Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 650


It was pitch black.

Surrounded by rolling black fog, dark!

This is the Great Rift Valley, the passage to the underground.

It\'s more like a passage to hell.

"The old thing runs so fast.".

Lin Feng chased down all the way and couldn\'t find Yu Boyun.

After all, the underground Rift Valley is dark.

I can\'t see anything!

Even for practitioners, the visibility is very low. Seeing more than ten meters around is already the limit.

A search.

have gained nothing.

Lin Feng frowned.

If it had not been for the Great Rift Valley, Yu Boyun would be dead now.

How can a badly wounded body compete with itself?

No way.

No way.


Suddenly, Lin Feng felt the cold breath and swept over.

"Hmm? It\'s dangerous?".

Crack the sky!

Without hesitation, Baizhang Dao mang took Lin Feng as the center and swept away in all directions.


The sound of tearing came out.

Lin Feng looked and saw that huge lacquer black tentacles were hiding in the black fog and attacking himself.

And now.

Those black tentacles were all cut off.

Devil vine.

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is a very terrible vegetation.

It has strong vitality.

And there are dense barbs on the ghost vines.

The barb contains strong poison.

Once you get stabbed in the body.

The body will be paralyzed and lose mobility immediately.

At that time, it will be entangled by the devil\'s ghost vine and suck up the flesh and blood.

"The most terrible thing about devil ghost vine is soul attack".

Lin Feng\'s face did not change slightly when he thought of the devil ghost vine.

Dare not hesitate!!

The soul hurried into the chaotic ancient lamp to hide.

At this time, on the rock wall of the underground Rift Valley, the dense devil ghost vine suddenly opened its big mouth.

I saw that these demons had an ugly face.

Then the body has dense tentacles, a bit like octopus, rooted in the rock wall.

The devil rattan gave a shrill cry.

Then the sound waves swept out.


Many monks who entered the underground rift valley without any preparation heard the shrill cry of the devil ghost vine.

They were clearly attacked by the soul.

A monk lost his balance.

And those demon vines quickly entangle them.

Lin Feng had already been prepared, so he resisted the soul attack of the devil ghost vine, but Lin Feng didn\'t dare to stay, so he quickly flew down.

Finally, we came to the bottom of the abyss.

Just at the bottom of the abyss, a dark mass of creatures flew in. All the creatures were swallowed up where they passed. Several falling monks were also involved and directly turned into white bones and fell to the ground.

"Man eating bee"

Seeing the dark creatures, Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed.

It\'s a kind of bee.

But the bee is too big to palm.

The whole body is hard, and ordinary magic weapons can\'t split the defense of this man eating bee.

The attack power of these cannibals is quite terrible.


Lin Feng quickly flew away to avoid the killing of cannibals.

"Is this the underground world? It\'s really dangerous.".

Lin Feng looked at the dark world around him and frowned slightly.

At the beginning, Lin Feng also entered the underground world in Dongjun Shenzhou.

But in the underground world, the smell is not so gloomy and terrible as here.

And there are no top evil and demon forces in that underground world.

It\'s different here.

There are many evil forces and demons in the underground world at the junction of wasteland and barbarian regions.

There are many demon races.

It is dangerous.

If you are careless, you may fall here.


Lin Feng was stunned and attacked. In the dark mountains and forests, a white light cut through the sky and killed Lin Feng.

The speed of this white light is really fast.

Ordinary people can\'t react at all and will be killed.


Lin Feng runs slightly and devours the soul of Wu.

Confine magnetic field operation.

The white light was fixed one meter away from Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng saw what it was.

This is a Shura with wings and green face and tusks.

Flying Shura!

Lin Feng was surprised.

The Shura family is a very large race in the underground world.

Moreover, there are many experts.

Flying Shura is a very powerful branch of the Shura family.

The flying Shura in front of me was covered with silver scales.

When it attacks the target, its speed is as fast as a white lightning, and it can penetrate the body of the attacker in an instant.

After the flying Shura was imprisoned by Lin Feng, he also opened his teeth and claws to Lin Feng, with fierce eyes.

"The demons are ferocious and murderous. If the righteous forces were not strong enough to suppress these demons, these demons would have rushed to the earth world. At that time, I don\'t know how many people will die miserably.".

Lin Feng chopped out with sword Qi and killed Feitian Shura.


He rose into the sky and swept away into the depths.

Underground world, eternal darkness.

Lin Feng walked all the way to the depths. He didn\'t know that a few days had passed.

On this day, when Lin Feng was resting, a terrible wave came out above the dense forest in the distance.

Then endless blood surged out.

Lin Feng was awakened and looked into the distance.

"Li Shengjian, you destroyed the emperor and the flame demon king to resurrect the nether emperor. Today, you were met by the emperor and are destined to die here.".

In the bloody world, there stood a man in a blood robe with endless killing and cold in his voice.

Lin Feng was shocked.

He still remembers the chaos caused by demons in Dongjun Shenzhou six years ago.

It is the overseas flame demon king and the blood demon emperor who jointly want to revive the Youming emperor, one of the 72 demon emperors in the middle ages.

In order to revive the ghost emperor, these two powerful demons killed countless creatures.

Later, the strong men of the human race joined hands to siege, but they could not stop the resurrection of the nether emperor.

The netherworld emperor is about to rise.

A sword Qi rips the world apart.

Then, the sword Qi split the resurrected Youming emperor in two.

The ghost of the ghost emperor was also killed.

"Is that the man who had a sword all over the sky?".

Lin Feng\'s shocked eyes looked at the man with the sword standing in the void.

It was a man in white. Looking at his thirties, he was carrying a long sword and confronted the blood demon emperor in the void.

"The great blood devil, with you, I\'m afraid I can\'t kill me.".

Li Shengjian said.

"What if you add me? Can I kill you together with the blood demon emperor?"

A cold voice came out, endless black fog surged out, and a burly man in black came out of the void.

"The devil, it\'s you".

Seeing this man, Li Shengjian frowned slightly.

"Another devil appeared".

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly, and two demonic emperors besieged Li Shengjian.

I\'m afraid that if there is a slight mistake in this war, Li Shengjian may fall here.