Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 648

A dozen disciples of Xingyun Pavilion were killed by Lin Feng in the twinkling of an eye.

People in the distance looked this way and were shocked.

However, there are too many such things as friars\' hatred and killing. Naturally, no one cares.

And nobody cares.

Lin Feng took the storage rings from these people.

Just leaving.


Click, click

The earth split.

In the earth, a huge rock hand stretched out and grabbed it at Lin Feng.

"What the hell?".

Lin Feng frowned and felt that the rock giant hand was very strange. He couldn\'t help roaring.

He waved his right hand and cut directly.

The sword Qi comes out vertically and horizontally.


When the sword Qi cut on the rock giant hand, it was resisted by the rock giant hand.

"Good guy, you have resisted my spirit of kendo.".

Lin Feng was surprised.


He quickened his pace, retreated quickly, split and cut through.


The rock beast was torn.

But at this time, behind Lin Feng, a monk appeared silently.

The monk\'s face was full of murderous intent.

This person is Yu Boyun, the enemy of Beihuang city.

Yu Boyun\'s right hand turned into a rock like palm.

Towards Lin Feng, he slapped and went away.


Although Lin Feng didn\'t see the situation behind him, he was very sensitive.

When he felt the danger behind him, Lin Feng showed his golden wings.


Lin Feng\'s speed reached the extreme and moved laterally to the left.

Just moved a meter away.

Yu Boyun\'s premeditated blow killed him severely.

Yu Boyun has already arrived.

He didn\'t show up because he accumulated strength in the dark and was ready to kill Lin Feng anytime and anywhere.

Now, Yu Boyun has finally found this opportunity.

But Yu Boyun didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s escape speed to be so fast.

With this blow, he went straight into the air.

"Crack the sky".

After Lin Feng dodged Yu Boyun\'s attack, he turned around and cut off the sky.

It\'s made of a hundred Zhangs\' blade. It cuts Yu Boyun in an instant.

"Wall of rock".

Yu Boyun shouted coldly.

The next moment.

In front of him.

A wall of condensed rock appeared.

This is the wall of rocks.

Lin Feng\'s killing lies on the wall of rock condensed by Bo Yun, and Yu Boyun resists it.

One shot failed, and both quickly retreated.

Yu Boyun\'s Dantian exudes a terrible smell, and he is obviously brewing more powerful power.

"Yu Boyun, it\'s you old man.".

Seeing the person who made the move, Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

"Boy, do you think you can survive if you escape from Beihuang city?".

Yu Boyun\'s eyes are full of murderous intent.

"Escaped from the northern wasteland? Did I escape? But you were slapped in the face in full view of the public? If I were you, I would have been killed.".

Lin Feng sneered.

Yu Boyun\'s eyes suddenly showed a sense of killing.

He was slapped by the magic knife nalanjing.

What a shame.

Now the bloody wound was exposed by Lin Feng.

It can be imagined how angry Yu Boyun will be?

"Look, isn\'t that Yu Boyun of the northern wasteland city? Who\'s that boy? He\'s watched by Yu Boyun?".

"I don\'t know. That boy is not simple. He just killed more than a dozen inner door elites in Xingyun Pavilion easily, and also hit Yu Boyun. He is obviously a top genius.".

"What\'s the use of extreme genius? Maybe there are some powerful unique skills that can slightly compete with the strong ones in the realm of yin and Yang, but obviously, the unique skills at that level consume so much that they can\'t be used for several times. Friars who encounter the realm of yin and Yang will still be killed.".

Many monks talked about it one after another. Many people looked at Lin Feng with pity.

Although Lin Feng showed amazing combat power.

But Lin Feng is now facing a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

There is almost no suspense about this war.

"Boy, I will take your life here today.".

Yu Boyun\'s voice came out.


At this time, in Boyun\'s Dantian, stones of light burst out.

Then, the sound of clicking came out of the surrounding void. Lin Feng was very surprised to see this scene.

Obviously, Yu Boyun is urging his martial spirit.

"Boy, my martial spirit is a country of stone. It constructs a space of stone to block heaven and earth. You are trapped in my country of stone. Even if you have three heads and six arms, you can\'t escape.".

Yu Boyun smiled grimly.

Click, click.

In the void, a stone space is quickly condensed, completely blocking the surroundings.

"Yu Boyun\'s martial spirit is so strange.".

"The kingdom of stone? It\'s the first time I\'ve heard of such a martial spirit. The space here is completely blocked. The boy is finished.".

Many people exclaimed.

Seeing Yu Boyun\'s stone country, these lively monks had no hope for Lin Feng.

Because in their view, Lin Feng has now become a turtle in a jar.

"The kingdom of stone, gravity added"!

"Sword Qi of stone, cut"!

In the kingdom of stone, Yu Boyun shouted loudly.

The stone Kingdom suddenly exuded strange power.

Lin Feng suddenly felt as heavy as carrying an ancient mountain.

This is the gravity suppression of the stone kingdom.

Then, stone swords condensed and came to Lin Feng.

This is the means of attack of the stone kingdom.

"Boy, we have not used our stone country against the enemy for 500 years. The world has even forgotten our stone country. This time you are trapped in the stone country. How do you get out?".

Yu Boyun laughed proudly.

The land of stone!

It\'s weird!

In the face of the stone sword, Lin Feng showed his unique skills of "splitting the sky" and "cutting the world with the sword".

Keng Keng

Suddenly, stone swords were destroyed.

"Useless, I am the master in the kingdom of stone".

Yu Boyun sneered, and a terrible breath surged in his body.

The stone wall condensed to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.

In the country of stone, a giant of rock came out.

Those rock giants, up to ten meters high and holding huge stone hammers, rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Your martial spirit is really weird, but it\'s still far from dealing with me. Today I\'ll let you know my strength.".

Lin Feng sneered.

Yu Boyun looked disdainful.

"Boy, I dare to speak up in front of you when I\'m dying. I\'ll send you to the Lord of hell now.".

Yu Boyun\'s voice fell, and hundreds of rock giants roared and killed them quickly.

At this time, Lin Feng waved his right hand.

Fire surged out of the sky.

Sky fire!

Lin Feng offered up the sky fire and purple flame!

Flames filled every space of the stone kingdom.

Suddenly, a giant rock began to melt.