Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 636

"Two top-grade spirit stones, five thousand high spirit stones".

Lin Feng\'s mind was taken back from his storage pocket, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

These guys are very rich.

However, it\'s quite normal to think about it. Guman mining area is one of the three mining areas of qingyunzong. It\'s by no means comparable to ordinary spiritual mines. It\'s normal to be able to mine many top-grade spiritual stones and be intercepted by these disciples.

Moreover, the identities of these disciples who can serve as supervisors in Guman mining area are not ordinary.

Maybe their cultivation talent is not very good.

But their identity background is often not simple.

Maybe the elder of a disciple is a senior of the sect.

Not all of the high-level children of the sect have good talents. Some people with poor talents often apply for transfer to places where they can make money.

Obviously, the mining area is the best place to catch oil and water.

This kind of thing is not only in Qingyun sect.

This kind of thing happens in many religious sects.

After Lin Feng put these things away, he opened the information left by Li Liang.

Wu Chang, the person in charge of the ancient man mining area and the master of the spirit array, is a very powerful figure.

"Zhou Zhao, the person in charge of No. 1 mining area, and his uncle, Zhang Quan, the great elder of the outside world, are modest, sociable and have high prestige among his disciples.".

Lin Feng smiled. He didn\'t expect that Zhou Zhao had such a relationship with elder Zhang Quan.

When he was outside, elder Zhang Quan took good care of Lin Feng and once helped Lin Feng, and elder Zhang Quan was very optimistic about Lin Feng\'s future.

It can be said that among the disciples who have just joined the inner door, Lin Feng is the most valued by elder Zhang Quan.

Lin Feng feels that Zhou Zhao is so enthusiastic about himself. Maybe he has received the entrustment of elder Zhang Quan.

The person in charge of No. 2 mining area is called "Zhou Yuting". She is cold. Her mother is the five elders above the medicine refining peak. It is unclear who her father is.

And Zhou Yuting likes women.

"I\'ll go. Li Liang is OK. Even Zhou Yuting\'s love for women can be investigated.". Lin Feng couldn\'t help rolling his eyes.

The person in charge of No. 3 mining area, Yue Zhuxin, has an unknown identity and origin, but it is said that she has an extraordinary background and outstanding talent. She came to the mining area to experience in order to break through the realm of yin and Yang with the help of the huge resources of the mining area. She has always been low-key and mysterious, and has not even been shortlisted in the world list, but her accomplishments are absolutely powerful.

Although this woman seems charming and attractive, she is actually an extremely cold-blooded person. Once a senior brother wanted to molest Yue Zhuxin, but she was abandoned by Yue Zhuxin. The sect didn\'t settle this matter. Therefore, Yue Zhuxin is definitely a terrible character.

Jin Zhengkai, the person in charge of No. 4 mining area, is the grandson of Jin Tianzhao, the second elder of Lingzhen peak. He is proficient in Dazhen, but he is lecherous.

Lin Feng soon finished reading these materials and shook his head. It seems that the heads of the four mining areas are not simple.

In the evening, Zhou Zhao sent someone to pick up Lin Feng and others for the banquet.

Lin Feng and his party went to the banquet. They came to the residence of Zhou Zhao in No. 1 mining area. When Lin Feng and others arrived, Zhou Zhao and other four mining area leaders led more than 20 backbone disciples who had been waiting for Lin Feng.

"Ha ha, younger martial brother Lin, they are coming.". Zhou Zhao smiled.

Then Zhou Zhao began to introduce everyone.

"This is younger martial brother Lin Feng, younger martial sister Zhou Yuting, the person in charge of mining area 2, younger martial sister Yue Zhuxin, the person in charge of mining area 3, and younger martial brother Jin Zhengkai, the person in charge of mining area 4".

The four of them saluted and met.

Lin Feng found that this week Yuting was actually very beautiful, tall, with long legs, willow waist, snow-white goose egg skin and beautiful face. Lin Feng whispered in his heart that such a beautiful woman\'s sexual orientation is abnormal?

