Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 643

Jin Zhengkai came here with great momentum. He brought many strong men, so he came here with full preparation and confidence.

When Jin Zhengkai saw that the relationship between Lin Feng and Shi Weizhu was not simple, he had completely hated Lin Feng.

In those days, Shi Weizhu was the first "slave" who dared to resist him. Shi Weizhu escaped, which made Jin Zhengkai feel a great humiliation.

Later, Jin Zhengkai went to ask for Shiwei Zhu several times, but was rejected by the female disciple who took Shiwei Zhu. In a rage, Jin Zhengkai lurked into the female disciple\'s residence with people.

What Jin Zhengkai didn\'t expect was that in the female disciple\'s residence, Jin Zhengkai found a great secret of the female disciple and wanted to coerce the female disciple to let her hand over Shi Weizhu.

But Jin Zhengkai didn\'t expect that the female disciple was also decisive and directly wanted to kill Jin Zhengkai.

After a great war, several disciples were killed, and Jin Zhengkai escaped by luck.

After escaping, Jin Zhengkai not only told the secret of the female disciple, but also wanted the sect to punish the female disciple.

Although the female disciple\'s reputation was damaged because of that incident, her background was also great.

This matter was suppressed, but in the end, the female disciple chose to leave the sect because of her reputation.

Jin Zhengkai was later angered by the forces behind the female disciple.

So he was also expelled from Qingyun sect, so Jin Zhengkai came to Guman mining area.

This happened many years ago.

All the reasons are caused by Shi Weizhu, which Jin Zhengkai has always believed.

Jin Zhengkai, who hated Shi Weizhu because he dared to resist himself, hated Shi Weizhu even more because of later things. Now I see Shi Weizhu again, although I hate him.

But when he saw that Shi Weizhu had come out so beautiful and moving, Jin Zhengkai had an evil mind.

However, Shi Weizhu seems to be on good terms with Lin Feng.

Jin Zhengkai was jealous and angry. He hated Lin Feng together.


Looking at the murderous Jin Zhengkai on his face, Lin Feng said with a sneer, "who should I be? It\'s elder martial brother Jin. You said I hid slaves in your No. 4 mining area. Have you found someone?"

"As for Jin Haodong, Meng Rui and I dare to contradict me. I\'m the person in charge of No. 5 mining area. They are neither superior nor inferior. I\'ll discipline the people below instead of elder martial brother Jin, so as not to make other forces think that our Qingyun sect disciples don\'t know how to be superior or inferior. Isn\'t it a smile?".

"Are those ferocious beasts you mentioned, those of elder martial brother Jin? I thought they were ferocious beasts that accidentally broke into the mining area and killed them. I\'m really sorry. Why don\'t you report elder martial brother Jin\'s name? If you report elder martial brother Jin\'s name, maybe I\'ll let them go.".

"Poof..." many people laughed.

Can the fierce beast report Kim Jong Kai\'s name?

Obviously, Lin Feng is playing with Jin Zhengkai.

Kim Jong Kai\'s face twisted, "Lin Feng, dare you play with me?".

"Did I fool you?".

Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold.

"Bring a group of people to my No. 5 mining area. They think my No. 5 mining area is easy to bully. Get out of here, or I\'ll break your legs.".

Lin Feng sneered.

"Break my legs?".

Jin Zhengkai\'s mouth suddenly showed a gloomy expression.

"Boy, do you really think you\'re a character? Tang Xiu, break his legs for me and let him know the end of daring to offend me.".

Jin Zhengkai smiled grimly.

He has planned to completely tear his face with Lin Feng.

"Yes, childe.".

At this time, a monk behind Kim Jong Kai came out.

The friar was thin, with a hooked nose and inverted triangular eyes. It gave people a feeling of gloom and terror, and his body exuded a smell of yin and evil.

"Eh, those who have practiced evil magic skills?".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

"Boy, how dare you offend my childe? No one can save you. In this way, you slap yourself a hundred times and I\'ll waste your leg today.".

The friar named Tang Xiu smiled darkly.

Ha ha, that\'s a good proposal. Kim Jong Kai laughed.

I don\'t know what to do. Lin Feng sneered.

Tang Xiu\'s eyes suddenly showed a sense of killing.

"Do not appreciate".

The voice fell, and Tang Xiu came directly to Lin Feng.


I saw a flash of cold in the void and a huge claw condensed.

It\'s like a ghost claw.

"It\'s really an evil friar.".

Lin Feng sneered.

Naturally, not everyone is a sinister and evil monk.

Such as the magic knife Na Lanjing, although the cultivation is the magic knife.

But upright.

Lin Feng was deeply impressed.

But the monk named Tang Xiu was obviously a person of yin and evil.

When he shot, Lin Feng didn\'t feel any righteousness.

Lin Feng felt a bloodthirsty, gloomy and resentful breath.

People with such a breath are the real demons.

"It\'s an evil friar. Elder martial brother Lin, be careful.".

Many disciples in No. 5 mining area changed their faces.

The skills of evil friars are strange, so the righteous friars often suffer losses when they collide with them.

Although everyone knows that Lin Feng is very powerful, he has not fought with evil friars after all.

Everyone is also worried that Lin Feng will suffer.

"Ha ha, Tang Xiu was indeed an evil monk before, but he was accepted by our Qingyun sect ten years ago. He was also the deacon of our Qingyun sect. When I came out of Qingyun sect, I took Tang Xiu to protect me.".

Kim Jong Kai shouted proudly.

"Or the deacon of Qingyun sect?". Everyone was obviously surprised.

But it\'s normal to think about it.

There are also some demons who will choose to take refuge in the large door for shelter, but when they take refuge, they are often forbidden by the high-level of those great forces.

Once you kill innocent people again, you will die.

It is precisely because of such prohibitions and constraints that many evil friars began to cultivate themselves after taking refuge in the big door.

Not as evil as before.

Obviously, Tang Xiu is such a person.

Lin Feng guessed that Tang Xiu was able to join the Qingyun sect. It is estimated that it has a lot to do with Jin Zhengkai\'s grandfather Jin Tianzhao.

Otherwise, Tang Xiu will not work for Kim Jong Kai.

He also called Jin Zhengkai the childe.

Tang Xiu\'s amazing attack was about to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered and stepped forward, emitting a powerful momentum in his body.


Tang Xiu\'s condensed ghost claw broke in an instant.


Tang Xiu was surprised. He couldn\'t believe his eyes. He quickly retreated and condensed his "spirit" at the same time.

After breaking through the ten days of King Wu\'s realm, Tang Xiu practiced hard for 20 years and finally cultivated "spirit".

His spirit was a devil with open teeth and claws, and he killed Lin Feng directly.


Lin Feng sneered and cut out with a sword.

The "spirit" condensed by Tang Xiu was directly torn apart.

"How can you be so strong?" Tang Xiu cried in horror.

"Ask the Lord of hell.". Lin Feng sneered and continued to urge the sword Qi to kill Tang Xiu.

"I\'m the deacon of Qingyun sect. Dare you kill me?" roared Tang Xiu.

"Whoever you are? Whoever offends me, die"!

The words fell, and the sword Qi cleaved down.


Tang Xiu was cut in half by Lin Feng\'s sword Qi and died miserably on the spot.