Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 649

All living creatures are born and overcome each other!

There is no absolute invincibility in this world.

It\'s just like the soul of martial arts will fight each other.

And huokejin.

The five elements of rock belong to gold.

Nature must be restrained by fire.

If it were an ordinary flame, it might not be able to restrain Boyun\'s stone country.

But Lin Feng\'s martial spirit is the legendary sky fire.

The power of fire.

Natural extraordinary flame can be compared.

It\'s not surprising that the giant rocks wrapped in the sky fire began to melt.

"How did this happen?".

Yu Boyun obviously couldn\'t accept what he saw.

"Don\'t you understand the truth that all creatures generate and control each other?".

Lin Feng sneered, and flames appeared on the surface of his body.

He rushed to Yu Boyun like the God of fire and war.

"Boy, don\'t think that the fire can break the martial spirit of this seat. This seat will let you know the power of the stone kingdom.".

Yu Boyun\'s whole face was twisted together.

He roared to the sky.

Boom, boom

Waves of destruction swept out.

Then, above the stone country.

It\'s made of huge rocks.

Shua Shua

The dense huge rocks hit Lin Feng.

It\'s like a rock rain.

This scene.

It\'s creepy.

Every rock is as huge as a kilometer peak. What powerful impact will it bring when it falls from high altitude?

"Rocks are like rain. Even if the monks in the realm of yin and Yang resist this move, it is very difficult.".

Yu Boyun shouted proudly.

These falling rocks are extremely fast and powerful. Even if sky fire wants to destroy them, it will take time.

We haven\'t waited for the sky fire to destroy it.

At that time, it had been smashed down and hit Lin Feng.

Yu Boyun thought he had calculated everything.

"A pair of broken stones want my life, isn\'t it whimsical?".

Lin Feng looked disdainful.

Golden body and wings!

Shrink to inches!


Lin Feng roared and urged the golden wings to the extreme.

Golden body and wings are the ability of Taigu golden wing Dapeng Shenghuang to bring Lin Feng.

This ancient golden winged ROC holy king has three levels of ability.

The first level is the golden body and wings.

The second level is called void shuttle.

The third level is called the wing of the world.

The first level, golden body and wings, is divided into three realms.

The first realm is called lightness as a swallow.

The second realm is called energy wing (that is, when Lin Feng unfolds his golden wing, this is the second realm).

The third realm of golden body and wings is called "shrinking to an inch".

Lin Feng cultivated the second realm very early, that is, the realm of energy wings.

With the improvement of cultivation.

Lin Feng has also mastered the third realm, the realm of "shrinking the land into an inch".

What is shrinking into inches?

A few hundred meters away, you only need to take one step, you can pass in an instant.

This is to shrink the ground into inches.

It is said that the existence of ancient gods can shrink into inches and sweep tens of thousands of miles in one step.

But Lin Feng\'s cultivation is still shallow and can\'t do this.

However, there is still no problem in one step and plundering four or five hundred meters.

So when Yu Boyun called down, the dense huge rocks smashed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng showed his method of shrinking the ground into inches, and a few steps had come to Yu Boyun.

And all the rocks that fell fell fell through.


Yu Boyun\'s expression is just like a ghost.

Thousands of meters away, the boy rushed over in a few steps.

What speed is this?

Yu Boyun has never seen such a speed.

Isn\'t that weird?

Lin Feng\'s attack was brewing before Boyun came back.

Decepticon thunder formula!

Energy condensation!



At the next moment, Lin Feng has smashed the energy light ball to Yu Boyun.

Lin Feng\'s speed was so fast that Yu Boyun didn\'t have time to resist Lin Feng\'s Decepticon thunder formula.


A dull crash came out.

Yu Boyun was blown out directly.


In mid air, spit blood.

He was hit by Lin Feng\'s Decepticon thunder formula at such a close distance, and the injury was obviously not light.

Click, click!

The country of stone condensed by Yu Boyun began to collapse.

"Look, the stone Kingdom seems to be disappearing. Is that boy dead? So Yu Boyun withdrew the stone kingdom?".

Many people began to talk.

At the next moment, the stone Kingdom exploded directly.

When we looked, we saw that Yu Boyun flew out upside down and coughed up blood in the air.

"God, what do I see?".

"I\'m not blind, am I?".

"Yu Boyun, the strong man in the realm of yin and Yang, was beaten and vomited blood? Isn\'t that incredible?".

"Is that boy so powerful? Even a strong man like Yu Boyun was beaten by him and vomited blood?".

"It\'s too powerful and terrible. King Wu\'s realm reverses the realm of yin and Yang? How strong would that boy be if he broke through the realm of yin and Yang?".

A roar of shock came out.

Everyone was shocked.

The realm of King Wu reverses the realm of yin and Yang.

This is a myth.

But such myths and legends happened in front of us.

How can it not be shocking? Immobile?

Lin Feng rushed into the air.

Yell, "get down.".

He stepped on Yu Boyun with one foot.

In the void, vigorous Qi swept the world.

A huge foot condensed by vigorous Qi stepped on Yu Boyun.

How shocking is that huge foot?

"Boy, die"

Yu Boyun roared and was about to use his secret arts to resist.

That kilometer giant foot has stepped on Yu Boyun.

There was a loud bang.

Yu Boyun was trampled on the ground by his giant feet.

"Yu Boyun was beaten under pressure.".

Everyone had a look of horror.

A strong man in the realm of yin and Yang was suppressed like this.

It\'s incredible.

"Go to hell".

"Crack the sky"

"The sword cuts the world"

Lin Feng roared loudly. His sword ran through the heaven and earth and went towards Yu Boyun.

"Stone Mountain".

Yu Boyun roared, opened his mouth and spewed out a magic weapon.

It is a magic weapon the size of a palm and shaped like a mountain.

The powerful mana wave seems to be Yu Boyun\'s life magic weapon.

The baby grew up quickly and resisted Lin Feng\'s attack.

Yu Boyun smashed the kilometer high energy foot with one punch.

But Yu Boyun was obviously injured.

He growled bitterly, "boy, when I recover, I will take your life."

The voice fell, and Yu Boyun jumped into the Underground Grand Canyon and ran away.

"Where do you want to go so easily?".

With a long roar, Lin Feng quickly chased up and entered the underground rift valley.

"Come on, let\'s go and have a look. Yu Boyun won\'t really be killed by a boy in the realm of King Wu?"

Those monks who watched the excitement roared and excited. They all chased into the underground Rift Valley and wanted to see Lin Feng cut into Boyun.

If yu Boyun is really beheaded by a friar in the realm of King Wu.

This war is bound to stir up the whole wilderness.