Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 655

"Do it...".

Many monks shouted.

Don\'t stop, move quickly.

Boom, boom!

Then, all kinds of powerful attacks broke out suddenly.

Towards these fierce beasts.

That power is really shocking.

With so many monks united, the attack is naturally powerful.

Three monsters roared.

They are also strong enough to resist the attack.

"Kill this demon with me.".

A friar stepped forward.

"Wood without thread".

Someone was surprised and recognized the friar.

He looked around the age of twenty-eight, and his body exuded an amazing momentum.

This man is not simple.

This man is the son of the leader of Beihuang city.

Even if dozens of monks unite, they follow Mu Wuxu to kill python.

"Yin and Yang cultivation".

Lin Feng touched his chin and looked at Mu Wuxu. He was really terrible.

"Everybody, let me behead the Yasha puppet.".

Another man stepped out.

This is a woman, a long snow-white dress sets her off like a nine day fairy.

lily-white skin.

Is that such a woman?

Her skin is snow-white, her body is tall and charming, and a pair of long legs make her look so attractive against the background of the long skirt.

That\'s a beautiful face.

But this face is a cold look.

High cold goddess fan.

This is also a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

"Song Qian".

Many people were surprised.

Song Qian, this is the eldest princess of the ancient barbarian kingdom.

Lin Feng touched his chin.

The ancient barbarian kingdom is a force attached to the Qingyun sect.

It is different from the white eyed wolf of Qingyang sect.

Although the ancient man state is very powerful, it still has a close relationship with Qingyun sect.

Lin Feng heard that Gu man had several strong men in the realm of yin and Yang.

I never thought that the great princess of ancient man country was such a powerful person.

This surprised Lin Feng.

Many people followed song Qian and attacked the Yasha puppet.

"Bronze represents power.

Many bronzes have the power to destroy heaven and earth.

Such as the bronze fragments obtained by Lin Feng.

According to Huo Qilin, it once reached the "holy emperor level".

This is the magic weapon of the supreme level.

And now, bronze has long been difficult to find.

Even though some bronzes have been handed down, they are also collected by top forces to suppress zongmen\'s luck.

Today, the mirror is made of bronze.

This surprised Lin Feng.

"Can\'t it be bronze?" Lin Feng muttered.

Bronze has long been a material that could not be found in the bronze age.

Obviously, this bronze mirror has a long history.

Lin Feng takes the bronze mirror in his hand and inputs energy into it.


The bronze mirror sent out amazing fluctuations.

"What a treasure".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Many monks were disturbed, and more than a dozen monks came.

Their eyes looked at the bronze mirror in Lin Feng\'s hand, full of greed.

A monk looked at Lin Feng indifferently, "boy, hand over the bronze mirror and let you live.".