Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 652

"Those are two great demons. Li Shengjian fought one against two and hurt them."

"Is Li Shengjian too strong?".

The sound of exclamation resounded one after another.

Everyone\'s eyes are deeply shocked.

All this is really too incredible.

Li Shengjian\'s fighting power is unbelievable.


After being wounded by Li Shengjian, Tianmo emperor and blood demon emperor dare not stay.

The two evil emperors rose up and fled to the depths of the underground world.

"The two evil emperors were struck by the sword intention of Li Shengjian, and the injury was not light.".

A monk said so.

Li Shengjian, holding a sword in one hand, chased up.

Obviously, Li Shengjian wanted to take this opportunity to kill the two evil emperors.

Let\'s go and have a look.

Many friars caught up and wanted to see the follow-up development of the war.

"Tianwu is the largest swordsman in the mainland. It\'s really powerful.".

Jianhao is not a title that anyone can afford.

Sword refers to sword repair.

Howe refers to the hero.

Li Shengjian is such a hero.

This man has excellent swordsmanship.

Moreover, there is justice in this man\'s heart.

That\'s why they are called "Heroes".

Tianwu mainland doesn\'t know how many sword practitioners worship Li Shengjian as an idol.

Lin Feng didn\'t catch up.

He is still in the deep shock brought by the sword just killed by Li Shengjian.

Cut out with a sword.

Gather a hundred thousand feet of sword.

It\'s hard to imagine how powerful Li Shengjian\'s swordsmanship is.

"Will, Kendo will".

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He felt the strong will of Kendo from the blow of Li Shengjian.

Spirit... And then upward transformation is the will.

No matter what kind of power, spirit or will, there are strong and weak.

Such as Lin Feng understood the "split sky".

Master the will of the sword.

This split sky can only be triggered when you understand the will of the sword.

But obviously, different people use "crack the sky".

The power of "splitting the sky" is also absolutely different.

This is because the will of the person who exerts it is different.

The deeper you understand the will of the sword, the greater the power of splitting the sky.

Lin Feng\'s sword will still belongs to the "entry-level stage".

And Li Shengjian\'s "sword meaning".

It must have reached an extremely powerful level.

Otherwise, it is impossible to cut out a hundred thousand feet of sword.

Such a powerful sword is intended not to dissipate so quickly after the war.

There must be a sword in the void.

This is why Lin Feng didn\'t leave.

He wants to understand the sword meaning left by Li Shengjian.

Lin Feng hopes to get the chance to break through the second stage of his Kendo spirit.

The sword cuts the world!

The sword is full of meaning!

Ten thousand swords belong to the sect!

A sword lasts forever!

These are the four stages of the spirit of kendo.

After fully understanding the four stages, Lin Feng can transform "the spirit of Kendo" into "the will of sword".

Now Lin Feng is still in the first stage.

In the mountains and forests.

Many monks stayed.

Many are sword repair.

Obviously, these monks have the same idea as Lin Feng.

They also want to understand the sword meaning left by Li Shengjian.

If you can feel something from it, it will be a great opportunity.

Naturally, no one is willing to miss such a good opportunity.

Lin Feng found a mountain peak and sat cross legged on the top of the mountain.

He lost some talismans and went out.

These talismans are activated, condensed into several magic arrays and scattered around.

These magic arrays can protect Lin Feng.

If someone comes to disturb Lin Feng, or plot against Lin Feng.

Will be trapped in the magic array.

"The spirit of kendo, help me understand"

Lin Feng closes his eyes.

He tried to feel the breath of the spirit of kendo.

Gradually, Lin Feng was in a mysterious state.

He felt as if he had turned into a sword.

This is the state of enlightenment that practitioners dream of.

Some people may not realize it once in their life.

But Lin Feng can often have an epiphany.

Nature has something to do with Lin Feng\'s practice of Taigu dragon and elephant formula, an anti heaven taboo divine skill.

Taigu dragon elephant formula will develop the potential of Lin Feng\'s whole body to the limit.

Something that others think is as difficult as heaven.

Such as epiphany.

It\'s not difficult for Lin Feng.

"Is this the will of the sword?".

Lin Feng, who turned into the spirit of kendo, suddenly saw a sword sea.

This sword sea.

Is Li Shengjian\'s Kendo will.

And myself, at this moment, turned into a drop of water in the sword sea.

"The spirit he understood was like a drop in the ocean in front of Li Shengjian\'s Kendo will.".

Lin Feng was deeply shocked.

Li Shengjian!

It\'s really powerful!

Lin Feng walked forward happily in the ocean.

He is melting into the endless ocean of swords.

time lapse.

I don\'t know how long it\'s been.

Lin Feng\'s body radiated a more powerful smell of sword.

The sword is full of meaning.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and whispered.


Behind Lin Feng, a hundred Zhang sword was condensed.

The hundred Zhang sword flew to the distance and hit it gently.

A mountain peak is cut in two like tofu.

"What a powerful spirit of kendo. Someone suddenly realized it.".

Many monks screamed.

"Since someone has an epiphany, then we can certainly complete the epiphany.".

A monk said excitedly, looked firm, and continued to close his eyes to understand the will of Kendo here.

"It\'s a good move. The sword is powerful indeed"!

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up slightly.

Sword is the spirit of kendo. Meaning refers to ideas.

It means that Lin Feng\'s idea, the spirit of kendo, can cut the world.

The power of the spirit of Kendo in the second stage is more than ten times stronger than that in the first stage.


Lin Feng got up and didn\'t intend to stay.

He had an epiphany.

If you stay, you won\'t get any more.

Lin Feng goes deep into the underground world.

His destination is the same as many people.

That is to go to Luoshen cliff.

The birth of emperor soldiers of Luoshen cliff caused a sensation in the wasteland.

I believe the 72 northern regions will also be shaken.

I just don\'t know whose hand this imperial soldier will eventually fall into.

On the way, Lin Feng met a very beautiful nun.

Wearing a royal blue dress, the nun perfectly displayed her exquisite body.

Exquisite and beautiful face.

It\'s like God\'s masterpiece.

Even Lin Feng couldn\'t help looking more.

"What are you looking at? Believe it or not, dig out your eyes?". Feeling Lin Feng\'s eyes, the beautiful woman looked at Lin Feng coldly.

"Since you\'re going out for training, you can naturally wear some loose clothes. Since you\'re dressed like this, isn\'t it just to be seen by men?".

Lin Feng did not move his eyes away, but looked at the woman from top to bottom.

Even if he is used to seeing beautiful women, Lin Feng has to say that this woman can be called a peerless beauty.