Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 635

After reading the ghost gossip all night, Lin Feng saw many wonderful stories. Lin Feng couldn\'t help admiring scholar Ning.

It\'s not easy to think up so many stories.

If you print a story and let the storyteller tell stories in restaurants and teahouses, it will be all the rage.

The next day, Lin Feng said goodbye to Xiucai Ning. He had to go to Guman mining area.

The ancient man mining area is located in the depths of the mountains. Lin Feng quickly flew towards the ancient man mining area. On the road, he saw a large team of soldiers escorting thousands of people towards the ancient man mining area.

Those escorted were handcuffed and shackled.

There are men, women and even children.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, stopped and asked, "who are these people?".

One of the leading generals hurried off his horse to greet Lin Feng and said, "go back to childe, these are the executed prisoners who were robbed of their homes and killed their families in ancient man country, but Xianzong has the virtue of living well, so he lowered the immortal decree to give these executed prisoners the chance to live and let them go to Xianzong\'s mining area to dig mines".

This ancient barbarian country is also a country subordinate to Qingyun sect. It is said that the founding emperor of the ancient barbarian country is an elder of Qingyun sect. Even today\'s ancient barbarian royal family is also very powerful. Lin Feng has heard that there are several strong men in the realm of yin and Yang in the ancient barbarian royal family.

Moreover, the ancient barbarian country is located at the junction of the wilderness and the barbarian areas, and there are often barbarian invasions. Wars will break out in the frontier of the ancient barbarian country from time to time, and the folk customs of the ancient barbarian country are also very fierce.

"Well...". Lin Feng nodded and continued to fly in the direction of Guman mining area.

In the afternoon, he came to the Guman mining area.

After learning the news, Wang Hu, Shi Weizhu and others quickly welcomed them out.

More than a dozen mining area disciples came out to meet Lin Feng. The first disciple was Zhou Zhao. He was medium-sized. Looking at him in his twenties and twenties, he had a deep breath and obviously had extraordinary cultivation.

"This must be younger martial brother Lin? Next Zhou Zhao is the person in charge of No. 1 mining area.".

Zhou Zhao smiled and hugged his fist.

Lin Feng also hugged his fist and said, "please come out to meet elder martial brother Zhou in person. It\'s really annoying younger martial brother.".

Zhou Zhao grabbed Lin Feng\'s hand and said, "I\'ve heard of younger martial brother for a long time. At the beginning, younger martial brother killed Tianjiao Wansheng of Wanxian cult with a knife in the secret place of thunder knife, which made me Qingyun sect proud. I\'ve been longing to see younger martial brother for a long time, but I didn\'t expect that younger martial brother would come to gumen mining area for experience. Maybe this is fate.".

Lin Feng was slightly surprised and said, "could it be that senior brother also went to the thunder sword secret place to practice?".

Zhou Zhao sighed and said, "I\'m ashamed to say. I wanted to go, but there are many affairs in the mining area, so I didn\'t get away. Therefore, I missed the thunder knife secret place. It\'s a great pity.".

Zhou Zhao said that he was extremely sorry. Lin Feng believed that he was really sorry.

Missing such an opportunity will indeed make people regret, which is understandable.

Zhou Zhao smiled and said, "I heard my brother talk about it. Some time ago, my brother sent a home letter and talked about some things in the secret place of thunder knife.".

I see. Lin Feng nodded.

"Let\'s not pestle here and talk in the living room of the mining area," Zhou Zhao said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and entered the living room with Zhou Zhao and others.

"The general person in charge of Guman mining area is elder Wu Chang of Qingyun sect. However, elder Wu Chang is obsessed with studying the array, so he divides the mining area into five areas, and each area is under the custody of a different disciple. Younger martial brother Liu of No. 5 mining area was just transferred before younger martial brother came, so the elder assigned No. 5 mining area to younger martial brother.".

Zhou Zhao looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "younger martial brother, are you going to take a break and go to No. 5 mining area? Or will you go to No. 5 mining area with me now?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "now go to No. 5 mining area. Please lead the way, elder martial brother.".

"You\'re welcome, younger martial brother.". Zhou Zhao got up and took Lin Feng and others to No. 5 mining area.

Mining Area No. 5 is a mining area stretching for more than ten miles. The people who dig here are either prisoners of death of the ancient barbarian country, prisoners of war caught by the ancient barbarian country, or some people who committed major crimes and were sentenced to copy their families and exterminate their families. Qingyun Zong wanted these people from the ancient barbarian country because he thought God had the virtue of living well.

That is, the monks Lin Feng saw on the way before.

After Lin Feng and others came to No. 5 mining area, a short and thin disciple soon ran over.

"Younger martial brother Lin, this younger martial brother\'s name is Li Liang. He has been helping the transferred younger martial brother Zhang deal with some affairs in the mining area before. You can ask them if you don\'t understand.".

Zhou Zhao pointed to the disciple and said.

The disciple named Li Liang obviously should have known that Lin Feng would come and respectfully saluted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng exempted him from the gift, and Zhang Liang got up.

This person is quite polite, which is Lin Feng\'s first impression of Zhang Liang.

Zhou Zhao said, "younger martial brother has just arrived. It must be very hard. I won\'t bother. In the evening, the heads of our four mining areas prepared a welcome banquet to welcome younger martial brother.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "elder martial brother, can you recommend me to meet the elder?".

Zhou Zhao said with a bitter smile, "Mr. Wu said he would not leave until you came, but he left the mining area a few days ago. I don\'t know where he went.".

Lin Feng nodded and sent Zhou Zhao out of the mining area before returning.

Li Liang said, "elder martial brother, the residence has been cleaned up.".

"Yeah.". Lin Feng nodded and went to his residence under the leadership of strength.

A different courtyard has been built here in No. 5 mining area, and the environment is pretty good.

In the other courtyard, there are five three storey wooden buildings. Here is the residence.

Lin Feng and others live in the innermost wooden building.

"The mining area is a little shabby. I don\'t know if senior brother can live in the habit?" Li Liang asked respectfully.

"Not bad". Lin Feng nodded.

Li Liang stopped talking.

At this time, Wang Hu and others knew that Li Liang had something to say to Lin Feng, and they went to their respective rooms.

Li Liang took out a storage pocket, gave it to Lin Feng and said, "knowing that elder martial brother was coming, many elder martial brothers prepared some small gifts, which are worthless things. I hope elder martial brother will not dislike it.".

"Well, put things down.". Lin Feng nodded and then said, "elder Wu\'s data and the data of four mine leaders, do you have?".

"It\'s ready," Li Liang took it out.

Lin Feng was surprised that Li Liang didn\'t leak.

"Well, you go back and call you if you have something.". Lin Feng Road.

"The younger martial brother quit.". Li Liang saluted Lin Feng and then withdrew.