Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 641

From time to time, the roar of fierce animals came from the animal Valley!

The beast Valley is surrounded by a large array, so those fierce beasts can\'t escape from it.

More than a dozen disciples guard the beast valley.

A disciple smiled and said, "how long can those guys you talk about last?".

"I guess it won\'t take half an hour to die in it," said another disciple.

"Elder martial brother Jin Zhengkai took great pains to cultivate the ferocity of these fierce animals. Let these fierce animals kill humans themselves and let them remember the smell of human beings. Elder martial brother Jin Zhengkai will have more than a dozen killing weapons in the future.".

Another disciple said.

At this time, there was a roaring sound from the depths of the beast valley. These disciples smiled and said, "it seems that those fierce beasts have begun to hunt.".

A disciple said, "I really want to go down and have a look.".

The leading disciple sneered and said, "If you go down, I promise you will also become the food for those big guys. You haven\'t seen how terrible those big guys are. I went down with senior brother Jin Zhengkai at that time. I guess those guys can kill even the ten Heaven experts in the Wu King realm. In a few years, the strong ones in the yin-yang realm are probably not their opponents.".

"It\'s terrible." many people took a breath.

In the valley of beasts, more than 50 miners ran wildly, looking at more than a dozen fierce beasts chasing after them from time to time.

These fierce beasts, including the dark lightning leopard, three giant scorpions and nine magic tigers... Any fierce beast flows with the blood of ancient monsters. No wonder these fierce beasts are so powerful.

"Run inside and find a place to hide.".

A miner pointed deep and everyone fled wildly.


At this time, the dark lightning leopard accelerated its speed, like a black lightning, caught up in an instant, opened its bloody mouth and bit at a miner.

"Ah..." the miner let out a cry.

With a click, the next moment, the miner\'s head was bitten off by the lightning leopard.

The rest of the people were frightened to death when they saw this scene.

They ran madly into the depths.

But at this time, the earth in front cracked, and a huge animal claw like a mountain came out of the cracked earth.

The huge claw swept towards the miners who had fled madly to the depths.

Bang Bang

A miner was swept out.


The miners coughed up blood and turned pale.

The fierce beast in the back killed him, and a miner immediately died under the claws of those fierce beasts.

"Young master, did you hear the roar of the beast? Look, that\'s the beast valley."

The soldier pointed deep.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded and quickly came to the animal valley with the people.

"Who? Dare to break into senior brother Jin\'s animal valley without permission?". The leading disciple here is Meng Rui and looks arrogant.

This man is Jin Zhengkai\'s confidant. He is a monk of jiuchongtian in the realm of King Wu, with outstanding strength.

"Can you blind your dog? This is senior brother Lin Feng, the person in charge of the fifth mining area." a disciple shouted coldly.

"Lin Feng? Are you Lin Feng?".

Meng Rui\'s mouth suddenly showed an expression of disdain.

He had also heard of Lin Feng\'s realm before. The realm of King Wu was just seven days.

Meng Rui also knows that Lin Feng and Jin Zhengkai have formed a deep hatred.

Jin Zhengkai dreams of killing Lin Feng.

Can I help elder martial brother Jin Zhengkai clean up this boy today?

At that time, it will be a great achievement in front of senior brother Jin Zhengkai.

At the thought of this, Meng Rui\'s mouth showed a dull expression. He looked at Lin Feng indifferently and said, "who am I? It turned out to be younger martial brother Lin. this is not where you can come. Now leave quickly. I forgive you for your innocence. If you don\'t appreciate it, don\'t blame me for being rude to you."

"Whoever dares to talk to me like this will come to no good end. Elder martial brother Mo, break his limbs.".

Lin Feng said faintly.


Mo Yuning stepped out and rushed directly to Meng Rui.


The breath of terror surged out of Mo Yuning\'s body, and Meng Rui\'s look suddenly changed.

He retreated quickly to avoid Mo Yuning\'s attack.

But with his strength, it\'s hard to avoid Mo Yuning\'s attack.

"I\'m from elder martial brother Jin Zhengkai. If you dare to hurt me, elder martial brother Jin Zhengkai will not let you go.".

Meng Rui threatened loudly.

But the next moment, he was blown out by Mo Yuning.

Wow, spewed out a mouthful of blood and turned pale.

Fell to the ground.

Mo Yuning came forward.

Step by step.

Click, click, click, click.

The sound of bone fracture came out one after another, and Meng Rui\'s limbs were directly trampled off.

The other disciples flopped on their knees and begged, "elder martial brother Lin, we didn\'t offend you. Please forgive us.".

Lin Feng didn\'t pay attention to these people. He said, "wait here for a moment. I\'ll go down and have a look.".

The voice fell and jumped down.

Shua Shua

In mid air, he spread his golden wings and rushed into the abyss like lightning.

The killing under the abyss is still going on, leaving only the last three of the more than 50 miners.

Two of the three had practiced before and were agile. There was also a 15-year-old boy who was hurt all over and was forced to a corner by several fierce beasts.

Poof, poof!

The sound of tearing came out and two other miners died miserably.

At this time, a dozen fierce animals all surrounded the thin young man.

"I can\'t die. If I die, my sister will die here.".

The boy muttered to himself.

His desire for survival is extremely strong.


A fierce beast roared and shook the sky.

A dozen fierce beasts killed the boy.


Lin Feng flew in.

He saw the boy, breathed a sigh, and was still alive. He was about to rescue.

Lin Feng saw that the young man\'s eyes suddenly turned blood red.

"I... can\'t... Die... Here...".

The boy gritted his teeth and said.

He took a step forward.

More than a dozen powerful beasts suddenly screamed at him. They all fell from the air and fell to the ground. They all fainted.

The young man fell to the ground.

"How could it be? Without any accomplishments, he brought his own" potential ". Under the crisis of life and death, he stimulated the" potential "in his body.

Lin Feng\'s face was full of shocking expressions.

This young man is too rebellious.

Lin Feng walked over and cut off more than a dozen fierce animals who fainted with a sword.

Then he picked up the boy and rose to the sky.