Did Li Liang make a mistake?

Yuezhuxin is also a first-class beauty, with flaming red lips, charming and charming eyes. She looks at Lin Feng with a smile. The sparkling eyes seem to seduce Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng knows from Li Liang\'s information that this woman looks charming and moving. In fact, she is a cruel woman. She must not be confused by her appearance.

While Jin Zhengkai in No. 4 mining area, dressed in gold, is also quite handsome, but his eyes are slightly narrow, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

"Take your seats.". Zhou Zhao said with a smile.

The crowd then walked toward the hall.

"Younger martial sister Shiwei and Zhu, I didn\'t expect you to come to Guman mining area.". When Jin Zhengkai saw Shi Weizhu, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then two evil lights flashed.

Shi Weizhu turned a little pale when she saw Kim Jong Kai.

She didn\'t expect to see Zhou Zhengkai here.

Lin Feng finds Shi Weizhu strange. He grabs Shi Weizhu\'s jade hand.

Naturally, many people saw this scene.

Shi Weizhu looked up at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng smiled at him. The panic in his heart gradually dissipated.

"Hum". After seeing this scene, Jin Zhengkai suddenly sank. He couldn\'t help humming coldly and turned and walked towards the hall.

"That\'s interesting...". A faint smile came from the corner of Yue Zhuxin\'s mouth. She had heard something about that year.

Zhou Yuting took a deep look at Shi Weizhu.

Zhou Zhao smiled bitterly. Naturally, he also saw that there was some resentment between Lin Feng and Jin Zhengkai.

Zhou Zhao rounded the stage, smiled and said, "don\'t stop. Hurry up and take a seat. We must be drunk today.".

All the people were seated. Zhou Zhao and several beautiful female disciples were active, but it was also quite lively.

In the middle of the banquet, Jin Zhengkai looked at Lin Feng and said sarcastically, "I heard that younger martial brother Lin is friendly with elder martial Brother Guo Xiao?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I really have a good relationship with elder martial Brother Guo Xiao. I don\'t know why elder martial brother Jin said this?".

"It\'s no wonder that younger martial brother Sheng Chuanlin was able to get the team leader position. In fact, he took the relationship with elder martial Brother Guo Xiao. Now it seems that it\'s not groundless.".

Jin Zhengkai said with a smile.

The disciples who came with Lin Feng were sneering in their hearts. Some of them who had been in the sect for several years had vaguely heard about the past between Jin Zhengkai and Shi Weizhu. At this moment, they couldn\'t help but mourn for Jin Zhengkai.

This guy doesn\'t know how terrible younger martial brother Lin is, does he? Dare to jump in front of younger martial brother Lin.

After hearing Jin Zhengkai\'s words, Yue Zhuxin\'s smile became more and more charming.

Zhou Yuting frowned slightly. She turned her head and looked at Shi Weizhu.

Since Shi Weizhu came here, Zhou Yuting\'s eyes have looked at Shi Weizhu from time to time. I don\'t know if it\'s really the same as what Li Liang said. Zhou Yuting is "very interested" in women.

Zhou Zhao said in a deep voice, "younger martial brother Jin, I think you are drunk.".

Jin Zhengkai said lightly, "why? Can\'t you tell the truth?".

Lin Feng said lightly, "elder martial brother Jin is drunk. I won\'t blame elder martial brother Jin, but next time, don\'t talk drunk in front of me, otherwise, don\'t blame me for not talking about the love of the school.".

Lin Feng drank a glass of wine and got up and walked outside.


All the more than twenty disciples who came together got up and walked outside.

"This guy has some personality.". Yue Zhuxin smiled.

"Threaten me? That\'s interesting.". The corner of Kim Jong Kai\'s mouth showed a gloomy expression.

Thinking of the scene that Lin Feng held Shi Weizhu\'s hand, Kim Jong Kai\'s smile became more and more prosperous, but many people felt their backs cool looking at Kim Jong Kai\'s smile.