Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 663

"What happened to them?"

Many people feel creepy.

This is just entering Luoshen cliff.

But five strong men in the realm of yin and Yang have died one after another.

This is a big man.

On weekdays, the death of a strong man of this level will cause an uproar.

Today, monks of this level die so miserably.

"The power of monks is really too weak in front of the order of heaven and earth.".

Lin Feng murmured.

Luoshen cliff is a death Jedi created by the order of heaven and earth.

Countless secrets are hidden in it.

But I want to explore.

How difficult is this?

The friars gritted their teeth, bypassed the surrounding dangerous area and continued to walk deep.

"No one died again. It seems that not every place in Luoshen cliff is so dangerous."

Lin Feng stared at the monks in the Luoshen cliff. Now they went deep step by step.

Luoshen cliff has seven mountains.

The monks climbed two mountains.

Reached the third mountain.

"Could it be... Could it really go to the depths of the seventh mountain?".

Those powerful people are very excited.

In the deepest place.

Buried the holy emperor.

There is the inheritance of a strong emperor and a strong emperor soldier.

If you can get to that place.

The harvest is immeasurable.



Soon those people were robbed.

Cold light surged in the void.

With a gentle sweep, six or seven strong men were swept out.

And fall.

This is a terrible thing.

Just die like this.

It\'s creepy.

"The prohibition of Luoshen cliff is really strong.".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He felt that the rest of the people were afraid that they could not reach the bottom of the cliff.

Half the way, so many people were lost.

And go deeper and deeper.

It will be more and more dangerous.

"Everybody, let\'s quit.".

A monk said, and fear came into his heart.

Even before entering Luoshen cliff, I was ready to die here.

But I saw the monks around dying one by one.

My heart was also frightened.

No one is not afraid of death.

What is more terrible than death is waiting before death.

Six or seven monks decided to quit and they returned the same way.

But there are a few monks who don\'t want to give up.

Keep going deep.

But it didn\'t take long.

A scream came from the depths.

Choose the monk who continues to go deep into it.

Tragic death.

The others were pale and walked quickly towards the outside of Luoshen cliff.

But something terrible happened to them.

I saw a monk fall.

Not even a scream came out.

He fell into the forest.

Then the body turned into blood mud and integrated into the earth of Luoshen cliff.

"What happened?". Lin Feng murmured.

Things in Luoshen cliff are really terrible.

Even if you haven\'t entered it.

It made him cold all over.

That\'s more than twenty monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

Now, they all fall.

This matter is bound to cause an uproar.

Since the dark turmoil in medieval times.

Then there was no one-time death of more than 20 monks in Yin and Yang realm.

But now.

At Luoshen cliff, more than 20 strong men in the realm of yin and yang are buried.

This is enough to shock anyone.

Many monks looked pale at Luoshen cliff.

Obviously, everything in Luoshen cliff.

It scares them.

Emperor soldier.

The orthodoxy of the Heavenly Emperor.

Is it really that easy to get?

Of course not.

It\'s hard to get it.

"The loss is too great. These top forces can\'t afford such a loss.".

Lin Feng frowned.

"I hope I can use some of my old bones.".

At this time, an old monk from the eternal God sect came out.

He\'s really too old.

Rickets all over.

I can\'t straighten up.

It gives people a feeling of dying wood.

This is a terrible existence.

However, his longevity has come to an end.

"The old patriarch of the eternal God sect".

Someone exclaimed.

Recognized the identity of the old friar.

It\'s scary.

"Shenwu sect".

In the past years, this name once resounded through tianwu continent.

"Didn\'t you say that you were seated three thousand years ago?".

"I should have lived twelve thousand years now?".

There are monks talking.

Lin Feng felt shocked when he heard it.

Twelve thousand years?

oh my god!

Is this longevity too long?

It can be called the existence of the immortality level.

"I didn\'t expect to see the elder Shenwu sect here."

Many powerful men saluted the old patriarch of the eternal God sect.

Even the strong man of great power level is just a junior in front of the old patriarch.

"This is the eternal giant? Shouyuan has reached more than 10000 years".

Lin Feng was shocked. He guessed the level of the cultivation of Shenwu sect.

"Don\'t be polite"

Shenwu sect smiled.

His voice was old and even hoarse.

Now he came out of the mountain to Luoshen cliff.

"Lao Zu, please think again. We really don\'t want Lao Zu to go in.".

The friars of the eternal God sect begged.

The old patriarch knew that his life was limited.

And because the body is too old.

Cultivation has been declining.

Unable to refine.

If cultivation cannot be broken, it will be difficult to break the shackles of heaven and earth.

He can\'t continue his life against the sky.

So Shenwu sect wants to do something for eternal Shenwu sect at the last moment of life.

At this time, the emperor soldiers of Luoshen cliff roared.

The prohibition of Luoshen cliff has also been much weaker than before.

Shenwuzong plans to fight for his broken body and enter Luoshen cliff. If he can take out the emperor\'s soldiers for the eternal Shenzong, it\'s best.

Even if you can\'t take out the imperial soldiers.

Deep in Luoshen cliff, the heavenly Saint emperor was also buried.

There are countless wealth of the holy emperor, inheritance

Shenwu sect hopes to bring these out.

Enough to benefit the eternal God sect.

It has to be said that the elder shenwuzong deserves admiration.

Even if life comes to an end.

All thinking about making the last effort for their own family.

A friar said, "in fact, there are nearly a hundred years of longevity, but this time, shenwuzong is unwilling to wait.".

"I\'ve made up my mind. Don\'t persuade me again.".

Shenwuzong said.

He stepped towards Luoshen cliff.


Shenwu sect came to Luoshen cliff.

He avoided many dangers.

Finally reached the fifth peak.

Many people were shocked. Indeed, they deserve to be the old patriarch of the eternal God sect.

Although old and frail, he also crossed many dangers and came to the fifth peak.

When shenwuzong walked towards the sixth peak, he encountered a crisis.

His flesh began to crack.

He was subjected to unknown and terrible forces.

"Time reversal".

Shenwu sect roared.

His decaying blood suddenly rose into the sky, burning like the sun.

Everyone saw that the old patriarch became young in an instant.

He burned Shouyuan, displayed his supernatural power against the sky, and restored himself to the state of his peak.

Today\'s shenwuzong looks like he is in his thirties. He is very handsome and his combat power can shake the world.

Shenwuzong broke the destruction of his body in that area.

But he just walked out of that terrible area.

More terrible forces came.

Shenwuzong burned centenary yuan to restore his youth, but under the cover of that force, shenwuzong instantly became older.

In an instant, it\'s unique. In an instant, it\'s gone with the wind!

The body of Shenwu sect turned into powder and died with the wind.