Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 645

Jin Zhengkai wants to cut Lin Feng!

But Jin Zhengkai knows that he must be soft now!

Otherwise, I will suffer more torture!

"I take it! I take it!"

Jin Zhengkai shouted.

"You\'re such a soft egg. How dare you fight me, just a waste like you?".

Lin Feng glanced sideways at Jin Zhengkai, with a momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. He was indescribably domineering.

"I like such a domineering man.".

Yue Zhuxin licked her red lips and a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at Lin Feng tightly.

"Tut Tut, I have begun to mourn for younger martial brother Lin now. I\'m afraid it will be miserable if you are watched by the goblin."

Zhou Zhao shook his head.

"Thank you for your praise, senior brother.". Yue Zhuxin smiled.

Then she looked at Zhou Yuting next to her and said with a smile, "are you interested in cooperating with me? You want what you want, I want what I want".

Zhou Yuting smiled and said, "without cooperation, I can get what I want.".

Her eyes glanced at Shi Weizhu again.

Shi Weizhu seemed to notice and looked at Zhou Yuting. Her pretty face changed slightly.

"Go away"!

Lin Feng kicked Jin Zhengkai out.

A group of people quickly lifted Kim Jong Kai and left in a panic.

Back in the No. 4 mining area, Jin Zhengkai sent a letter of divorce.

"Go to the situ family in Pingcheng, ancient man country and give this letter to my mother. I want Lin Feng to live and die.".

Kim Jong Kai\'s face twisted.

"Yes, I\'ll do it now.". Said a domestic slave beside Kim Jong Kai.

Put away the letter and leave.

Emperor Shixuan and Emperor Shiyu cleaned up.

Put on clean clothes.

Although emperor Shi Xuan was thin, he was very handsome.

The emperor released the fish, even if he was only eleven or twelve years old, but he was already graceful and graceful.

"This little girl is really beautiful.". Looking at the exquisite and beautiful face of emperor Shi yu\'er, Shi Weizhu was also slightly surprised.

Before, Emperor Shi Yu was dirty all over, so he couldn\'t see what he looked like. "

Now I\'m clean. I\'m really a beauty.

When I grow up, I\'m afraid it\'s also a beauty at the level of disaster to the country and the people.

Emperor Shi yu\'er\'s pretty face was slightly red. He glanced at Lin Feng and lowered his head.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "you must be hungry too. Come and eat quickly.".

Lin Feng has ordered people to bring things up.

Seeing the rich food, Emperor Shi fish\'s eyes lit up suddenly.

"Stop watching and eat.". Shi Weizhu smiled.

"Thank you, big brother and big sister", Emperor Shiyu said politely.

Thank you, master.

Emperor Shitian saluted slightly.

Then he sat at the table with his sister Xiaoyu and ate.

Lin Feng found that even though the brother and sister were hungry, they didn\'t wolf down their meals. Instead, they ate very slowly, with an unspeakable aristocratic temperament.

Lin Feng can generally confirm by blood oath that emperor Shixuan and Emperor Shiyu are likely to come from a mysterious and ancient race.

Why did they fall like this.

Since the brother and sister don\'t say, Lin Feng won\'t ask.

It seems to calm down again in the future. Jin Zhengkai is recovering from his injury and doesn\'t appear. This is different from the general bone fracture. Don\'t want to get better in a few months.

On this day, Lin Feng heard a message from a group of soldiers escorting slaves.

It\'s about Luoshen cliff.

Luoshen cliff, the legendary death Jedi.

It is located in the Underground Grand Canyon at the junction of barren and savage regions.

The Underground Grand Canyon is said to be a place connecting the underground world.

There are many demons in the underground world.

It\'s dangerous.

"Are you talking about Luoshen cliff? What happened to Luoshen cliff?". Lin Feng asked.

When the leading soldier saw Lin Feng, the person in charge of the fifth mining area, asking, he dared not neglect, and said, "I heard that there was a treasure in Luoshen cliff".

"Treasure?". Lin Feng showed a surprised expression and asked, "what\'s the treasure?".

"Have you ever heard of the holy emperor?". The soldier leader suddenly asked.

Lin Feng said, "I\'ve heard of a holy city in Dongjun, but the holy emperor hasn\'t heard of it.".

The soldier leader said, "it is said that the holy city was built by a monk instructed by the holy emperor.".

Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

Tiansheng City, one of the top ten ancient cities in China in Dongjun, was built by the cultivation directed by Tiansheng emperor?

Who is the emperor? So powerful?

The soldier leader said, "it is said that the heavenly Saint emperor participated in the creation. His cultivation is against the sky. He can break the shackles of the world and fly to the immortal world."

"Rise to the undead world?". Lin Feng was surprised. Now the undead world is almost becoming one of the rumors.

Because too many, too many years, no one can fly to the undead world.

The soldier leader nodded and said, "yes, it\'s to fly to the undead world, and it\'s said to have succeeded.".


Lin Feng exclaimed.

This day, the cultivation of the holy emperor surpasses the "God"?

Only by transcending "God" can we fly to the undead world.

"Later?" Lin Feng asked.

"Naturally, only friars who break the shackles of Shinto can soar to the immortal world. However, the heavenly Saint emperor even showed his magic power to hide the world. With a move of the great magic power of heaven and earth in his sleeve, he put more than 200000 disciples in his sleeve. All the people, wealth and treasures of a huge heavenly Saint ancient sect were brought to the immortal world by the heavenly Saint emperor".

The soldier said to the leader.

"Flying with so many people? The holy emperor is so against the sky?". Lin Feng was surprised.

He also heard about the soaring world from huoqilin.

The fewer things you take, the better.

And flying can\'t take other creatures.

Because you will be punished by heaven.

Only those who break the shackles of Shinto can soar.

But the holy emperor took away more than 200000 people from zongmen and soared together.

One man gets the word, and chickens and dogs rise to heaven.

Is that what you mean?

The soldier said with a bitter smile, "However, the holy emperor committed a taboo. Where is the undead world? It\'s the place where the strongest are qualified to go. He led so many people to go, which made some leaders in the undead world extremely angry. Those leaders joined hands to kill the holy emperor. The body of the holy emperor and more than 200000 people of the sect fell from the undead world and fell deep into the Luoshen cliff Place ".

"Is such a powerful person dead?" Lin Feng was stunned.

The soldier leader nodded and said, "When you die, a statue that transcends the existence of God falls. As a death Jedi, Luoshen cliff has entered a life of near death. However, in late autumn every year, the prohibition force in Luoshen cliff will be greatly weakened. At this time, the risk coefficient of Luoshen cliff will decrease a lot. Some time ago, the prohibition of Luoshen cliff began to weaken, and there are imperial soldiers in the depths of Luoshen cliff.".

"Emperor soldier?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"It\'s a terrible weapon forged by the Heavenly Emperor, which surpasses the artifact forged by the gods and reaches the level of imperial soldiers".

Above the Shinto is the realm of the emperor.

The heavenly Saint emperor is a "strong emperor".