Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 665

Five experts besieged.

Lin Feng encountered an unprecedented crisis.

This is a master of the five yin-yang realms.

Besides, the cultivation of Yu Boyun and he Hongxuan is a little weaker.

The other three.

Master xuanmo! Friar Yu Boyun! He Hongxuan\'s friar!

The strength of these three people is very strong.

Therefore, Lin Feng is really in trouble now.

"Yu Boyun, the ancestor of xuanmo, he Hongxuan, Zhang Shang, Li Kuangxiao, who is that boy? Can he attract the friars of the five yin-yang realms to fight together?".

Some friars were puzzled.

"It\'s him...".

Someone was surprised and seemed to recognize Lin Feng\'s identity.

"Oh? Who\'s that boy?".

Someone asked and felt very curious.

"A disciple of Qingyun sect, the protagonist of Beihuang city"!

Said the friar.

"Is it true about Beihuang city? Isn\'t it spread falsely?".

A monk said in surprise.

"Of course it\'s true. What I saw with my own eyes is that the boy fought with Yu Boyun, and Yu Boyun hasn\'t been able to win him. Now, the boy seems to be stronger than before."

The monk said.

"Before entering the realm of yin and Yang, you can fight invincibly with monks in the realm of yin and Yang? Is this boy so powerful?".

Many monks were shocked.

"What\'s more, it\'s powerful? And it\'s bold. It\'s terrible to drink with the magic knife Na Lanjing all night in front of so many strong people. If it were me, my legs would be too scared to take a step.".

Another monk who had experienced the northern wasteland said with emotion.

"But even though he has extraordinary means, what he is facing now is the siege of five monks in the realm of yin and Yang. There is a great difference in power.".

A monk shook his head and said.

Obviously, he is extremely not optimistic about Lin Feng.

After all, the five masters besieged him.

In any case, this war is also a losing one.

The rest of the monks nodded and agreed.

Such a great disparity of power has not been fought yet. In their view, Lin Feng\'s order to be defeated and killed is doomed.


"Boy, have you ever figured out how to die?".

The dark devil looked at Lin Feng with dark eyes.

The other four strong men also have a dark killing intention in their eyes.

Facing the siege of the five strong men, Lin Feng smiled.

Many people saw Lin Feng\'s light appearance, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

This boy... Don\'t you know how dangerous he is now?

Still laughing?

What was on his mind?

Those friars don\'t understand Lin Feng\'s character.

The more dangerous it is!

Lin Feng became more and more calm!

When danger comes!

Only by keeping a clear mind can we make the most correct response.

Just like now.

Five experts besieged.

Lin Feng knew that he had no hope of winning the war.

I\'m afraid the power of bronze mirrors can\'t be brought into play.

First of all, Lin Feng urged the bronze mirror to suppress the friars at the early stage of the realm of yin and Yang (one, two, three days).

It is more difficult to suppress the middle-level (4567 days) and high-level (890 days) monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

After all, Lin Feng is still only the Ninth Heaven of King Wu\'s realm.

No matter how powerful the magic weapon is, it\'s useless if it can\'t be moved.

It\'s like you let a baby cut people with an axe.

The lethality will not be too great.

Secondly, he Hongxuan\'s martial spirit is strange, isolating the connection between friars and magic weapons.

This will make Lin Feng lose the chance to urge the bronze mirror.

Finally, if the five masters join hands, I\'m afraid the attack will continue.

I won\'t even give myself time to urge the bronze mirror.

Therefore, the situation Lin Feng encountered is indeed quite troublesome.

A little careless.

It is possible to die.

Therefore, in this war, Lin Feng decided to avoid his edge.

He\'s going to break out.

However, the top five have locked Lin Feng.

Even if you can break through.

But the next moment, it will be entangled.

"If you want to get rid of these guys, you can only enter Luoshen cliff"

Lin Feng\'s mouth aroused a dull expression.

I was forced by these people to escape into Luoshen cliff and get rid of their siege.

