Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 651

Two great demons, one in front and one behind, locked Li Shengjian.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help worrying about Li Shengjian.

Naturally, he didn\'t want such a powerful figure as Li Shengjian to die in the hands of the devil.

Neither the blood devil nor the heavenly devil is a good thing.

They are one of the nine magic emperors in tianwu mainland.

Supernatural power!

Mana against the sky!

Between the fingers! Waving has the power to break the sky!

However, several of the nine great emperors of the devil\'s way who have such strong strength can\'t live in seclusion, but some also appear in tianwu mainland again and again, bringing disaster to ordinary people.

For example, the blood devil emperor launched the demon unrest in Dongjun Shenzhou six years ago, killing hundreds of millions of people in Dongjun Shenzhou.

And this God devil is not a good thing. It is said that in order to cultivate a magic skill, the God devil devoured everyone in a country in one bite.

Seven or eight hundred million people became sacrifices for the great demon emperor to practice magic skills.

"Unfortunately, my strength is not enough. Otherwise, I will join hands with Li Shengjian to kill the two great emperors of the devil road".

Lin Feng muttered in his heart.


Nine days above, the sea of blood shrouded.

The whole sky has turned into a bloody ocean.

This scene is really terrible.

"Look, it\'s the blood devil.".

"And the devil.".

"Is that Li Shengjian? The devil and the blood sea surrounded Li Shengjian. Do they want to kill Li Shengjian together?".

"Is that Li Shengjian? The largest swordsman in tianwu mainland?".

"Why did the blood devil and the heavenly devil kill Li Shengjian?".

"It is said that when the blood demon emperor wanted to revive the Youming emperor, one of the 72 demon emperors in medieval times, he was stopped by Li Shengjian.".

"I see...".

There are many strong people in the underground world.

The immediate conflict is naturally remarkable.

Many monks gathered around.

Of course, in such a war, onlookers dare not come forward.

Because the leaked energy is enough for the onlookers to die.

"Li Shengjian, do you have any last words? Say it quickly. If you don\'t say it again, you won\'t have a chance."

The devil said with a sneer.

Li Shengjian said indifferently, "you two seem to be happy too early.".

"You\'ll know after the war".

The blood sea emperor sneered and waved his right hand.


The roar resounded from heaven and earth.

I saw a blood beast condensed out of the sea of blood.

There are blood dragons, blood poverty, blood white tigers, blood gluttonous, blood Dryads and so on.

All the bloody beasts killed Li Shengjian.

And the devil also shot.

The magic fog rolled.

In the magic fog, a mountain like Warcraft was condensed.

Also killed Li Shengjian.

"It\'s terrible.".

Lin Feng was pale.

Whether it\'s a blood beast or a Warcraft.

Let Lin Feng feel a suffocating oppression.

Those exist!!

The breath surging out of the body made Lin Feng have a feeling of soul trembling.

It\'s hard to imagine how strong those blood beasts and Warcraft are.

The blood demon emperor and the heavenly demon emperor are worthy of being the famous supreme power of the devil road.

The strength is really terrible.

"I don\'t know how Li Shengjian can resist?".

Lin Feng looks at Li Shengjian.

Facing the siege of the two great emperors of blood devil and heaven devil.

Li Shengjian is still very calm.

Have to say!

This is Li Shengjian!

Have an admirable spirit.

The sword rises.

Li Shengjian waved his right hand.


The long sword behind him gave a long cry and then burst into the sky.

"180000 Swords".

Li Shengjian right finger forward.

The sword suspended above Li Shengjian shook slightly.

In the void, a dense shadow of the sword suddenly appeared.

Lin Feng has also seen some sword masters who can turn a lot of sword Qi against the enemy.

For example, the ten thousand sword cutting skill inherited by Shenjian mountain villa can turn into ten thousand sword Qi when you reach the peak.

However, even compared with Li Shengjian, there is a huge gap.

It\'s not a level of fencing at all.

Li Shengjian has 18000 swords.

Every sword seems to have its own life.


Lin Feng exclaimed.

I was stunned!


All the 18000 swords are endowed with "spirit".

What kind of profound understanding of Kendo is needed to apply the spirit to 18000 swords at the same time?


Eighteen thousand swords sweep through the void and kill forward.

The sound of tearing, one after another.

A bloody beast.

A Warcraft.

Cut by sword Qi.


"Sure enough, he is the largest swordsman in tianwu mainland!"

Many people exclaimed.

Too many people enter the Tao with swords.

That is to say, there are as many people practicing Kendo in Qingyun sect.

Not to mention the three thousand states in tianwu mainland.

How many people practice Kendo?

I\'m afraid it can be described as the water of the sea.

But there are few people in the whole tianwu continent who can cultivate Kendo into Li Shengjian.

"Li Shengjie\'s swordsmanship is becoming more and more powerful. It seems that we should take some measures.".

Said the devil.

"Then make a killing move and kill him directly.".

The blood devil said with pity.

"God of the sea of blood".

The blood devil made a move.

His voice fell.

I saw a god wearing a blood robe condensed out of the bloody ocean.

God of the sea of blood.

This is the God born in the sea of blood.

"All living creatures, all things are disillusioned, my body is eternal, and blood breaks the sky".

The cold voice of the God of the sea of blood came out.

He stepped forward in the void and saw that the void was distorted.

Cracks in the void appeared.

It\'s horrible!

It really broke the sky.

"Ah, I feel my blood is going to be sucked away.".

I feel the same way.

"It\'s the God of the sea of blood, who can forcibly plunder blood".

Many monks cried in horror, because they were shocked to find that their blood was out of control and wanted to break out.

Many people turned pale with fear and hurried to the distance.

"Blood is out of control.".

Lin Feng also felt the throbbing of his blood and seemed to break out.

He didn\'t dare to hesitate. He rose up quickly and was far away from the area of the war. The battle at this level was too terrible.

"Demons destroy the world".

And the great devil also showed his unique skill.

A demon with 18 heads and 3000 eyes appeared.

The heavenly demon stood in the void, three thousand eyes opened, and the void collapsed.

It\'s hard to imagine what a terrible combat power it is.

"Too strong. Is this the cultivation of the strong at the demon emperor level?".

Lin Feng was deeply shocked.

It seems that the strong at this level can only break the void at any time.

The God of the sea of blood and the demon with 18 heads and 3000 eyes besieged Li Shengjian at the same time.

The dense sword Qi broke instantly.

The God of the sea of blood and the devil with 18 heads and 3000 eyes are really too powerful.

They broke the sky to kill Li Shengjian.

"Will Li Shengjian be killed?". Many people looked at the war in the distance and were deeply shocked.

At this time, Li Shengjian reached out and grabbed the long sword.

He held his sword in both hands.

A low voice.

Suddenly resounded.

"My sword is called Kaitian".

The voice fell.

Li Shengjian cleaved out with one sword.

Suddenly, a sword of ten thousand feet swept out.


The swords worn by countless monks all vibrated.

Lin Feng\'s Black Dragon Sword flew out and shook for nine days.

Ten thousand swords roared together.

"Sword meaning, what a terrible sword meaning, even caused thousands of swords to roar together".

Lin Feng roared in shock.


A hundred thousand feet of sword run through heaven and earth, tearing the void.

Instantly tear the God of the sea of blood and the demon with 18 heads and 3000 eyes.


The blood devil and the heavenly devil were struck by lightning, and their bodies flew upside down. They were hurt by the sword intention of Li Shengjian.

In mid air.

Spit blood.