Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 659

The whole huge cave became silent and the needle fell.

The frightened and pale eyes looked at Lin Feng.

How is that possible?

How is this possible?

This is absolutely impossible!

Such thoughts twinkle in everyone\'s heart.

It seems that it is difficult to have other ideas besides these.

Because everyone was deeply shocked.

It was originally thought that Lin Feng could suppress he Hongxuan entirely because he had two powerful treasures.

Now two treasures can\'t be used.

Is this going to be terrible?

But what happened?

But he Hongxuan was defeated!

Overwhelming advantage to defeat he Hongxuan.

Song Ximei\'s eyes widened, full of incredible expressions.

"What kind of monster is this guy?".

She stared at Lin Feng closely.

Immediately, song Qian looked at Mu Wuxu and said, "do you know him?".

"Didn\'t you say anything about Beihuang city?".

Mu Wuxu smiled bitterly.

"He\'s the one who\'s making a lot of noise...".

Song Qian was surprised.

Although the news of Beihuang city has been blocked.

But some big powers or some strong ones still have sources of information.

Song Qian is a strong person in the realm of yin and Yang.

It\'s not surprising to get such news.

Mu Wuxu nodded and said, "that\'s right!"

Song Qian felt an indescribable shock in her heart.

She didn\'t care when she heard about Beihuang city.

Because the most on tianwu continent is all kinds of "genius Legends".

For example, the dragon who fought Yin and Yang in the deep-sea lake for three days and three nights left.

Another example is that when a genius is only 15 years old, he can fight invincibly with the strong in the realm of yin and Yang.

Such news.

It\'s too much.

But if you really want to investigate, you will find out.

These legends are mostly fabricated.

Many people compile such legends for fame.

Originally, song Qian thought that the matter of Beihuang city also belonged to the fabrication of such nonsense.

But now I know that everything is true.

Mu Wuxu, the witness of the northern wasteland City, was on the side.

The protagonist of the northern wasteland City incident fought half to death with his own strength here.

Mu Wuxu said, "although this great talent is good, he is wasting his talent. He doesn\'t practice hard and can break through. It\'s also the accumulation of countless cultivation resources. He just didn\'t expect that his combat power would be so bad."

Song Xi said, "how strong do you expect a guy like he Hongxuan who is above the top and arrogant?".

Mu Wuxu nodded.

It is indeed the same as what he Hongxuan said.

Many guys who look arrogant and arrogant on weekdays may not be very powerful.

The really powerful are those who are more low-key.

Obviously, he Hongxuan belongs to the first kind of people.

Moreover, once the realm of yin and Yang is broken, there will be a huge gap in the combat power of monks.

Such as the same Yin and Yang realm, a heavy heaven.

Friars who understand "spirit" can kill friars who do not understand.

To understand the yin-yang realm of "spirit", friars of the first heaven can even compete with those friars of the second and third heaven realm of Yin-Yang without understanding "spirit".

To understand the yin-yang realm of "potential" is a monk of heaven.

There is a heavy celestial friar who can easily defeat and understand the yin-yang realm of "spirit".

If you understand "spirit" and "potential" at the same time.

That\'s even more terrible.

Therefore, there is a big gap in cultivation in this realm.

Although Lin Feng did not break through the realm of yin and Yang, he was a monk who understood "spirit" and "potential" at the same time.

It is rare.

"How can you be so strong?".

He Hongxuan got up from the ground and looked at Lin Feng with a frightened face.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and stepped forward. He wanted to kill he Hongxuan.

"Boy, you can\'t kill me"

He Hongxuan roared, "the incarnation of Kendo".

He Hongxuan\'s roar made him soar into the air.


The sword is powerful!

He Hongxuan disappeared.

Instead, there was a dense sword spirit.

He Hongxuan turned into sword Qi one after another!

Then, the dense sword Qi rushed out.


Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He showed "split heaven" to kill those sword Qi.


The sword Qi was torn.

But dozens of sword Qi escaped.

There are so many sword Qi that they can\'t be destroyed at all.

"This is the means of running for life in Shenjian mountain villa. It will hurt the source. You can kill him unless you are a strong man of power level. Otherwise, it\'s as difficult as heaven to kill him completely.".

Mu Wuxu said.

Song Qian smiled and said, "I\'ve heard the name of younger martial brother Lin for a long time. When I see it today, it\'s even stronger than what\'s said.".

The ancient barbarian kingdom is attached to the Qingyun sect.

Although song Qian is not a disciple of Qingyun sect, she also went to Qingyun sect to practice in the past years.

It is reasonable to call Lin Feng "younger martial brother".

"Elder martial sister song, you\'re welcome.".

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

"Brother Lin, it seems that we need the joint efforts of the three of us to open the door of the main stone chamber.".

Mu Wuxu said.

Lin Feng secretly said that the world of cultivators is indeed a world respected by the strong.

Beat he Hongxuan half to death.

The monks around looked in awe at themselves.

And Mu Wuxu, song Qian, such a proud son of heaven, and the goddess of heaven also took the initiative to talk.


It is the foundation based on the cultivator\'s world.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "let\'s try and see if we can open the stone gate.".


Song Qian also nodded slightly.

The three came to the stone gate.


Lin Feng, song Qian, Mu Wuxu exert force at the same time.

Boom! Boom!

This time.

The stone gate of the main room was shaken.

"The three masters work together and will be pushed away.".

"Unfortunately, it\'s not with us"

A monk sighed.

These ordinary monks naturally dare not compete with Lin Feng, song Qian and Mu Wuxu for the treasure in the stone room.

The stone gate is really too heavy.

Rao is Lin Feng. They also spent great effort to shake the stone gate.

The heavy stone gate was gradually pushed open by the three men.

They didn\'t push the stone gate completely, and there was no need. They only pushed away one body position.

Enough to get into it.

Lin Feng three people successively entered the stone chamber.

The stone chamber covers a large area.

When they came in, they were stunned.

As dull as a chicken.

Because in the stone chamber, a woman in white as snow turned her back to them.

The graceful body.

That enchanting figure.

Vaguely, you can see white skin like snow.

Lin Feng, song Qian and Mu Wuxu all looked at each other.

They all saw a look of horror in each other\'s eyes.

How many years ago?

There\'s a woman in here?

Can\'t it be mo Chou?

If it is the "Mo Chou".

If she lives to this day.

So many people broke into her cave.

Disturb her practice.

I\'m afraid everyone will die.

Lin Feng, song Qian and Mu Wuxu\'s faces were also dignified as never before.