Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 662

Lost in the depths of the stars.

Ninth reincarnation, just to meet you again.

Bury the ninth, a name no one wants to mention.

A name as powerful as tianwu.

Now, it\'s incredible that he appears here.

"Bury the ninth, who is he?".

Many people are confused and don\'t understand the origin of this person.

Finally, a monk whispered, "this is a man who has buried time.".

"Buried time?"

People don\'t understand.

What\'s the time?

Time is the evolution of heaven and earth Avenue.

It is the order of heaven.

Who can bury time?

It sounds incredible.

No one knows his origin, only that he will appear every ten thousand years.

A monk said so.

All those who have never heard of the name of the ninth emperor\'s burial are shocked.

Every ten thousand years?

This shows that the ninth burial has appeared more than once.

How many million years has he lived?

Is it a God?

This made Lin Feng crazy.

It is really impossible to involve the smiling monk with some despondency with a "God".

"It\'s said that the ninth emperor of the tomb practiced the skill of burying time. Every time he appeared, the time was very short. Then, he would bury himself again in the depths of eternal time and space, where time would not flow, he would not continue to grow old, and he could live forever.".

A friar told what he had heard.

No one knows how many years the ninth emperor lived.

No one knows how powerful he is.

Fifty thousand years ago, there was an ancient holy land in Zhongzhou to bury the ninth emperor.

A quasi archaic force.

How powerful?

But it was eventually destroyed.

No one knows what happened that night.

The evil name of burying the ninth generation has been handed down so far.

This is a character full of secrets.

"Bury time, endless life".

Lin Feng murmured and felt shocked.

But soon he frowned slightly.

Why do you have a strange feeling.

Is this a curse?

Buried the ninth, cursed?

Lin Feng didn\'t know why he had such a strange idea in his heart.

Just this idea, lingering.

"Dare you ask me, but I buried the ninth elder?".

The strong man in the hall of eternal life asked.

"I come from eternity, I will return to eternity. I bury time, but time can\'t erase me.".

The old friar murmured.

His body gradually dissipated and finally disappeared.

Everything is like a dream.

"Left?". Many people were surprised.

The ninth emperor\'s funeral left like this. He didn\'t want to be the emperor\'s soldier. He didn\'t know why he came here.

"Mysterious and powerful, there is no shortage of strong people in this world.".

Lin Feng murmured.

The burial of the ninth is obviously full of secrets.

Of course, Lin Feng can explore these secrets.

The departure of the ninth burial made many top powers breathe a sigh of relief.

Because in their view, if the ninth emperor is buried, he intends to be an imperial soldier.

Then no one will be able to compete with the burial of the ninth.

This statue is too powerful.

"Since the old man was buried in the ninth century, doesn\'t it mean that his previous remarks are true?".

A monk exclaimed.

It was said before the ninth world was buried.

Imperial soldiers can give full play to 30% of the combat power of those who are strong in the imperial territory.

This is definitely a power that can kill God in seconds.

Today, the identity of burying the ninth world is clear.

And carefully taste the words of burying the ninth.

No one will think the words of burying the ninth world are nonsense.

"Emperor soldiers are so terrible. No wonder these top forces are so crazy.".

Lin Feng murmured, his heart full of shock.

If anyone gets the emperor\'s army, he will not say that the world is invincible.

However, it is not a problem to push three thousand prefectures across the tianwu mainland.


At this time, in the depths of Luoshen cliff.

There are violent fluctuations.


as if it were raining flowers.

golden lotus banana.

The sound curled up.

The immortal spirit soared to the sky.

Endless divine light surged.

The sound of the road is endless.

It\'s like an ancient emperor coming.

"The emperor\'s soldiers roar".

Everyone was shocked.

This is the ringing of emperor soldiers.

Caused visions of heaven and earth.

In the depths of Luoshen cliff, you can see it from a distance.

In the divine light, a mysterious treasure rises and falls.

"Is it an imperial soldier?".

Many monks trembled with excitement.

Even though there are several ancient forces such as Changsheng hall.

Now it is difficult to restrain the excitement in my heart.

"Is that the imperial soldier?".

Lin Feng\'s heart beat wildly.

Just as the emperor soldiers appeared, they caused a vision of heaven and earth.

It\'s terrible.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the baby of rumors.

"Don\'t you say that some ancient forces control imperial soldiers? But most of my rumors are not true"

Lin Feng murmured.

If you can master such a treasure.

Those ancient forces have long swept through 3000 States and unified tianwu continent.

But in fact, as today, the mainland of Wu is very calm.

Although there are demons.

But they are all small-scale.

There is no large-scale fighting and conflict.


Many big forces are excited.

Now there are strong people ready to start.

Enter one of them to find out.

"Luoshen cliff, isn\'t it a near death to enter it?".

Lin Feng shook his head.

This is the place where the holy emperor was buried in the past.

Buried a strong emperor.

Since it is called a death Jedi.

Nature has endless terror!

Most of them are near death.

However, many people are willing to take risks for the sake of emperor soldiers.

Maybe this is the spirit of the cultivator.

Although nine die.

But no regrets.


More than twenty strong men set out. They gathered together and entered Luoshen cliff.

"These top forces finally can\'t bear to do it.".

Many people talk about it.

There are more than twenty top strong men, all of whom are cultivation in the realm of yin and Yang.

It is the power formed by those ancient forces, ancient forces and ancient forces.

This force can be called strong anywhere.

They flew into the falling cliff.

But at this time, something strange happened.

There were two strong men falling down uncontrollably.

When you fall to the ground.

Has turned into white bones.

"What happened?".

Everyone is creepy. It\'s terrible.

The sky falls, just a few breath.

How could it turn into white bones?

"The power of time".

A powerful presence in the hall of eternal life has a gloomy voice.


Enough to destroy everything.

The seemingly long years of cultivators are in front of time.

But a drop of water in the sea.

Not worth mentioning.

Time buried these people.

In the death penalty area, it has the power of the law of time.

Whether it is eternal magic mountain, Jiulong ridge, sun and moon cave, burial Valley, undead mountains, or Luoshen cliff, all death Jedi are shrouded by the prohibition of time.

If you take a wrong step, you will die miserably.

The rest, their faces changed greatly.

They quickly fell into the forest where Luoshen cliff was located and dared not continue flying.

But they just fell.

The bodies of three strong men split like porcelain.


They roared in horror.

But I can\'t stop it.


The next moment, their flesh broke.