can\'t help getting excited!

"Eh, something\'s wrong. There seems to be something in the fire.".

Soon, Lin Feng found something wrong.

The black flame was suspended in the air, and a golden egg could be seen in the burning flame.

"Divine egg? Black flame devours divine fire, hatching divine egg?".

Lin Feng took a breath.

Isn\'t that amazing?

Black flame devours divine fire!

No. 8 Tianhuo!

Was it placed here to hatch a divine egg?

Is the divine egg the descendant of the God of heaven or the strong emperor?

Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a frightened look.

This cave is too complicated.

"Whoever is the descendant? Since I met him, I definitely didn\'t miss the chance here.".

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

He decided to have a try.

Whether it is the black flame devouring the divine fire, or the divine egg.

It\'s all against the sky.

If you can get it.

It\'s a great opportunity.

He entered the mountainside and walked towards the black flame.

But at this time, a flame suddenly flew out of the black flame and swept towards Lin Feng.

Black flame devours divine fire, which is known as the flame that can devour gods.

It can be seen from this.

How terrible this flame is.

The surrounding void is twisted.

Black flame devours divine fire and wants to destroy Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn\'t dare to hesitate and quickly offered up the purple flame.

He protected himself with purple flame.


Purple flame heart fire and black flame devouring fire collide in the void.

Although the purple flame earth core fire is not comparable to the black flame devouring divine fire.


The origin of the black flame devouring the divine fire is mainly to protect the divine eggs.

The power of fire to attack Lin Feng is just one.

Therefore, in this collision, Lin Feng\'s purple flame heart fire gained an advantage.

"Isn\'t there a fire spirit?".

Lin Feng frowned.

If there is fire spirit, you must give up.

The fire spirit is equivalent to the soul of a monk for the sky fire.

If there is self-consciousness in such a terrible flame as black flame devouring divine fire.

Then Lin Feng will be defeated in this war.

Maybe he may die in the hands of the black flame.

Soon, Lin Feng found his worry superfluous.

Black flame devours divine fire. There is no fire spirit.

Lin Feng didn\'t feel the breath of fire spirit.

This let Lin Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

He now has an advantage.

Is to be able to use their own power to urge the heart fire of purple flame.

It can make the heart fire of purple flame show more powerful power.

But the black flame devours the divine fire, but it can\'t do this.

Lin Feng urged the purple flame earth core fire cage cover to swallow the divine fire to the black flame.

Although this flame is resisting, the power released is very weak.

It\'s trying its best to protect the divine egg.

So I dare not release too much power.

Probably worried about the destruction of the divine egg.

This shocked Lin Feng.

What exactly is this divine egg?

Even the eggs of divine beasts.

Are you qualified to let the black flame devour the divine fire hatch?

To be exact, even the eggs of divine beasts, such as rosefinch, qingluan and so on.

Can\'t bear the temperature of black flame devouring divine fire.

Being wrapped by the black flame will instantly destroy all vitality.

However, there was obviously nothing wrong with the divine egg in front of me.

This shows too many problems.

Lin Feng gradually approached the black flame and ate the divine fire and the divine egg.

The purple flame is trembling.

This is the suppression of sky fire.

High level sky fire will suppress low-level sky fire.

The black flame devours the divine fire and suppresses the heart fire of the purple flame.

This purple flame heart fire wants to drill back into Lin Feng\'s body.

But Lin Feng desperately urged him to sacrifice it.


The purple flame heart fire began to erode, and the black flame devoured the divine fire.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He intended to devour the black flame.

But at this time.

Something terrible happened.

The divine egg was slightly shocked.

A divine light swept out.

Towards Lin Feng\'s oppression.

Then, Lin Feng felt that there was an unimaginable force in the void.

That force rolled over in an instant.

Click, click

Crushed by that terrible force.

Lin Feng\'s flesh.

It began to crack.

"Damn it, this divine egg is attacking me. Do the creatures in the divine egg have their own consciousness?".

Lin Feng was pale.

He runs the ancient dragon elephant formula crazily.

I hope I can break the suppression of the divine light, get out quickly and avoid the attack of the divine light.

However, Lin Feng failed.

He was shocked to find that he couldn\'t move at all.

Just the pressure has made Lin Feng\'s body completely split.

That blow, if it kills you.

Isn\'t it inevitable?

Lin Feng was pale.

But now his mind is separated from his many magic weapons by the order of the death Jedi.

Can\'t activate any magic weapon.

Lin Feng was even desperate.

At this critical moment.

The storage ring on Lin Feng\'s hand fluctuated violently.

Then a black painted egg flew out.

Suspended in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was shocked.

It was the animal egg that he and fire Qilin got from the mysterious space full of undead creatures.

At this moment, the animal egg, emitting endless black fog, submerged the divine egg wrapped by the black flame.

The black fog swallowed the divine light swept by the divine egg in an instant.

Moreover, the black fog seemed to want to forcibly devour the powerful divine egg wrapped by the black flame.