Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 647

The disciple who made the move is Fan Jin. He has cultivated a unique skill called "golden hand".

With this move, the arm immediately became the color of gold.

Extremely hard.

Although Fan Jin didn\'t cultivate "spirit", he was also the top ten Heavenly accomplishments in the realm of King Wu.

Plus this "golden hand".

Even the friars who cultivate "spirit" have the power of a war.

Fan Jin naturally heard about Lin Feng\'s killing of Deacon LV Shihai, but LV Shihai is the realm of pill accumulation. Although it is the ten Heaven of King Wu realm, it is the ten Heaven friar of King Wu realm with the worst cultivation.

He Fan Jin is not only the top of the ten Heaven in the realm of King Wu, but also the "second top".

Therefore, he has absolute confidence in himself and can kill Lin Feng.

"Elder martial brother fan\'s golden hand is said to be able to split the spirit weapon. I don\'t think the boy can even catch elder martial brother Fan Jin\'s move?".

"That\'s natural. Elder martial brother Fan Jin has hardly been defeated by virtue of the golden hand. It is said that when the golden hand reaches the state of great success, his whole body will be covered with gold. At that time, his own defense power will even be comparable to the Vajra body protection divine skill of the Buddhist Tantra".

"Look, elder martial brother fan is going to kill the boy with one blow.".

A group of people talked excitedly and seemed to see the scene that Lin Feng was about to be killed by Fan Jin.

The monk named Fan Jin also had bursts of grimace on his face.

It seems that you are determined to get it.

At this time, Lin Feng\'s mouth was filled with a sneer.

A bunch of clowns.

Dare you jump in front of him?

Unless they understand "spirit" and "potential" at the same time, they may be able to fight Lin Feng before entering the realm of yin and Yang.

Otherwise, he had never entered the realm of yin and Yang. In front of Lin Feng, he was as weak as an ant.

Although there are not many monks who understand the "spirit".

But there are still dozens of people among many forces.

But there are too few people who understand "potential".

Absolutely rare.

Lin Feng raised his right hand and killed him with a bright sword.

The bright sword Qi can tear the heaven and earth and destroy the sky in an instant.

The power is unimaginable.


Everyone felt only a flash of blood in front of them.

Lin Feng\'s sword Qi instantly split Fan Jin in half.

Blood even splashed on the faces of some disciples.

"Senior brother Fan Jin was killed".

Everyone was angry, and everyone\'s face was full of murderous intent.

They are a group of more than a dozen people. Except Gu Jun, they are all internal elites.

Xu Xingjie, the leader, understood the "spirit".

There are six elites in the inner gate of the ten Heaven realm of King Wu.

There are nine elites in the inner gate of jiuchongtian in the realm of King Wu.

What a powerful force is this?

You should kill Lin Feng.

Instead, Lin Feng killed one of them.


Everyone felt a rage burning in his chest.

"This son deserves to die! Everyone, join hands to kill him.".

Xu Xingjie sneered.

Xu Xingjie was cautious by nature. After seeing Lin Feng cut "Fan Jin", he gave birth to a heart of vigilance.

Although he didn\'t think Lin Feng could turn out any waves among them.

However, Xu Xingjie still wants to kill Lin Feng in the safest way.

After these Xingxing Pavilion disciples received Xu Xingjie\'s order, their eyes showed ferocious light, and their eyes glittered with a sense of killing.

"Falling star fist".

"Star River breaking palm"

"Nine turn star chop".


A powerful secret skill was used by these people to kill Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, boy, how do you die?".

Gu Jun didn\'t do anything. His cultivation is too low to help.

Gu Jun watched the excitement.

Seeing more than a dozen people besieging Lin Feng, his whole body trembled with excitement.

It seems that after Lin Feng died, the best spirit stone rolled in.

"A bunch of clowns trying to kill me? It\'s fantastic.".

Facing the attack of more than a dozen people, Lin Feng was still calm.

He devoured the soul of martial arts.

At the same time, Lin Feng swept towards the crowd.

Bang Bang

An elite disciple of the famous star cloud Pavilion attacked and killed him.

All the terrorist forces erupted from their attack were absorbed by Lin Feng\'s devouring soul.

"How is that possible?".

These monks showed unbelievable expressions one after another!

How powerful was the attack of more than a dozen of them?

But why?

The boy in front of you didn\'t get any damage?

This is what puzzles them.

By this time, Lin Feng had rushed into the crowd.

"The sword cuts the world".

Lin Feng shuttled through the crowd.

This is the spirit of kendo.

Lin Feng understood the spirit of Kendo in the secret land of thunder knife. There are four movements, which is the first.

Although the remaining three styles Lin Feng has not yet understood.

But the first formula is also powerful enough.

Poof! Poof!

The sound of tearing the flesh came out.

Blood splashed.

A disciple of the famous star cloud pavilion was killed.

"Sacrifice magic weapon to kill him". A disciple shouted.


But before he offered his magic weapon, his body had been torn by the sword Qi.

People are constantly being killed.

Died on the spot.

The scene was extremely tragic.

It\'s horrible!

It\'s terrible!

These disciples of Xingyun Pavilion were frightened when they were killed.

Now, where dare to stay, turn around and run away.

Even Xu Xingjie, the leading disciple of Xingyun Pavilion, was completely frightened.

Even friars who understand the "spirit" can\'t be so powerful, can they?

But Lin Feng, it\'s so terrible! Demonstrated combat power! It\'s amazing!

This has exceeded Xu Xingjie\'s imagination.

"Hmm? If you want to go, you\'ll leave your life.".

Saw the remaining six disciples scattered and fled.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"Crack the sky".

He drank coldly.

The right hand cuts out a hundred Zhang blade.

The blade swept out.

Poof poof

A tearing sound came out.

A famous star cloud Pavilion disciple was killed.

Seeing this scene, Xu Xingjie\'s face was as white as paper.

"Rock demon ape".

Suddenly, Xu Xingjie shouted.

He displayed his "spirit".

Xu Xingjie\'s "spirit" is a kind of rock demon ape.

A demon ape made of rock.

Instantly condensed, roared and killed.

However, he couldn\'t bear Lin Feng\'s blow at all.

The rock demon ape was instantly cut in half.

Then, the knife ran through the world, caught up with Xu Xingjie and killed Xu Xingjie with a knife.

Xu Xingjie died miserably!

Seeing that everyone died in Lin Feng\'s hands, Gu Jun trembled with fear.

Flop and kneel on the ground.

"Brother Lin, this matter has nothing to do with me. I\'m just a minion who leads them. We went to Xingyun city together. We were old friends. For the sake of past love, spare my dog\'s life.".

Gu Jun begged.

"Do I have friends with you? Don\'t put gold on your face"

Lin Feng sneered, looked indifferent, and killed with a sword.

A puff.

Gu Jun\'s head was cut off and rushed up into the sky, with blood gushing out.