Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 633

The animal cart was walking in the mountains. Lin Feng lay on the animal cart and looked at the blue and white sky. He was stunned. The word "his own way" still haunted his mind.

Just like the eternal God, he established the "eternal way".

What kind of "Tao" should you shape?

It\'s about your future.

Shi Weizhu looked at Lin Feng, sighed and said, "younger martial brother, why do you have a relationship with the magic knife Na Lanjing? I\'m afraid it will become a handle for others to attack you in the future.".

"Yes, younger martial brother, even though you don\'t think the magic knife nalanjing is an evil spirit, he is an evil spirit in the eyes of major forces. I\'m even a little worried now. When I return to the sect in the future, the sect will criticize the crime.".

Wang Hu also said.

Lin Feng said, "your worries are superfluous. The so-called justice and evil have a fixed number in the hearts of the top leaders of these great forces. Many times, they are just a means to deceive ignorant people. You should be able to judge by yourself.".

Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu and others nodded. They also felt that people like magic knife Na Lanjing really didn\'t look like evil demons who didn\'t do ten evils.

"Younger martial brother, there is a small town ahead, which should be Beiman town. Shall we go to Beiman town to have a rest?" asked a disciple.

"Well, take a day off in Beiman town and continue to start tomorrow. Tomorrow we will enter the ancient man jungle. There are many dangers. Everyone should be careful."

Lin Feng reminded.

Everyone should be "yes".

Lin Feng nodded and walked with everyone towards Beiman town.

Beiman town is the last town from Guman mining area. Lin Feng also plans to buy some necessities here.

They found an inn to stay, and Lin Feng let everyone move freely.

Instead of staying at the inn, he went to buy some necessities.

In the northwest corner of Beiman Town, a fat middle-aged woman and her thin husband threw out a quilt and some yellow books. Then the two sons of the man and woman drove an old man out of the yard.

"Is it Xiucai Ning? What a sin. At such an old age, Xiucai Ning is really going to be kicked out.".

Suddenly someone pointed and talked.

The bitch woman cursed, "you are old and immortal. You have only studied for decades and don\'t get a reputation. Do you want to eat and live for nothing until you die? Pack up your things and roll away as far as you can".

"Jiesheng, do you want to drive me away, too?". Ning Xiuchang got up from the ground and sighed slightly.

The thin man, called Jiesheng, sneered and said, "don\'t let me see you as far as you can die.".

"What happened here?" Lin Feng saw that the old man who was driven out was very poor, so he asked a spectator.

The man\'s sidewalk, "This old man, named Ning Yin, is a scholar in our town. It was his nephew and nephew\'s daughter-in-law who drove him out. Ning Xiucai lost his wife in his early years and didn\'t marry again. Later, Ning Xiucai\'s eldest brother died of illness. He adopted Ning Jiesheng as his son and wanted someone to die in the future. Now Ning Xiucai is old, Ning Jiesheng and his mother-in-law think He tried to drive Ning Xiucai out of his house.

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Father\'s kindness and son\'s filial piety are the best stories in the world.

But what we see now is that the father is kind and the son is unfilial.

"Jiesheng, even if you drive me away, you should give me an ox cart and let me pull all these things away.".

Ning Xiucai said.

The woman cursed, "ox cart? Do you still want ox cart? Your family is poor. Go away quickly. Believe it or not, I burned your broken books?".

Suddenly, someone couldn\'t see it anymore and said sarcastically, "Ning Xiucai had three other homes, 100 mu of good land and five shops. Now he is still living. Now he is old and handed over these land deeds to you, so you have to drive him away? Has his conscience been eaten by the dog?".

"Yes, he is an old man. How much can he eat you?".

"Jiesheng, your father died when you were three years old. Your uncle raised you. Your uncle is waiting for you to die. Do you treat your uncle like this?".

The thin man named Jie Sheng was gloomy and silent, but his mother-in-law rushed into the yard and took out a kitchen knife. She cursed coldly, "what\'s the matter with you? I\'ll see who dares to mind his own business again. Believe it or not, I\'ll chop him?".

Looking at the naughty woman holding a kitchen knife, many people shut up. After all, it\'s not their own family\'s business, and there\'s no need to argue with each other. It\'s just a pity for old scholar Ning.

Ning Xiucai almost begged to see Ning Jiesheng, "Jiesheng, in view of the kindness of your uncle to raise you, you will give your uncle an ox cart and let your uncle take away these books. In the future, your uncle will never appear in front of you again".

Ning Jiesheng frowned slightly. He looked at his mother-in-law.

"Where\'s an ox cart? Where\'s an ox cart? Old man, get out of here.". The woman raised her right hand and was about to hit Ning Xiucai.


Seeing that he was about to hit Xiucai Ning hard, he saw a young childe jump out and grab the woman\'s wrist.

"Mind your own business. I\'ll kill you."

The woman waved the kitchen knife in her other hand and cut at Lin Feng.

"You\'re such a wicked woman. It\'s not a pity to die.". Lin Feng sneered and threw the evil woman out directly.


The evil mother-in-law fiercely hit the wall, and the whole wall collapsed. The evil mother-in-law was buried under the ruins. She twitched and didn\'t move. She didn\'t know whether she was dead or alive.

"He is a cultivator...". Someone whispered that although the residents here are ordinary people, even ordinary people know a little about practitioners in the world of practitioners.

"Spare your life, spare your life.". Ning Jiesheng and his two sons saw that Lin Feng was so powerful that they were scared and fell on their knees.

"Are you all right, sir?". Lin Feng looked at Niu Xiucai.

Ning Xiucai shook his head and said, "thank you for saving me. Please don\'t blame them.".

"Why say a good word for this nature?".

"Yes, Xiucai Ning, you are so kind.".

Some neighbors talked about it one after another. The evil woman half narrowed her eyes and secretly looked here. Her vitality was really tenacious. When she saw Lin Feng looking at her, she immediately pretended to be dead. However, since Ning Xiucai was unwilling to investigate, Lin Feng would not investigate these people. After all, it was Ning Xiucai\'s family business.

"Jiesheng, give me a cow. I\'ll leave here and never appear again.".

Ning Xiucai said that his voice was very calm, but Lin Feng read the pain from Ning Xiucai\'s old eyes, but he was soon covered up by Ning Xiucai.