Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 660

The woman\'s body is full of immortality.

She is like a fairy facing the dust in nine days.

Even now Lin Feng is worried about his safety.

But I can\'t help but want to see what a beautiful face it will be?

"Master Mochou?".

Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

But the fairy like woman never turned around.

"Something\'s wrong. It doesn\'t seem to be human.".

Song Qian whispered.

Lin Feng and Mu Wuxu nodded.

Now they also feel something wrong.

White clothes are as beautiful as snow.

The beauty of the world.

But never looked back.

It\'s a pity for Lin Feng.

Her body is slowly dissipating.

Into a little star like light.

"Is it a brand?".

Lin Feng whispered.

Finally, the little star like light turned into a picture.

In that painting, there is a woman.

Although I can only see her side face.

But even if it\'s just a side face.

It can also be called peerless fairy face.

Just one look.

It will be unforgettable forever.

"Don\'t worry, elder......".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The woman in the painting is the mysterious woman who has just disappeared.

Should she be mo Chou?

"There are words on the picture".

Song Qian said.

The three looked.

But I saw a little poem written on the picture.

Pick Wei, pick Wei, and stop. When you return, don\'t stop.

It\'s the reason why I love my family. Let\'s start living and stop.

Pick Wei, pick Wei, Wei is also soft. When you return, your heart will stop worrying.

Worry is strong, hunger and thirst. My Garrison has not been determined yet, and the MI envoy is hired.

Pick Wei, pick Wei, Wei has just stopped. When you go back, you go back. When you\'re old, you stop at Yang.

The king\'s affairs are not far away. Worry and guilt, I can\'t do it!

Bilwiho? Maintain the beauty of normality. Pilus what? A gentleman\'s car.

Military vehicles drive, four peony industry. How dare you settle down? January 3rd.

Drive the other four trees, four trees. What a gentleman depends on, what a villain surrenders.

Four peony wings are like fish clothes. Don\'t you quit every day? Stop the hole!

I used to go, willows. Today I come to think, it\'s raining and snowing.


Lin Feng three people read this poem, can\'t help but be a little crazy.

They seemed to see a gorgeous woman standing in the mountains and looking into the distance.

Waiting for your lover to return.

"I used to go, willows and willows. Now I think, it\'s raining and snowing.".

This sentence expresses my deep thoughts for my lover.

No way.

No way.

Master Mochou.

But never wait for the lover to come back.

The picture suddenly burned.

Floating in the air.

A hot flame.

Let it ignite.

The flame seems to want to miss thousands of years.

Burn it together.


To ashes.

The three people in the stone chamber did not speak for a long time.

For a long time, Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "cherish what you have in front of you, so that you won\'t leave endless regret and grief.".

Mu Wuxu said, "yes...".

Then he sighed and said, "I don\'t know who that man is. Such a gorgeous woman has waited for him all his life, but he hasn\'t come back.".

There was some resentment in the tone.

It seems that I\'m worried about Mo, elder. I don\'t think it\'s worth it.

Song Xi said, "sure enough, men don\'t have a good thing."

Lin Feng and Mu Wuxu couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

Song Qian at this time is obviously unreasonable.

It\'s no use reasoning with her.

"Look, there is a stone platform over there. It seems that there are three kinds of things.".

Lin Feng pointed to a stone platform deep in the stone chamber.

The three quickly walked past.

There are three things on the stone platform.

The first is a pair of scrolls.

The second one is a small porcelain vase.

The small porcelain vase kept roaring and flashing.

There seems to be a fierce beast sealed inside.

But feel it carefully. It\'s not a fierce beast.

But a drop of powerful beast treasure blood.

I don\'t know the precious blood left by the fierce beast who has died for many years.

The divine power still hasn\'t dispersed.

The third piece is a piece of metal the size of a palm.

There are star like marks on the metal.

It\'s nine sky star iron.

This is the legendary divine iron.

Most suitable for making magic weapons.

"I\'m about to forge a magic weapon. I need precious materials. How about these nine days of Star iron?".

Song Qian said.

Lin Feng and Mu Wuxu nodded. Song Qian was happy and collected the nine stars.

"Brother Lin is going to take away? Scroll? Or fierce beast treasure blood?".

Mu Wuxu asked.

His eyes were fixed on the scroll.

Obviously muwuxu wants the scroll very much.

This scroll may record some powerful secrets.

Lin Feng wanted "fierce beast treasure blood".

Because Lin Feng has practiced several terrible unique skills.

There is no need to practice new secrets in a short time.

And it\'s hard to find the secret technique that can make Lin Feng\'s heart beat.

But the fierce beast treasure blood is different.

Can improve Lin Feng\'s cultivation.

Now Lin Feng\'s most urgent thing is to improve his cultivation and raise his strength to the realm of yin and Yang as soon as possible.

If you don\'t enter the realm of yin and Yang, you are still mole ants after all.

"I want fierce beast treasure blood. What do you think, brother mu?".

Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Feng\'s choice is right in the heart of Mu Wuxu.

Mu Wuxu smiled and said, "I want this scroll.".

Each of the three took the baby.


He searched again in the stone chamber.

But there was no gain.

They left the cave without stopping.

The rest of the monks poured into the main room.

Mu Wuxu said, "I hope brother Lin can forget the unpleasant things in Beihuang city. When he comes back to Beihuang city tomorrow, brother Lin must come to me. With me, the Yanlong gang will never dare to jump in front of brother Lin.".

The meaning of Mu Wuxu\'s words is very obvious. Even if he offends the Yanlong Gang, he should make friends with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hugged his fist and said, "I\'ll visit you then.".

Song Qian smiled and said, "younger martial brother Lin has come to the ancient mining area to experience?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "yes, a one-year trial practice for internal disciples".

Mu Wuxu and song Qian were shocked.

Lin Feng has just become an inner disciple?

It\'s so powerful.

The future

Thinking of this, he strengthened his friendship with Lin Feng.

Song Qian smiled and said, "if I have time in the future, I will visit my younger martial brother in Guman mining area.".

"I\'ll treat you well then.". Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Three separate.

Lin Feng is to quickly find a place to refine the blood of fierce animals.

He hoped that the fierce beast treasure blood could help him complete the breakthrough.

In a cave, Lin Feng sat cross legged.

He took out the porcelain bottle and broke its seal.


A fierce beast rushed out, and the fierce beast turned out to be a demon.

This is an ancient beast.

But now it\'s just blood.

Lin Feng sneered and smashed the evil ward virtual shadow with a fist.


Lin Feng swallowed the blood of the fierce beast.

time lapse.

A day later.

A terrible smell came out of the cave.


Lin Feng broke through, and his breath leaked out.

The whole mountain was blown apart by the leaked energy.