Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 634

Ning Jiesheng pulled the ox cart over and took out a hundred liang of silver and gave it to Ning Xiucai.

Rather Xiucai didn\'t refuse and put these things away.

Lin Feng helped Ning Xiucai put all the books scattered on the ground on the ox cart.

Scholars... Lin Feng\'s impression is that those scholars in the secular world study hard and want to get fame.

Ning Xiucai may also be such a person.

But in this world of cultivators, a world where the strong are respected, becoming a powerful cultivator is what everyone dreams of.

There are still many fewer scholars.

Really speaking, Ning Xiucai was the first scholar Lin Feng came into contact with.

Thank you, little friend. Ning Xiucai gave a gift.

Lin Feng said, "Sir, I\'m a young man. I don\'t know where Mr. Lin plans to go in the future?".

Ning Xiucai said, "I\'m going to build a cottage in Zhushan, plant flowers and grass every day, read and write for the rest of my life.".

"Sir is old. If Sir doesn\'t give up, I still have some strength. I hope I can help Sir build the thatched cottage."

Lin Feng Road.

"Thank you very much, little friend.". Ning Xiucai\'s grateful way.

"You\'re welcome, sir.". Lin Feng helped Ning Xiucai to the ox cart, and then he led qingniu to the direction of Zhushan.

On the way, Lin Feng met several disciples such as Wang Hu and told them to set out tomorrow for the Guman mining area. He would arrive later.

Wang Hu and others nodded and agreed.

Bamboo mountain is a hundred miles away from Beiman town. There is a mountain forest with dense bamboos. There was a mountain temple in bamboo mountain, which is now dilapidated.

Lin Feng repaired the mountain temple and built a two-story bamboo building next to the mountain temple.

"After all, it is difficult to keep out the cold in the cold winter. In winter, Mr. can live in the mountain temple. Although the mountain temple is somewhat dilapidated, it can keep out the cold after some repair".

Lin Feng said.

Ning Xiucai said, "you have helped me a lot, but I don\'t think I can repay you. I have a book here called God and devil Zatan, which I spent 30 years writing. Please accept it."

When the voice fell, Ning Xiucai took out a book.

"Ghost gossip?". Lin Feng was surprised.

"There is a tiger in the heart, sniffing roses, justice in the heart, and no invasion by ghosts and gods". Ning Xiucai said.

Lin Feng thought deeply about Ning Xiucai\'s words and felt that it was really reasonable. He couldn\'t help but say in his heart that he was a scholar?

These readers read more books, and they can often see the essence of things.

That night, Lin Feng didn\'t leave immediately. He helped Ning Xiucai make some wooden furniture, and then arranged several arrays around. If any fierce birds and beasts rush in, the array will be activated, which will be enough to kill the fierce birds and beasts at that time.

At night, Lin Feng sat cross legged, and the oil lamp emitted a weak light. The book of gods and Demons was placed in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opens the book. He finds that God devil gossip records the stories of gods, demons and ghosts.

In the first story, a scholar who hurried to the examination passed an ancient forest, where people were rarely seen. There was a dilapidated mountain temple in the ancient forest. The scholar offered incense to the mountain god, and then lit the lamp to read at night. When he was reading, he added great righteousness and attracted many spirit beasts in the mountain forest.

Reading this, Lin Feng was slightly surprised, "eh" and "Haoran righteousness". Lin Feng had seen an introduction on zhutianlu before, saying that he was a monk of Confucianism and Taoism, practicing Haoran righteousness.

Of course, Haoran righteousness is also well understood. Reading can nourish Qi, spirit and mind. There is justice in your heart. Haoran righteousness will be generated after reading.

Ordinary scholars, some people can raise noble righteousness.

However, for ordinary scholars, even if they can cultivate noble righteousness, they are unable to practice, so they can\'t use it.

Lin Feng continued to read.

It is written in the God and devil gossip that this reading life is noble and righteous, which not only attracts spirit beasts, but also demons in the mountains and forests.

The devil wants to eat the scholar to increase his Taoism.

Just when the demon was about to start, suddenly, the mountain god in the mountain temple came alive, beat back the demon and protected the scholar.

"This story is really interesting. The mountain god is a spiritual sustenance, not a true manifestation. How can the mountain god live?". Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

He read the content of ghost gossip as a story. Lin Feng found that the content above was basically related to readers.

At this time, Lin Feng read another article, which attracted him.

It says that one day, a prime minister named Li Mo went out for inspection. There were evil demons in the place he went. These evil demons wanted to take the prime minister\'s life. When the prime minister boarded the ship, suddenly, there was a strong wind in the lake, the magic gas rolled and the evil magic power was boundless, so he wanted to overturn the prime minister\'s ship.

The prime minister shouted, "the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life. Evil demons dare to disturb the world and should be killed!"

When the word "Zhu" roared, the screams rang out one after another. An evil demon named hidden in the dark fell from the air and died in the lake, and the wind and magic fog disappeared.

Someone asked, "prime minister, you have never practiced. Why did you roar and these evil demons were roared to death?".

The prime minister said, "I have been studying for 50 years, and I have already raised noble righteousness in my heart. Naturally, it is difficult for evil demons to get close to me.".

"What a mystery". Lin Feng murmured, these stories are really interesting, but Lin Feng doesn\'t believe the content of the story.

Lin Feng calmed down and continued to read.

It turned out that these evil demons were not willing to fail after heavy casualties, so they used evil means and summoned three female ghosts.

These demons sent three female ghosts to deal with Li mo.

Late at night, Li Mo is reading in his room. Three female ghosts turn into three great beauties and come to Li mo.

The seductive woman turned by the three female ghosts twisted the snake waist and tried to seduce Prime Minister Li Mo, and then bit him to death.

However, when they approached Prime Minister Li Mo, they saw that the surface of Prime Minister Li Mo\'s body showed great righteousness and shook the three female ghosts out.

The three female ghosts immediately revealed their prototype.

They growled, "we\'re here to eat you. Aren\'t you afraid of us?"

Li Mo said, "I\'m not afraid of the shadow. I\'m not surprised when ghosts knock at the door in the middle of the night.".

"They say they are not afraid of ghosts, but who is not afraid of ghosts?". Three female ghosts screamed and killed Li mo.

At this time, Li Mo\'s purple Qi was vast.

"Ah, Haoran righteousness". The three female ghosts were so frightened that the dead took risks, trembled all over and begged for mercy.

"Well, I will enlighten you and let you reincarnate."

Li Mo\'s voice fell, and a noble righteousness was injected into the bodies of these female ghosts.

The evil spirit of these female ghosts disappeared, thanked Li Mo, and flew out and reincarnated.