Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 656

These monks\' eyes were cold and their faces were cold. They were all expressions that were inevitable.


Many monks stared at the treasure in Lin Feng\'s hand. They felt shocked and their eyes were hot.

Some top-level bronzes are comparable to the emperor\'s soldiers.

It\'s just a little worse than the imperial soldiers in the rumors.

Even the weakest bronze.

Its power, I\'m afraid, will not be worse than "Taoist soldiers".

This is definitely an amazing treasure.

"The person who made the move is nangongtai. These people are experts of wanfazong. Let\'s see. We can\'t compete with them.".

A monk said so.

The companion who originally wanted to make a move could only sigh.

Wan fazong is one of the four major forces in the wasteland.


Ordinary people who dare to offend wanfazong?


"Now get out and spare you.".

Lin Feng glanced coldly at wanfazong.

He has always been a strong man. How can he be afraid of being threatened?

The friars of wanfazong saw that Lin Feng dared to let them go.

These people suddenly turned blue.

In their opinion, they can\'t afford to offend except the three monks in the realm of yin and Yang.

Who can\'t afford to offend the friars entering Mochou cave?

After all, they are numerous and have many experts.

"Boy, you don\'t want to live?"

A monk of wanfazong sneered and stepped out.

This is a master of jiuchongtian in the realm of King Wu.

"Now kneel down and kowtow, we can spare you from dying. If you don\'t appreciate it, you will have a taste of life rather than death.".

The monk of the ten thousand Dharma sect said sadly.

The rest of the ten thousand Dharma monks also looked like watching a good play.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "as one of the four major sects in the wasteland, the disciples trained by Wanfa sect are like you? A group of people gather together to do good things and do bad things?".

"What a sharp mouthed boy. I won\'t tear down your bones.".

The monk of the ten thousand Dharma sect in the nine heaven of the king of Wu suddenly sank.


Jump out.

He blew his palm at Lin Feng.

"I don\'t know what to do.".

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Although these people have many experts.

But for him, it\'s just a bunch of clowns.

Lin Feng coldly swept his palm and blasted at his ten thousand Dharma friar.

He was going to try the power of bronze mirrors with this man.

Pure energy poured into the bronze mirror.


The bronze mirror shone a cyan light.

Shrouded the ten thousand Dharma friar.

The next moment.

There was a loud bang.

The scream never came out.

The body of the disciple of the ten thousand Dharma sect was directly exploded.

Into a blood mist.

Died on the spot!

Seeing this scene, everyone showed a shocked expression.


Then, the sound of backward breathing came out.

That\'s a master of jiuchongtian in the realm of King Wu.

After being removed by the bronze mirror, it will turn into blood mist in an instant.

Is that bronze mirror too powerful?

"What a powerful bronze mirror".

"It\'s worthy of being a bronze ware. It\'s really a peerless treasure.".

Many people\'s eyes were fixed on the bronze mirror in Lin Feng\'s hand.

Everyone\'s eyes are very hot.

This is definitely a top treasure.

"Come together and kill the boy.".

Nangong Tai, the leading friar of wanfazong, shouted in a low voice.

One of them was shot by Lin Feng with a bronze mirror.

The people of wanfazong not only have no fear.

Looking at the bronze mirror, his eyes became more and more hot.

Because of that blow.

The power of bronze mirrors has been proved.

Beheaded Lin Feng.

Grab the bronze mirror.

This is an opportunity against the sky.


A cold light flickered.

These disciples of wanfazong sacrificed their magic weapons one after another.

Flying sword, mountain and river seal, Xuan heavy ruler, jade Tomahawk... Etc.

All kinds of magic weapons.

Flashing with amazing fluctuations.

More than a dozen magic weapons all came towards Lin Feng.

Facing the attack of the disciples of wanfazong.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He still just urged the bronze mirror to resist the attack of these people.

The bronze mirror took a slight look.

Bang Bang

Pieces of magic weapons began to crack.

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a dozen powerful magic weapons were directly broken.

"Is this bronze mirror too powerful?".

Many people were shocked.

It\'s unbelievable.

The power of bronze mirrors is a little outrageous.

"What a good baby"

Lin Feng couldn\'t put it down.

He has some great treasures now.

First of all, magic bead, this baby is not only powerful, but also very strange, but Lin Feng can\'t move it.

Xuanming magic book, like magic beads, is too weird for Lin Feng to urge.

The holy emperor stone is now in a silent state and cannot be moved.

Black dragon sword! Sealed sword! It takes blood essence to urge.

It does great harm to the body.

Bronze fragments.

Urge once, and the strength of the body will be swallowed up in an instant.

Side effects are too great.

Urge the bronze fragments to kill the enemy. If they can\'t kill each other, they will die.

Swallow the sky can.

Now it belongs to a broken state.

Can devour all kinds of magic weapons.

There is also a certain power of imprisonment.

But there is no way to kill the enemy.

Therefore, Lin Feng seems to have a lot of babies.

But in fact.

There are few things that can be used.

This bronze mirror is absolutely suitable for Lin Feng.

"Urge the martial spirit to kill him".

Seeing that the magic weapon was also destroyed by the bronze mirror, nangongtai couldn\'t help crying out and decided to use the last trick.

That\'s Wu soul.

More than a dozen ten thousand Dharma friars all urged their martial spirits.

Boom, boom

A terrible energy raged.

Powerful martial spirits are activated.

A beast roared up to the sky.

There is a weapon soul shaking the void.

Dark spirits devour light.

All kinds of martial spirits.

have everything that one expects to find.

More than ten kinds of martial spirits were urged and all came to Lin Feng.

I don\'t know what to do.

Facing the attack of these people, Lin Feng couldn\'t help sneering.

He held a bronze mirror.

Shake the bronze mirror slightly with your right hand.


The blue light immediately swept out.

Contact with the cyan light, and the martial spirits are directly broken.

Then, the blue light swept over the friars of the ten thousand Dharma sect.


The body of a friar named wanfazong was directly blown open.

Died on the spot!

The strength of these ten thousand Dharma friars is naturally good.

However, it could not resist the attack of bronze mirror.

"Run away".

These ten thousand Dharma friars have a splitting liver and gall.

Turn around and run out.

But they can\'t escape at all.

Lin Feng\'s wrist shook.

The bronze mirror swept a cyan light.

Then a monk of the ten thousand Dharma sect was swept away.

The flesh exploded.

Died on the spot.

There was no general assembly, and only nangongtai, the leader of the more than a dozen ten thousand Dharma friars, had not died.

"Spare my life, brother, spare my life. I promise you whatever conditions you put forward."

Nangongtai looked at Lin Feng with begging eyes.

Lin Feng ignored this man\'s request.

He shook the bronze mirror.

A blue light flew out and swept on Nangong Tai.


Nangongtai\'s body was also directly exploded.

Into a mist of blood.

Killed by a bronze mirror.