Lin Feng\'s heart.

Nature kills like the sea.

"This boy is full of tricks. Everybody, let\'s kill him. Don\'t give this boy any chance.".

Seeing that Lin Feng didn\'t speak, xuanmo ancestor immediately guessed Lin Feng\'s idea.

Xuanmo Laozu is the one who knows Lin Feng best among the five masters.

Can guess what Lin Feng thinks.

It\'s not an incredible thing.


The five strong men in the realm of yin and Yang will fight at the same time.

"Dark magic palm".

"Ten thousand swords cut God".

"Spring and autumn sword technique".

"Sun Moon rotation".

"Yuangang wind and thunder burst and cut".

Five masters!

Five powerful secrets!

Each kind of power is terrible.

At the same time, he killed Xiang Linfeng.

Even those who watch the lively yin-yang environment around are surprised.

The joint attack of the five yin-yang strongmen was really terrible.

"Will that boy be directly killed by the strong ones in the five yin-yang realms?".

Many monks exclaimed.

The destructive power caused by the five monks in the realm of yin and Yang is too powerful.

That kind of attack.

It\'s shocking.

It makes people tremble.

In the face of such terrorist attacks.

Want to resist!

Unless it is a very strong existence in the realm of yin and Yang.

Obviously, Lin Feng is not included.

Many people thought Lin Feng was going to be destroyed by this blow.

But at this time.

Lin Feng shot.

Condense the word "out".

Five devouring black holes operate at the same time.

He knew how terrible it was for the five masters to attack together.

Want to compete.

We need to do our best.


Violent fluctuations swept out.

The word "extinction" is condensed.

It emits amazing energy fluctuations.

Flew out in an instant.


Lin Feng is one against five.

The Taoist word "Mie" condensed by him and the powerful secret arts displayed by the five yin-yang realm experts were blasted together,


The energy is surging wildly.

Waves of destructive energy swept out.

The five masters were all shaken out.

And the center of the explosion.

The destructive energy will tear Lin Feng\'s body to pieces.

"Devour the soul, the ultimate form, five devour the soul in one!"

Lin Feng will devour the soul of martial arts and urge it to the peak level.

After the five devouring martial spirits merge into one.

The terrible energy to destroy Lin Feng\'s flesh was swallowed by Lin Feng\'s body.

It\'s just that the energy is too huge to swallow up.

Lin Feng\'s face turned pale when he was shocked.

He dared not hesitate, taking advantage of the five strong ones being shaken back by the energy aftershocks.

Lin Feng rushed directly to landing God cliff.

"What? The boy is not dead?".

Many people exclaimed.

Full of incredible expressions.

That\'s the attack of the five strong Yin and Yang.

He is a friar in the realm of King Wu. How can he resist it?

This is too shocking.

But then, many people exclaimed, "the boy rushed to Luoshen cliff. Isn\'t it certain that he will die?"

Some friars said, "there may be a glimmer of life after entering Luoshen cliff, but if you continue to stay outside, you will die. Those top forces must be very interested in his secrets.".

Many monks were awe inspiring.

Indeed, as the friar said.

A little monk in the realm of King Wu unexpectedly resisted the siege of the five monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

This is terrible!

Obviously, the boy is full of secrets.

And the cultivator world.

Killing is easy.

Because of a baby.

Because it\'s an inheritance.

Even because of some small grudges.

Can be the cause of murder.

Lin Feng has such a secret.

Outside the Luoshen cliff, the strong are like clouds.

Even if he can get rid of the five yin-yang states of monks.

What about the more powerful monks?

Will you let Lin Feng go?

Obviously not.

"Damn it, let him run"

The monks in the five yin-yang realm looked gloomy.

Lin Feng rushed into Luoshen cliff. He felt a terrible force enveloping his whole body.

That\'s the power of time.

He thought of several yin-yang monks who died miserably under the power of time and shenwuzong, the old patriarch of eternal Shenzong.

Feel the madness rush to yourself.

To destroy their own time power.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.