Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 668

"This animal egg is so domineering"!

Lin Feng was full of surprise. He didn\'t expect that the animal eggs he got before would be so powerful.

He once tried to hatch the egg.

But it never succeeded.

Because the more powerful the eggs are.

The harder it is to hatch.

Want to hatch them.

Opportunity is needed.

Lin Feng is waiting for this opportunity.

Now, life and death are in crisis.

Animal eggs appear.

Solved Lin Feng.

Moreover, the animal egg seems to complete the energy supplement before hatching by swallowing the divine egg.

This makes Lin Feng very excited.

This animal egg is too rebellious.

I don\'t know what race it is?

If you can hatch, you are your own pet.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was also excited.

However, the divine egg wrapped by the black flame is not simple.

When the egg wants to devour it.

God\'s egg swept out a light like destroying the sky and the earth.

Bang bang!

The two sides collided fiercely.

Every collision.

The surrounding void was trembling faintly.

Lin Feng was stunned.

Just two eggs.

They can produce such a powerful collision.

I\'m afraid!

Monks in the realm of yin and Yang will also be shocked to death under the energy afterwave of this collision.

Thanks to the protection of animal eggs.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid I\'ll die under this crazy collision.

After hundreds of collisions.

Lin Feng\'s egg finally gained some advantages.

This inspired Lin Feng\'s spirit.

But at this time, something more terrible happened.

Deep in the mountainside.

There is a deep passage.

It\'s dark.

Suddenly, in the depths of the channel, two cold eyes lit up.

When you see those two eyes.

Lin Feng only felt like falling into endless purgatory.


It\'s really terrible.

Lin Feng has also seen monks of the great power level.

But even the monks at the level of great power seem as weak as mole ants in front of the statue in the depths of the cave.

Forbidden creatures!

Lin Feng is creepy.

There are some extremely terrible creatures in such a death penalty area.

But most of these creatures are entrenched in the deepest position.

Now, there is such a terrible creature in this cave.

Is it guarding this divine egg?

Think of it here.

Lin Feng had an endless sense of horror.

What exactly is the origin of this divine egg?

Hatch it with a black flame.

With such a powerful beast guarding.


Lin Feng gritted his teeth and ran the Taigu dragon elephant formula to resist the terrible pressure.

We must leave here quickly.

Even if the black flame devours the divine fire and divine eggs, it will be more attractive.

Must also leave.


The creatures in that cave are terrible.

When the existence of the power level comes, it is estimated that there is only the fate of being killed.

Not to mention Lin Feng today.

Lin Feng\'s egg is obviously psychic.

It also felt the terrible breath in the depths, rolled up the maple forest and flew out.


At this time.

A shrill cry came from the depths.

The creatures in the dark cave rushed out.

Endless flames swept the world.

In the flames.

Lin Feng saw a terrible creature.

That is a nine headed golden aconite.

Blood surged.

The breath from the nine headed golden black almost broke into the void.

"Oh, my God, it\'s actually jiutou Jinwu, the rumored pure blood Jinwu".

Lin Feng only felt his scalp numb.

Jinwu family! According to blood! Divided into many varieties!

Lin Feng had seen Jinwu in the secret land of thunder knife before.

But that\'s just the most common Jinwu.

Perhaps there is a trace of golden and black blood flowing.

But definitely not much.

The most powerful Jinwu family is "pure blood Jinwu".

Jiutou Jinwu.

It is one of pure blood Jinwu.

How strong is pure blood Jinwu?

It is said that pure blood Jinwu in ancient times hunted and killed "gods" for food.

It can be seen from this.

How strong is pure blood Jinwu.

And in front of me is a pure blood golden black.

The pure blood came from Jinwu.

Claw sweep.

A claw light tore the world in an instant.

Then he grabbed it at Lin Feng.

The blow was terrible.

It\'s hard to resist.

Fortunately, Lin Feng\'s egg was strong enough to sweep out endless magic Qi and resist the blow of pure blood Jinwu.

Then roll Lin Feng and fly crazy outside.


Endless fire surged out.

Pure blood Jinwu came quickly.


Lin Feng and the animal egg took the lead in rushing out of the cave.

And pure blood Jinwu didn\'t catch up.

What does it seem to be afraid of? You may have been ordered not to leave the cave, or for other reasons.

When he reached the entrance of the mountain, he screamed twice.

The cold eyes swept Lin Feng and the animal eggs.

Then he retracted into the cave.

The eggs flew back into the storage ring and became silent again.

Lin Feng is standing in the mountains, full of happy expression.

"It\'s just an egg. It\'s not only wrapped by the eighth ranked black flame devouring divine fire, but also guarded by pure blood Jinwu. I\'m afraid it\'s scary. Whatever your origin, when I improve my cultivation, I\'ll come back here, eat the divine egg, kill the pure blood Jinwu as a roast chicken, and refine the black flame devouring divine fire to improve my cultivation.".

Lin Feng glared at the cave not far away.

He continued to walk deep.

Soon after, Lin Feng was attacked again.

This is a silvery white beast.

This is a terrible dead Jedi.

Its body is upright.

It looks like a huge mantis, but it has two heads.

On the left is the head of a mantis.

On the right is the scorpion\'s head.

The eyes are cold.

It came quickly and wanted to devour Lin Feng.

Lin Feng fled towards the depths.


Suddenly, Lin Feng\'s pupils contracted violently.

He saw five or six bodies lying on the ground.

Next to the body, a little girl carved with powder and jade stared at herself with big black eyes.

"Who is this? Also died in the restricted area? Why did you bring in a little girl? Her elders died?".

Lin Feng moved.


A shrill cry came from behind.

The terrible creature has come after him.

Lin Feng looked uncertain. If she ran away, the little girl would die.

He turned and ran towards the little girl, holding the little girl in his arms.


A terrible attack came in an instant and tore Lin Feng\'s body.

Lin Feng was swept out.

Fell to the ground and rolled out more than ten meters away.

He looked pale.

Now I can only smile bitterly.

The injury is too serious.

There is no way to use the magic weapon.

Now I\'m afraid I\'ll die.

The terrible creature jumped up and came to Lin Feng.

At this extremely critical moment, Lin Feng suddenly found himself in touch with the storage ring.

Lin Feng was extremely confused.

Didn\'t the order of Luoshen cliff cut off its connection with the storage ring?

No matter what method they use, they can\'t be connected.

But now I can get in touch again?

It\'s so strange.

But Lin Feng didn\'t have time to think about that. He thought and offered the black dragon sword.

Lin Feng held the black dragon sword when the terrible creature came down.

Lin Feng stabbed him with a sword.


The black dragon sword escapes the breath of terror and is frantically swallowing the flesh and blood spirit of the creatures in the restricted area.

"Open... Open... Seal......".

A low voice came from the black dragon sword.