Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 654

Gu Yuner\'s body trembles and his apricot eyes are blurred.

Apparently, two monks of the Yin Yang Hehuan sect drugged Gu Yuner.

Now I have completely lost myself.

A gentleman does something and does nothing.

Although Lin Feng doesn\'t think he is a gentleman.

But at least he is a vigorous and just young man.

How can we take advantage of others\' danger?

He pressed down the ancient rhyme.

Then he took out an antidote pill.

Lin Feng is a local level medicine refiner.

If Lianchun... Medicine can\'t solve it, don\'t mix it.

After taking the pill, Gu Yuner\'s pink color began to fade.

Lin Feng touched Gu yun\'er\'s forehead.

The original hot body also gradually recovered.

Obviously, the effectiveness of aphrodisiacs is declining.

At this time, the ancient rhyme blurred his eyes finally became normal.

She saw Lin Feng.

Thinking of being knocked out by the man in black, he is now alone with Lin Feng in this cave.

Gu yun\'er\'s eyes to Lin Feng were immediately full of killing intention.

"Ah, I\'ll kill you.".

Gu yun\'er slapped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng hurriedly dodged.

He said, "are you unreasonable? It was two monks of Yin Yang Hehuan sect who caught you and I saved you."

Where does Gu Yuner listen to this?

And she didn\'t believe Lin Feng\'s words.

In Gu Yuner\'s opinion, Lin Feng must have had evil thoughts on her, so he attacked her secretly.

Gu Yuner offered a flying sword and chopped it at Lin Feng.

"Unreasonable, too lazy to tell you"

Lin Feng swept the flying sword out with one punch, and then swept out of the cave.

And Gu Yuner squatted on the ground and sobbed.

"I shouldn\'t have saved you if I knew it was so unreasonable.".

Lin Feng cried angrily.

But I put myself in my shoes.

If you are a woman.

What do you think when you see that scene?

In this world, women still cherish their chastity.

Many women even regard chastity as more important than their own life.


Lin Feng returns and plans to explain to Gu Yuner. When he comes back, Gu Yuner has left.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and walked outside.

When they came outside, a dozen monks came.

Each breath is Yin and evil.

People of the Hehuan sect of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

"Boy, haven\'t you left yet? It seems that we\'re lucky.".

The monk who escaped before had a venomous voice.

Lin Feng looked coldly at the monks of the yin-yang Hehuan sect and said, "why? Can\'t you come to seek revenge?".

Another monk of Yin Yang Hehuan sect sneered and said, "if you kill my Yin Yang Hehuan sect, no one in heaven and earth can save you.".

"Presumptuous, dare to talk to me like this, I don\'t know how to live or die"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

"Boy, what are you pretending to be? How dare bachongtian in the realm of King Wu jump in front of us?".

A group of monks of Yin Yang Hehuan sect sneered.

On their side, there are as many as six monks in the ten Heaven of the realm of King Wu.

Nature is full of confidence.

Lin Feng sneered, "I don\'t know how to live or die.".

"Do it, kill the boy.".

A friar of the Yin Yang Hehuan sect in the realm of King Wu said with a sneer.


Then, a dozen monks rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Crack the sky"!

Lin Feng looked indifferent.


The bright blade came out.

"Ah, I can\'t move.".

These monks of the Yin Yang Hehuan sect cried in horror.

They were shocked to find that it was difficult for their bodies to move again.

Under the threat of splitting the sky, they don\'t even have the power to resist.


With the sound of the body being torn.

A monk named Yin Yang Hehuan sect was killed by Lin Feng on the spot.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and walked towards the distance.

A body lay on the ground.

Night fell.

The night in the underground world is getting darker and darker.

It can be described as reaching out without seeing five fingers.


The roar resounded through the sky!

In the distance, a fierce beast roared like earth shaking.

In the dark, a monk passed quickly.

"What happened?".

Lin Feng stopped a man and asked.

"An ancient cave called Mochou cave appeared.".

Said the friar.

"Ancient cave?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

There are amazing things hidden in many ancient caves.

Inheritance, magic weapon, pill... Etc.

Once there is an ancient cave, it will often attract many people to go.

Go and have a look.

Lin Feng also flew away in the distance.

Naturally, he was also full of interest in the ancient cave.

Want to find out.

See what\'s good in it.

If it\'s organic, it\'s even better.

Monks are hard to find.

But if you can find the opportunity.

Often accomplishments will advance by leaps and bounds.

Before long, Lin Feng came to the mountain forest.

There was a powerful forbidden guard here.

But the years are long.

The prohibition disappeared.

This Mochou cave appeared in the sight of everyone.

Mochou cave is guarded by three fierce beasts.

The first fierce beast is a 100 meter python.

The second fierce beast is actually a Yaksha.

Demon yecha.

Shouyuan has a long history.


Lin Feng felt it and found that the demon yecha was a puppet beast

The third fierce beast is a huge blue scorpion, but the blue scorpion is so strange that it has two heads.

On the left is the scorpion\'s head.

On the right is the lion\'s head.

This is a lion scorpion beast, a fierce beast with strong poison.

These three monsters are the monsters guarding Mochou\'s cave. They stopped in front of the cave and confronted many monks.