Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 666


Lin Feng felt that he had been ruthlessly deprived of his fifty year old life.

Lin Feng wants to cry without tears.

I\'m only 200 years old now.

He was taken away for 50 years in an instant.

After a few breaths.

Are you going to become a pile of bones?

The scene in front of us is really too terrible.

"Shrink to an inch".

Lin Feng roared.

At the moment of life and death, he urged the speed to the extreme.

You can\'t fly here.

Because there is a strong prohibition in the air, you may be swept by the prohibition and die miserably.

But shrinking to an inch is enough for Lin Feng to run hundreds of meters in an instant.

He fell into the forest.

Although he escaped fast enough, Lin Feng lost 60 years of life in an instant.


Lin Feng has an impulse to swear.

Blink, 110 years of life will be deprived.

This is nearly two Jiazi Shouyuan.

"The boy is not dead.".

Many monks were surprised.

It\'s too lucky to be shrouded in the power of time and not die.

But even though Lin Feng escaped temporarily.

But so what?

Still few people think Lin Feng can survive.

That\'s a death Jedi.

More than 20 great figures in the realm of yin and Yang and the old patriarch of the eternal God sect fell into them.

Lin Feng is just a little monk in the realm of King Wu. How can he be spared?

It was getting dark.

The Luoshen cliff under the night became terrible.

The cold smell enveloped the whole Luoshen cliff.

Black fog swirled around.

Obscured the view.

The monks outside looking at Luoshen cliff can\'t see what happened in Luoshen cliff.

Lin Feng walked carefully towards the falling God cliff.

He felt vaguely that there seemed to be something terrible peeping at him in the dark.

This cast a shadow over Lin Feng\'s heart.

The creatures who can live in the dead Jedi are extremely terrible.

If there is such a creature.

I\'m afraid I\'ll die.

Lin Feng quickened his pace.

But soon his face changed.

Because he felt a terrible attack coming.

This is an attack hidden in the void.

Lin Feng touched the prohibition here.


He reacted quickly and retreated for the first time.

Lin Feng had seen those yin-yang monks who entered Luoshen cliff die silently before.

It is these invisible prohibitions that sweep the body and die instantly.

Lin Feng couldn\'t have noticed in advance if he wasn\'t a spirit array master.

Then the only thing waiting for him is death.

But now, Lin Feng noticed it in advance.

It saved his life.

His left shoulder was torn out of a deep wound, and blood immediately flowed out.

Lin Feng took a breath.

This forbidden attack is terrible.

Fortunately, I retreated quickly.

If you retreat slowly!

Wouldn\'t this blow cut you in two?

Lin Feng walked in another direction.

Soon after, he felt a terrible smell.

Lin Feng quickly hid himself on a big tree.

A dark shadow appeared silently.

I can\'t see what the shadow is.

But obviously, it was a terrible beast living in the dead Jedi.

The miserable green eyes swept around, as if looking for Lin Feng\'s figure.

At that moment.

Lin Feng even held his breath.

Don\'t move.

Finally, the terrible creature rushed to the distance, blinked and disappeared.


Lin Feng took a breath and finally avoided the disaster.

"Death Jedi, no turning back.".

Lin Feng murmured.

Not many people know this sentence.

Huo Qilin told him.

Death Jedi.

There is no turning back.

Want to get out of the dead Jedi.

Or it was great luck to come out safely.

But this probability is too small to be considered.

The second is to sweep away all obstacles with strong combat power.

The third is to get chance and shelter in the dead Jedi.

Look back hastily.

Will encounter an attack ten times more dangerous than the entry period.

This is the order of the death Jedi.

I don\'t know who made it.

Therefore, it is said that entering the death Jedi is equivalent to a narrow escape.

This statement is completely correct.

Lin Feng continued to walk deep.

When he reached the third peak, Lin Feng suffered a terrible blow.

His chest was pierced by an invisible force.

The blood immediately flowed out.

There are terrible prohibitions around.

Lin Feng dared not move.

A cold sweat suddenly flowed out.

He can feel it.

He can\'t break the surrounding prohibitions.

Anyone who dares to walk around may be in a different place.


Lin Feng coughed violently and turned pale.

He was seriously injured.

But here, he couldn\'t take out anything stored in the storage ring.

The elixir cannot be taken out naturally.

The death Jedi isolated him from all spiritual things.

Like a storage ring, like a magic weapon.

"What a desperate place.".

Lin Feng murmured.

He managed to stop the blood. He felt very tired.

The line of sight is a little blurred.

Tired body.

Extreme mental exhaustion.

Plus injuries.

Lin Feng felt that he was going to fall on the ground.

In the dark, the cold eyes looked.

There are dead Jedi creatures.

Lin Feng smiles bitterly. Are you really going to die here?

He could feel the cold breath and was approaching himself quickly.

The creature of the dead Jedi flew quickly towards his position.

The situation is in crisis.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance.

Although vague.

But Lin Feng could see him.

The creature shrouded in darkness shouted in horror.

Then he ran into the jungle and disappeared.

"Who is he?".

Lin Feng murmured, trying to keep himself awake.

The vague figure walked towards the depths.

A golden path appeared in the dark.

Lin Feng was surprised. He walked along the path towards the deep.

Lin Feng even avoided the terrible prohibition in that area.

He came out of it.

"Elder, who are you? Is it a monk who entered it? Or a brand?".

Lin Feng murmured.

But he couldn\'t catch up.

For he did not support any more and fell to the ground.

When Lin Feng wakes up.

He felt that his physical injury was much better. It should be that the immortal body was repairing his injury.

It\'s just that the attack of the death Jedi is weird.

It is difficult to completely repair the injury.


Lin Feng looked at a cave not far away. He walked inside.

The deeper.

The temperature in the cave became hotter and hotter.

"What\'s in the cave?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He went all the way.

Finally, Lin Feng came to the depths of the cave.

At the deepest point is a mountainside.

In the center of the mountainside.

A black flame twisted.

When he saw the flame, Lin Feng\'s purple flame beat violently.

"Sky fire......".

Lin Feng\'s voice trembled slightly.

Who would have thought?

There is a kind of sky fire hidden in a cave of the death Jedi?