Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 646

At night, Lin Feng sat cross legged. He had planned to go to Luoshen cliff to see the legendary birth of emperor soldiers.

"It\'s a pity that Huo Qilin didn\'t come out this time. If he were here, he would have gone to Luoshen cliff.".

Lin Feng muttered.

He took out the heaven swallowing jar!! It\'s the treasure forged by the demon emperor of tuntian!!

It\'s a pity that this baby is broken.

It is said that this baby almost became an "emperor soldier" in those years.

But it seems to have been broken before it has evolved into an imperial soldier.

I don\'t know who has such strong strength to break the treasures of the demon emperor.

The devil swallowing heaven should also be a "strong man in the imperial realm"?

Although there are still some strong people in the devil\'s way who give themselves the title of "great emperor", such as the blood demon emperor, they are not strong people in the "imperial realm" at all.

There is a difference of eighteen thousand miles.

But the devil friars like to put gold on their faces.

So they often take some very domineering names.

According to Kirin, as like as two peas, the emperor swallowed the devil and swallowed up the spirit.

But the soul of the demon emperor tuntian evolved to nine.

The nine swallowing martial spirits have transformed into "swallowing martial spirits".

Obviously, the soul of swallowing heaven after extreme evolution will be more domineering.

This is also the origin of the name of the devil swallowing heaven.

"I don\'t know where the other parts of the sky swallowing jar are? If they can be found, can they restore the glory of the sky swallowing jar in the past?".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help muttering.

He devoured the soul of martial arts.

The power of swallowing is continuously integrated into the heaven swallowing pot.

Although the baby is now incomplete, it can still exert amazing power.

Lin Feng can increase the induction and contact with the sky swallowing pot by constantly warming the sky swallowing pot.

Once the heaven swallowing jar is urged, the power of the baby will be more powerful.

The next day, Lin Feng left the ancient man mining area and went to the Underground Grand Canyon at the junction of wasteland and man.

This Underground Grand Canyon is the gateway to the underground world.

The underground world is about 100000 meters away from the earth world.

The underground world is because some laws are broken, leading to underground collapse, forming a large area of underground space.

Later, those broken laws gradually stabilized.

Thus, a solid space is formed underground.

After countless years of evolution, there have been underground rivers, vegetation, mountains and rivers, which are actually the same as the earth world.

But the underground world also has its own rules. The underground world is cold and humid without sunshine.

Ordinary practitioners don\'t want to stay in such a place for a long time.

But demons, evils, demons... These beings like to stay in a cold and humid environment.

Therefore, many evil, evil and evil forces are rooted in the underground world.

In the underground world, there are demons, such as Shura, Yasha and so on. They belong to the underground demons, which are very cruel.

"Is that the Great Rift Valley ahead?". Lin Feng looked into the distance.

You see.

A huge Canyon stretching for many miles appeared in sight.

The dark fog rolled in the canyon.

A cold smell filled the air.

That gloomy and cold breath will make normal friars feel very uncomfortable.

But this is the holy land of evil demons.

Lin Feng landed at the entrance of the Underground Grand Canyon. Looking down, he felt a trace of cold wind blowing into his body. In the black fog, there were some creatures flying by.

A monk entered the Grand Canyon in the distance, and soon there was a terrible cry. I don\'t know whether he was killed or not.

Lin Feng touched his chin. It seemed that there were some terrible creatures living in the Grand Canyon and would attack the monks who entered it.

"Look, there\'s the Underground Grand Canyon ahead.".

At this time, more than a dozen monks in the distance flew their swords.

These dozen people are about to enter the Grand Canyon.

Suddenly, one of them made a "eh" sound.

"What did you find, younger martial brother Gu?".

Asked a handsome monk in his twenties.

The friar called brother Gu is a broken arm friar.

This person is Gu Jun.

We went to Xingyun city together.

I met a group of animals on the way.

Lin Feng and others were besieged by wolves. Gu Jun was bitten off his arm by a golden backed wolf.

"Elder martial brother, that guy is Lin Feng!"

Gu Jun said.

Gu Jun ridiculed Lin Feng, Yu Fan and Han Shuo in Xingyun city.

Therefore, he was taught a lesson by Lin Feng, and he always had a grudge in his heart.

Now I see Lin Feng again, but he sneers. He knows how much the disciples of Xingyun Pavilion want to kill Lin Feng.

Because elder xingxuan secretly issued a reward order to kill Lin Feng. The reward was extremely rich, which attracted countless disciples.

"Lin Feng? The Lin Feng of Qingyun sect?" the leading disciple asked in surprise.

This disciple, Xu Xingjie, is the top genius in the inner courtyard of Xingyun Pavilion.

Gu Jun is not good at cultivation, but he is good at flattering the horse, and he is associated with Xu Xingjie.

Yes, that\'s him. Gu Jun nodded repeatedly.

A disciple said, "this guy\'s head is valuable. Isn\'t there a rumor from zongmen that if anyone can kill this boy, elder xingxuan will pay 100 pieces of the best spirit stone?"

"Yes, there is indeed this saying. Many disciples even went to the place where Qingyun sect is located and waited for the boy to come out in order to kill him.".

Another disciple said.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds eat the king.

One hundred top-grade spirit stones are astronomical.

For ordinary disciples, it is extremely difficult to get the best spirit stone.

Many people practice with high spirit stones.

Because the best spirit stone is rare.

But obviously, if you want to break through the realm of yin and Yang, you still need the best spirit stone.

The purity of higher spirit stone energy can not meet the requirements of breakthrough.

But it\'s too difficult to get the best spirit stone. The secret task of elder xingxuan can naturally attract many people\'s attention.

Xu Xingjie sneered and said, "then we\'re really lucky. A hundred top-grade spirit stones are a great fortune.".

"What does elder martial brother mean?". The disciples of Xingyun Pavilion all looked very excited.

"It\'s just a very simple thing for us to kill it casually.". Xu Xingjie\'s face showed his intention to kill.

He waved and said, "go, go down and meet this boy.".

The disciples of Xingyun Pavilion nodded excitedly, killed Lin Feng and got a hundred best spirit stones. Even if Xu Xingjie took a large part, each of them could divide several pieces.


A group of people quickly swept towards Lin Feng and landed directly.

Lin Feng turned and looked at these people in surprise.

"Lin Feng, didn\'t you expect us to meet here?"

Gu Jun stepped out with a sneer.

Seeing Gu Jun, Lin Feng was stunned. He really didn\'t expect to meet Gu Jun here.

Lin Feng was even more surprised to see Gu Jun wearing the clothes of Xingyun Pavilion disciples.

Gu Jun is a straw bag. He can even join Xingyun pavilion after breaking an arm, which is really beyond Lin Feng\'s expectation.

Of course, Lin Feng had no good impression of Gu Jun, and said faintly, "what\'s the matter?"

"Boy, don\'t you know that death is coming?" Gu Jun said with a sneer.

Lin Feng looked at the group of people and found that the group of people looked at themselves and showed their murders.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said, "are all inner disciples of Xingyun pavilion? It seems that I have no hatred with you?".

A disciple of Xingyun Pavilion sneered and said, "I have a reason to kill you.".

When the voice fell, the famous Xingyun Pavilion disciple jumped out and slapped Lin Feng, trying to kill Lin Feng directly.