Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 664

"The elder of Shenwu sect used the art of fighting against the sky to make his blood strong and restore his youth, but it also violated the time order. Therefore, the time order in Luoshen cliff wiped out the elder of Shenwu sect".

The great power of the hall of eternal life sighed.

"What a terrible time order.".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of shocked expression.

Although several monks have encountered the power of time before.

But compared with the time force encountered by the old patriarch, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The most dangerous and deadly of the dead Jedi is the "power of time".

Because no one can resist the erosion of time.

In fact, it is as powerful as burying the ninth generation, which is known as burying time.

But he can\'t really resist the erosion of time.

He buried himself in the depths of eternal time.

Where time is still flowing.

So he can live until now.

But if the ninth world is buried, it has been in the outside world.

It also ages rapidly.

Then like Shenwu sect.

Old enough to defy heaven.

Cultivation goes backwards.

Old enough to go back to heaven.

But for the last fight.

However, shenwuzong failed.

"Old ancestor, you died miserably.".

The friars on the other side of the eternal God sect knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

They may have expected such a scene.

We can see that shenwuzong died miserably in Luoshen cliff, and we can\'t help feeling sad.

"Go all the way"

Lin Feng murmured.

He is full of admiration for Shenwu sect.

At the end of life.

He didn\'t choose to escape.

But out of the mountain.

Want to fight a lot of cultivation resources for future generations and the inheritance of the strong in the imperial realm

Even imperial soldiers.

Although it failed!

But it\'s admirable.

The tragic death of shenwuzong touched too many people.

Strong as shenwuzong.

Can\'t go deep into the depths of Luoshen cliff to get the emperor\'s soldiers.

Who else can do it?

The powerful of the top powers are now hesitant.

Many top forces left temporarily and went to a valley not far away. They wanted to talk.

"It seems that these big forces are going to be serious."

Said the friar.

"I heard that the longevity clock in the longevity hall is also an imperial soldier...".

A monk said so.

Immortal Emperor! Chen Changsheng!

An amazing figure.

He founded the hall of eternal life, which has been handed down to this day.

Why can the hall of eternal life hold down the barbarian temple, which is also an ancient force?

It has something to do with the longevity clock.

"Is it really an imperial soldier? Who can confirm this?".

It was questioned.

Some friars said, "it is said that it is not a real imperial soldier, but it is still much worse. In those years, the Immortal Emperor had the opportunity to refine the longevity bell sacrifice into an imperial soldier, but it is said that there was a mistake, which led to the failure.".

Some people think that the longevity bell in the longevity hall is an imperial soldier.

Others think it can\'t be achieved.

Two opinions are debating.

But whether it\'s imperial or not.

The eternal life clock will be extremely terrible.

"In fact, it is widely said in tianwu that a few forces have mastered imperial soldiers, such as the yuan family of the ancient gods, the Ji family of the great Zhou empire of the divine Dynasty, and the Changsheng Hall... With such divine soldiers, they could have swept tianwu, but because there are more than one imperial soldiers, they are afraid of each other, so they have not done anything to unify tianwu.".

There is a monk\'s way.

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "is the Zhou empire so powerful?".

He suddenly thought of Ji Yuhan.

The little princess of the Zhou empire.

Gu Ling is strange and very cute. He experienced life and death with Lin Feng at the beginning, but he never met again after separation.

"The ancestors of the ancient Jiang family were all ministers of the Ji family of the Zhou empire.".

Said the friar.

Lin Feng was shocked.

"In the ancient times, Jiang Shengzu, the ancestor of the yuan family who was deified in zhuquetai, was the first Prime Minister of the Zhou empire."

The friar obviously knew a lot of things and talked about some secrets of these top powers.

"If Changsheng hall asks you to give birth to Changsheng bell, maybe you can really go deep"

"However, it is not easy for Changsheng bell to suppress the luck of zongmen and ask Changsheng hall to invite Changsheng bell out, which involves many division of interests.".

Obviously, these friars are old Jianghu people and know how to deal with the relationship between these big forces.

The world is bustling, all for profit.

These top forces are no exception.

"Boy, it\'s you...".

At this time, the cold voice came from a distance.

There was resentment in the voice.

Lin Feng looked and saw Yu Boyun looking at himself.

"You are quite lucky to escape my pursuit. Are you here to die now?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes showed a killing intention.

Now, he got the bronze mirror.

Moreover, his accomplishments have also broken through the realm of King Wu and the nine heaven.

Combat power soared!

There is also a treasure to use.

Lin Feng believes that he can kill Yu Boyun this time.

He forced Yu Boyun.

I don\'t know what to do.

Yu Boyun sneered.


In the other direction, a terrible smell came out.

Much more powerful than Yu Boyun.

A middle-aged monk appeared.

"The second one with strong Yin and Yang".

Lin Feng frowns, and Yu Boyun obviously finds a helper.

It seems likely that they are also from the Yanlong gang.

Since the Yanlong gang can become one of the major gangs in Beihuang city.

Yu Boyun, a monk in Yin Yang realm, cannot be the only one in the gang.

"Ha ha, it takes no time to find a place to wear iron shoes. Boy, didn\'t you expect to meet us here?".

At this time, the voice of Yin pity came out.

Lin Feng looked.

Black air swept in the distance.

Demon master!

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Who is this?

In the dark air, a one armed friar came out.

He was skinny all over.

Like a fierce ghost.

"Xuanmo Laozu!"

Lin Feng was surprised.

I didn\'t expect it to be this person.

Xuanmo\'s father wanted to train him into the evil spirit of magic treasure, but Lin Feng destroyed his magic treasure.

And xuanmo\'s ancestor was cut off by Lin Feng.

Such deep hatred.

It\'s hard for xuanmo to forget.

I dream of killing Lin Feng.

Just now, when he saw Lin Feng, he even couldn\'t believe his eyes.

Dongjun Shenzhou searched for so long and didn\'t find Lin Feng.

But I saw it here.

Then, the mysterious devil ancestor was a burst of ecstasy.

"Who\'s that boy? He\'s surrounded by the three strong men in the realm of yin and Yang.".

Many people exclaimed.

Just a friar in the realm of King Wu.

It was surrounded by three monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

This is incredible.

"Boy, how did you die today?".

The voice of resentment suddenly came out.

Two figures came.

The speaker, he Hongxuan, was almost killed by Lin Feng in Mochou cave.

Finally, he tried his best to escape.

He Hongxuan obviously met the master of the sect.

He Hongxuan was surrounded by a 30-year-old monk, who was also the realm of yin and Yang. He glanced at Lin Feng coldly.

Master of the five Yin and Yang realms.

Surround Lin Feng.

Seeing this scene, many people were stunned.

They don\'t understand.

Why do so many monks in yin-yang realm surround a monk in King Wu realm.

And look at those monks in the realm of yin and Yang, they look cautious and alert.

Is there any powerful means for the friars in the realm of King Wu?

Make these monks in the realm of yin and Yang feel tricky?

But soon everyone felt that this might be their own illusion.

The realm of King Wu is as weak as an ant in front of the strong in the realm of yin and Yang.

"Surrounded by the five yin-yang masters, this boy will die.".

Many of the monks around looked at Lin Feng as if they were looking at the dead.