Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 661

In front of Luoshen cliff, people gathered.

Many monks came here.

Today, the ancient imperial soldiers inherited by the Heavenly Emperor shake the world.

Nature will attract countless monks.

of course.

Now everyone is still in the wait-and-see stage.

No one rushed into it.


Luoshen cliff is too dangerous.

Even though the power of prohibition has weakened a lot.

But it\'s still a dead Jedi.

Devour human life.

Rush into it.

There is only one way out.

Many great powers have strong ones coming.

"Have you heard that all the strong men in the company commander\'s hall have arrived.".

There are monks talking.

Lin Feng was surprised. Was the longevity hall disturbed?

The Big Mac in the seventy-two northern states.

But it\'s normal to think about it.

Even the hall of eternal life is full of interest in Imperial soldiers.

Even the Taigu forces have few imperial soldiers.

This is beyond the existence of God.

The supreme treasure forged by the strong emperor.

Any one, with a single click, can sink a region.

It can instantly destroy a top force when its power is aroused.

This is the terrible of "emperor soldiers".

"I\'ve heard that these imperial soldiers have divine mansions, and on weekdays, the divine mansions are in a state of deep sleep.".

Said the friar.

"Divine mansion?"

Lin Feng murmured. He was very surprised when he heard this word for the first time.

"What is a divine mansion?".

Said the young friar.

Obviously, like Lin Feng, he doesn\'t know the meaning of the word Shendi.

"God, ignite the divine fire... Can be called God. This is the cultivation of practitioners".

Said an old monk.

Everyone nodded and heard of it.

Practice to the peak of reincarnation.

If you can light the divine fire, you can get rid of the confinement of reincarnation.

Become a God.

If you can be a God.

Longevity can reach 100000 years.

What a long life.

Of course, cultivation will become more powerful.

The old friar continued, "friars can continuously improve their accomplishments, and magic weapons can also be continuously promoted.".

A young friar said, "it\'s like our life magic weapon, which will be promoted continuously with the improvement of the master\'s cultivation, and its power will become more and more powerful".

The old friar nodded and said, "that\'s the truth.".

After a pause, the old friar said, "friars know metaphysics and ignite divine fire, which is called God. Tools and spirits shape the god house and practice in the god house, which is the god house.".

Everyone was pondering the old monk\'s words.

Lin Feng said, "elder, do you mean that the spirit of the magic weapon will shape a shrine to complete the transformation similar to the monk\'s breakthrough from the realm of reincarnation to the realm of God?".

The old friar smiled and said, "that\'s what it means. In the realm of reincarnation, the friar is still a mortal without transcendence. If he ignites the divine fire, he will complete transcendence. He is no longer a mortal, but a real God".

"The same is true of the spirit. If we can shape the god house, the spirit can be transformed into a god house. Even like the monks in the God realm, we can absorb all living thoughts and strengthen ourselves".

"After the transformation, the God residence has a complete consciousness. Even if the master dies, it can continue to cultivate and remain strong. If anyone can wake up the God residence, then the imperial soldier will burst out with the strength of 30% of the strong in the imperial territory".



There was a sound of cold breath.

Many people\'s eyes widened.

Break out 30% of the combat power of the "strong emperor"?

Isn\'t it easy to kill the gods?

A friar said, "elder, are you hearsay? It\'s just a weapon. How can it break out that 30% of the combat power of the strong in the imperial territory? It\'s nonsense.".

The old friar smiled calmly and said, "if you believe, there is something. If you don\'t believe, there is nothing. If you believe or don\'t believe, it depends on one reading.".

The old friar walked towards the distance, sat cross legged on a mountain peak and said no more.

Obviously, many people don\'t believe what the old friar said.

A weapon gives full play to the 30% combat power of the strong in the imperial territory.

Isn\'t it going to be invincible?

Lin Feng touched his chin and was thinking about the old monk\'s words.

He didn\'t know whether the old Friar\'s words were credible.

If Huo Qilin were here, Huo Qilin must know.

The strong are coming one after another.

Even the strong outside the seventy-two northern states came.

"The gods".

This is an extremely ancient force, located in Youyun sixteen prefectures.

Seventy two northern states are surrounded by endless lakes, separated from the rest of the States.

And through the endless lake!

It is the Sixteen States of Youyun.

There are many powerful forces in these sixteen Youyun prefectures.

But the gods are definitely one of the strongest forces.

Because this is an archaic force.

The strong ones of the gods are shrouded in the divine light and can\'t see clearly.

Not far away are the monks in the hall of eternal life. The immortal lights gathered their true faces.


The sound of the dragon\'s chant shook the sky. A thousand meters long Dragon flew in, and many monks sat on it.

Many people looked at the dragon in shock.

The ferocious dragon is just a mount. Who is this?

"Is it not the strong man of the eternal God sect?".

A monk said in surprise, some uncertain.

There are three ancient forces in Youyun sixteen prefectures.

The gods! Eternal God! Tiannv Pavilion!

Now, two of the three archaic forces have come.

"Jie Jie Jie......".

In the distance, fog rises and falls.

A gloomy voice came.

It was a black fog that blocked out the sky and the sun.

Dozens of vague figures were in the black fog.

"Pretty Temple".

Someone exclaimed.

This is another archaic force in 72 northern states.

Of course, the strength is worse than the longevity hall.

But it\'s just relatively speaking, the barbarian temple is a very terrible force.

But this force is both right and evil.

Many evil forces are sheltered by the barbarian temple.

For example, in those years, the major forces in Dongjun Shenzhou joined hands to destroy the "soul eating hall".

Almost succeeded.

Because the temple of barbarian intervened, it led to failure.

Even the strong man in the temple of barbarian came.

There are righteous and powerful people, as well as evil forces.

Now they are eyeing imperial soldiers.

"What are the imperial soldiers left by the Heavenly Emperor?".

Lin Feng touched his chin and couldn\'t help thinking.

A weapon has attracted so many top strongmen.

Is it true what the old friar said?

Emperor soldiers can really give play to 30% of the combat power of the strong in the Empire?

If so, it would be terrible.

"It\'s you..." suddenly, an incredible voice came out of the fog.

He is a strong man in the temple. He seems to have found some great people.

Today, emotions fluctuate violently.

This attracted everyone\'s attention.

The strong ones of the three ancient forces of Changsheng hall, the religions of the gods and the eternal God sect also looked out.

There are many ancient forces, the strong ones of ancient forces.

On a mountain peak, an old friar sat cross legged.

He was dressed in blue.

Very common.

It even looks a little shabby.

In any case, he is a poor old monk and can\'t be associated with the extremely strong.

"It\'s him...".

Lin Feng was shocked.

It\'s the old monk who just chatted with them.

"Who is this person?". Asked the strong one of the gods.

"Bury the ninth generation".

The strong man in the temple said with a slight trembling voice.

"Bury the ninth? Who is this?". Countless monks wondered and had never heard of the name.

When some older monks or senior leaders of the top forces heard the name, everyone showed a deep look of horror.