Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 653

"See how I teach you a bad rascal.".

Jue Meizi angrily looked at Lin Feng, raised her right hand and split it.

Lin Feng said, "as soon as I didn\'t tease you with words, and as soon as I didn\'t do anything too much to you, you did it. It\'s unreasonable?".

"Miss Ben has seen through your evil mind for a long time, and miss Ben will beat you.".

The beautiful woman hummed.

The voice fell and rushed to Lin Feng.

One punch.

Lin Feng flashed to the left and easily avoided the blow of the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman\'s face suddenly looked ugly. It was so easy to avoid her attack.

It shows that this guy is stronger than himself.

The beautiful woman couldn\'t help being very angry.

"You\'re not my opponent. If you\'re unreasonable, believe it or not, I\'ll catch you at home as a bed warming servant girl?".

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the beautiful woman\'s perfect body and exquisite and beautiful face.

"Ha ha, brother, we support you"

A group of monks cheered.

The beautiful woman stamped her feet with hatred.

I know it\'s not Lin Feng\'s opponent.

If you do it again, you will only suffer.

She bit her silver teeth and said, "wait, Miss Ben won\'t let you go.".

Then he stamped his feet reluctantly, swept away in the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, how can you let that chick go? What a good chance.". A friar said obscene.

"Don\'t you see that chick is a treasure all over her body? Even shoes are magic weapons of treasure level. I can\'t tell her origin.".

Lin Feng smiled and scolded.

"Brother, you have sharp eyes. I know that woman. It is said that she is from Xianyue mountain.".

Said the friar.

"Xianyue mountain? The second Xianyue mountain in 72 northern states?".

Someone asked.

"Yes, it\'s this force. Xianyue mountain has become more and more powerful over the years. It\'s said that it can compete with Taigu forces. It\'s estimated that it will be promoted to Taigu forces.".

Said the friar.

"Shit, then you encouraged me to take her away and be a bed warming maid? I despised you and almost caused me a big trouble."

Lin Feng scolded.

Three days later, when Lin Feng was resting in the forest, two men in brown robes passed by.

There was a gloomy smell on the two men.

"Demon master?".

Lin Feng hid above the big tree but not below it. He looked at the two evil masters and frowned slightly.

"Are you sure you\'re ahead?".


"Good. Is everything ready?".


Then let\'s do it.

The two evil masters were talking and skimming away in the distance.

"What bad ideas are these two playing?".

Lin Feng murmured.

He also quickly swept out and followed all the way.

Before long, the two evil masters came to a brook.

A man plundered into the forest and disappeared.

One of them was a woman resting by the stream.

"Is that the chick from Xianyueshan?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

I didn\'t expect to meet her here.

Obviously, the target of these two evil masters is this woman.

The two evil masters covered their faces and couldn\'t see their faces clearly.

I saw a man quickly plundering towards the fairy Moon Mountain woman.

"Who are you? Don\'t come here, or miss Ben will be rude to you.".

The beautiful woman is quite alert.

But the evil master didn\'t have any words and directly attacked.


The beautiful woman suddenly changed her face and offered a flying sword.

The evil master is holding a Yin magic knife to kill the beautiful woman.

From time to time, there were bursts of strange laughter, which was creepy.

The beautiful woman was suppressed and kept retreating.

When she retreated to a big tree.

The evil master who had been hidden in advance appeared quietly.

Slap on the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman suddenly fainted on the ground.

"Got it, let\'s go...".

The two evil masters smiled sadly and carried the beautiful woman away in the distance.

"What are these two doing? Do they want to insult her?".

Lin Feng muttered and quickly caught up.

Soon, they resisted the beautiful woman and disappeared into a mountain range.

Lin Feng chased in, found a cave and entered the cave.

Soon after, I heard the sound of obscene laughter from the cave.

"Ha ha, I didn\'t expect Gu Yuner to be caught by our brother.".

"This is the pure Yin daughter of Xianyue mountain. Such a constitution is of great benefit to our cultivation.".

"Yes, when we\'re done, we\'ll immediately return to Yin Yang Hehuan sect to avoid the limelight, and no one will know that we did it."


The two men made bursts of obscene laughter.

At this moment, Gu Yuner\'s body is constantly twisting.

Pink all over.

Beautiful eyes blurred.

"It\'s working.".

The two people shouted excitedly and took off their clothes quickly.

"It turned out to be a person of the Hehuan sect of yin and Yang".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is an extremely Yin evil sect. It\'s a sect of evil. It cultivates tonic and double cultivation.

Since Gu yun\'er is a pure Yin body, no matter who combines with such a woman.

Cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

Boom. When the two men took off their clothes, Lin Feng suddenly exploded and killed them.

"No, there\'s a sneak attack.".

Their accomplishments are very strong.

React in an instant.

One left and one right towards Lin Feng.

"Go to hell".

Lin Feng blew out two punches.

Bang bang.

The two sides collided, and they were blown out. Everyone was hurt and pale.


The two men looked very gloomy and fled outside.


Lin Feng offered the spirit of kendo.

Sword Qi swept towards them.

Poof. The man behind was swept by the sword Qi and his body exploded directly.

But the man in front escaped.

Lin Feng looked indifferent and was about to go after him outside.

Suddenly, Gu Yuner rushed over directly and hugged Lin Feng tightly.