Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 642


Lin Feng rushed up with the boy and landed on the cliff.

"Woo woo, is my brother dead?". The little girl was crying with rain.

Your brother is still alive. Lin Feng said.

"Big brother, you saved Xiaoyu\'s brother. Xiaoyu kowtows to you.".

The little girl knelt on the ground.

Lin Feng pulled the little girl up and said, "since you call me big brother, it\'s my sister. How can a brother refuse what my sister asks? Let\'s go and go back to heal him.".

"Big brother, it\'s very kind of you.". The little fish is crying with rain.

A group of people left quickly.

"Go down and have a look". A disciple said.

Then several disciples flew down, and they saw the corpse of a fierce beast lying in the animal valley.

The disciples turned pale.

This is a fierce beast that Kim Jong Kai has worked hard to find and cultivated for many years.

But now they are all killed by Lin Feng.

These disciples know that something big is going to happen.

Jin Zhengkai would be furious. They didn\'t dare to hesitate. They quickly flew up and carried Meng Rui, who was injured and fainted, to the No. 4 mining area.


Back to mine five.

Lin Feng put the boy on the bed.

Then Lin Feng asked others to go out, leaving only Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and Mo Yuning present.

"Big brother, what happened to my brother?". The little girl was obviously worried about her brother and looked pitifully at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "it\'s all right. It\'s just too tired.".

The little girl\'s brother is as skinny as a firewood. Obviously, it is due to too much effort and poor food. His physical condition is not ideal. He has no cultivation, but he exudes "potential".

You know, emitting "potential" is very mental and physical.

Lin Feng took out a bottle of spirit liquid he refined and fed it to the boy.

Soon, the boy woke up.

"Woo woo, brother, you finally wake up. Xiaoyu is worried about his brother.". When the little fish saw the boy wake up, he immediately cried again. This time, he cried because he was too excited.

"Little fish...". The boy held his sister in his arms.

The little fish said, "brother, this big brother saved you.".

The little fish struggled to open the young man\'s arms and pointed to Lin Feng.

The boy got down from the bed, knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Feng, "thank you for saving my sister, thank you for saving me.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "get up and talk.".

The boy got up from the ground.

Lin Feng found that although the boy was thin and had no accomplishments, his eyes were firm, neither humble nor arrogant, which made Lin Feng a little strange.

The boy seems to be an unusual person.

"Who are you? How did you come to Guman mining area and become a miner here?".

Lin Feng asked.

"My name is di Shixuan. This is my sister di shiyu\'er. My sister and I were going to a place to look for relatives. When we crossed the border, we were mistaken for spies, then we were caught and brought here.".

Emperor Shixuan said.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. What emperor Shi Xuan introduced was too simple. Obviously, he hid a lot of things.

Wang Hu said, "your boy is dishonest. Younger martial brother Lin saved your sister from those people in the No. 4 mining area and saved you from the animal valley. But you didn\'t even tell younger martial brother Lin your life experience. Just say a name? What do you want to hide?".

Emperor Shixuan lowered his head and didn\'t speak.

Lin Feng said, "I don\'t ask about your life experience. Since I saved you, what can you repay me?".

"What do you want? Whatever you want, I will find it and give it to you in the future."

Emperor Shixuan road.

"The boy has a big voice.". Wang Hu said.

Lin Feng said, "I don\'t want anything. You will follow me and be loyal to me.".

"To be your slave?". Emperor Shixuan clenched his fists together.

Lin Feng said lightly, "nature is not a slave, but a subordinate."

Wang Hu, Mo Yuning and Shi Weizhu all showed puzzled expressions.

Why does Lin Feng attach so much importance to a teenager without cultivation?

Isn\'t that strange?

But they also know some things to ask and some things not to ask.

Emperor Shi Xuan\'s face was uncertain.

Obviously he\'s weighing.

Mo Yuning said, "younger martial brother Lin\'s acceptance of you can protect your brother and sister\'s integrity. It\'s a blessing that your brother and sister repaired in their last life. Why do you hesitate?".

The boy did not speak.

For a long time, he said, "fifteen years! Fifteen years! I\'ll work for you! Fifteen years later, I\'ll be free!".

Lin Feng said faintly, "I won\'t limit your freedom.".

"Fifteen years, I only worked for you for fifteen years.". Emperor Shixuan said again.

"OK, fifteen years.". Lin Feng said.

At this time, Emperor Shi Xuan bit his finger and blood flowed out. He touched his forehead with blood and looked at Lin Feng.

Obviously, Emperor Shixuan also wanted to click on Lin Feng\'s forehead.

Lin Feng nodded.

Emperor Shi Xuan also nodded on Lin Feng\'s forehead.

"I swear by blood that I will be his slave within fifteen years. After fifteen years, when the blood oath is completed, I will be free.".

The voice of emperor Shi Xuan\'s piety came out.

"What\'s the boy doing? He\'s so grand?". Wang Hu muttered.

Shi Weizhu and Mo Yuning also had a puzzled expression on their faces.

But Lin Feng alone was shocked.

Because, when Emperor Shi Xuan\'s blood oath was made, it condensed into a blood array in Lin Feng\'s mind.

This is the oath array.

"Who the hell is this emperor Shixuan? He knows the oath array?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

He had heard from Huo Qilin that only some of the most mysterious races could make such a blood oath.

Such a race attaches the most importance to commitment.

No wonder he hesitated when he asked emperor Shixuan to follow him.

According to Huo Qilin, once those races choose to follow someone, they will persist in believing that they are slaves and swear blood allegiance.

This may be the reason why emperor Shixuan hesitated.

"Lin Feng, come out...". At this time, the cold voice suddenly came from the outside.

Li Liang ran over in a panic and reported outside the door, "younger martial brother Lin, it\'s bad. It\'s Jin Zhengkai who brought people here, and the comers are not good".

Hearing the three words of Jin Zhengkai, the little fish immediately trembled with fear.

Emperor Shixuan\'s eyes showed a dark look.

"Di Shixuan, little fish, you rest here"

Lin Feng glanced at his brother and sister, then got up and walked outside.

When he came outside, he saw Kim Jong Kai coming with more than 30 disciples.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s appearance, Jin Zhengkai\'s eyes suddenly showed Senran\'s killing intention.

"Hide the slaves in mine No. 4, abolish Jin Haodong and Meng Rui, and kill more than a dozen spirit beasts. Lin Feng, you must give me a satisfactory explanation today, otherwise, I will make you pay ten times.".