Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 658

"The power of this bronze mirror is too strong?".

"It\'s really a baby against the sky.".

"He Hongxuan couldn\'t resist the power of the bronze mirror.".

The voices of discussion came out one after another.

Many people looked at the bronze mirror in Lin Feng\'s hand.

This baby is really too terrible.

I don\'t know how many people have hot eyes and greed.

But I want the power of bronze mirrors.

Many people\'s inner desires are suppressed.

Even experts like he Hongxuan can\'t resist the power of bronze mirrors.

Not to mention them?

Is it not death to go up and rob?

"Boy, I want your life.".

He Hongxuan\'s handsome face was twisted. Where had he suffered such humiliation?

In my heart, my killing intention is rolling.

Now he just wants to break Lin Feng into pieces.

pay off old scores.

"I\'ve already said, what about Yin and Yang? The guy who sits on the well and watches the sky is a little self-cultivation. He doesn\'t know his ancestral surname.".

Lin Feng tilted his mouth and teased.

He Hongxuan was almost mad.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

If eyes can kill.

Lin Feng has been cut thousands of times by he Hongxuan\'s eyes. I don\'t know how many times.

"I will let you know the sad end of offending me.".

He Hongxuan gave a long roar.

I saw a flash of cold light in my hand, and a sword flew out.

This sword is painted with wind, thunder, rain and snow.

These four patterns represent the four seasons of "spring, summer, autumn and winter".

This sword is called "four seasons sword".

It is forged from a kind of deep-sea cold stone.

It is a rare treasure.

"Ten thousand sword Divine cutting skill"

When he Hongxuan came up, he showed his powerful swordsmanship.

The dense sword Qi intertwined in all directions and completely surrounded Lin Feng.

He Hongxuan is indeed a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

The power of this move "ten thousand swords cutting God" is really the most powerful.

The sword Qi of vertical and horizontal excitation sweeps into the void.

That terrible power is creepy.

Many people feel the powerful power of ten thousand sword Divine cutting, and their faces are very pale.

"The swordsmanship of Shenjian mountain villa is really exquisite".

"There are 999 sword Qi in total! He Hongxuan is really a genius. He has understood the divine cutting skill of ten thousand swords to the extent of 999 sword Qi."

"Now the boy is dangerous. There is a lot of sword Qi around him. Even though the bronze mirror has amazing power, it can\'t break all the sword Qi.".

Many people talked about it.

The power of he Hongxuan\'s move of cutting gods with ten thousand swords is really too terrible.

In the eyes of many people, Lin Feng must be doomed.

After all, Lin Feng is just the realm of King Wu.

Their own strength is not enough to challenge he Hongxuan.

Only friars of the same level can resist the attack of he Hongxuan.

As for Lin Feng, there is only a dead end.

"Heaven swallowing pot"

Just when the dense sword Qi came.

Lin Feng waved his left hand.

The sky swallowing jar flew out.

"Is this also a magic weapon?".

"What shit?".

Many people rolled their eyes.

But at this time, Lin Feng will activate the sky swallowing can.

The power of phagocytosis surged out.

The dense sword Qi was swallowed directly.

And the bronze mirror sweeps out a cyan light.

He Hongxuan was swept out again.


He Hongxuan spewed a mouthful of blood.

His face grew paler and uglier.

"The broken jar swallowed the sword Qi of he Hongxuan.".

Many people were surprised.

All stared at Lin Feng\'s two treasures.

"Boy, if you don\'t have these two treasures, I\'ll kill you like crushing an ant.".

He Hongxuan roared.

Lin Feng looked at he Hongxuan with an idiot\'s eyes and said, "brain... Cripple, is it useful to say these? I don\'t care to fight with you. The magic weapon can hang you".

Many people twitch at the corners of their mouths.

Because such a battle is so oppressive.

Obviously, strength is dominant.

But what\'s the use of strength?

In the world of practitioners, there are too many factors that can determine the victory of battle.

For example, magic weapons

Lin Feng uses two powerful magic weapons.

An attack.

A devouring attack.

Two by two.

Hang him Hongxuan.

"Boy, don\'t be complacent too early. I have my own way to deal with you.".

He Hongxuan\'s face was full of gloomy expression.


I saw the brilliant light in the elixir field.

Wu soul!

Obviously, he Hongxuan is going to urge his martial spirit.

"The unique skill of pressing the bottom of the box is coming out. I don\'t know what he Hongxuan\'s martial spirit is?".

"He Hongxuan can break through the realm of yin and Yang, which must be very difficult.".

Many monks around looked at he Hongxuan.

A strange energy emanated from his body.

Soon, the energy enveloped the whole stone chamber.

When that energy enveloped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that the connection between himself and the bronze mirror and the sky swallowing jar became very weak.

"What is this?".

Lin Feng was very surprised.

"Hahaha, boy, this is my martial soul, isolate the martial soul! It can isolate the induction between any object. Now, I have isolated you from the two magic weapons with the isolated martial soul, and you can\'t urge the two magic weapons.".

He Hongxuan laughed proudly.

Lin Feng was very surprised and said, "this martial spirit is really strange."

"Boy, especially I, it\'s time to end.".

He Hongxuan jumped out with a sword in his hand.

"I can\'t use magic weapons. Is that boy dead now?".

Many people exclaimed.

In the eyes of these onlookers.

Lin Feng\'s dependence is nothing more than two magic weapons.

But now Lin Feng can\'t even use magic weapons.

Death is certain.

"I\'m going to lose. I\'m afraid I\'ll be cut by he Hongxuan.".

Song Qian shook her head slightly.

"That\'s not necessarily.".

Mu Wuxu stared at Lin Feng tightly.

Song Qian looked at Mu Wuxu in surprise and said, "brother Mu is so optimistic about him? This guy is only the realm of King Wu after all.".

"He is the strongest martial King I have seen in so many years.".

Mu Wuxu murmured.

The scene of fighting Yu Boyun at the top of the northern wasteland City emerged in my mind.

Mu Wuxu can naturally feel it.

Compared with the northern wasteland war.

Lin Feng is stronger.

"Another breakthrough?".

Mu Wuxu narrowed his eyes and his eyes were sharp.

Song Qian was very surprised.

I don\'t know why Mu Wuxu is so optimistic about Lin Feng.

Her beautiful eyes also stared at Lin Feng.

At this time, Song Xi saw it.

Facing the attack of he Hongxuan.

Lin Feng put away the magic weapon that couldn\'t be moved for the time being.

He stretched out his left hand.

Above the left hand.

A bright blade is condensed.

He stretched out his right hand.

Above the right hand.

A terrible sword Qi also condensed in an instant.

Dao mang!

Sword spirit!

"Sword merge"

Lin Feng whispered.


With that terrible smell, everyone saw it.

A huge blade and sword Qi blend together in the void.

Kill he Hongxuan in an instant.


The two sides blasted together.

He Hongxuan was thrown out like a lightning strike.

His body was torn by sword Qi and knife awn.


He became a blood man in an instant.

It\'s very sad.