Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 632

Above the tower, the cold wind bursts.

In the distance, many monks followed, especially those big men, with cold eyes.

Lin Feng is indifferent and complacent, drinking and singing with magic knife Na Lanjing.

This makes a lot of people feel the shock.

How many people can drink together with the masters of the evil way as if they were old friends when they look around?

Not to mention anything else, just this state of mind, not to mention the young generation of monks. Even those big people can\'t do this, can they?

But Lin Feng did it.

"Saint, this man is crazy.". The beautiful woman whispered.

Bai Shengyi smiled and said, "this talent is really terrible. As long as he doesn\'t die, he will become a great thing in ten years.".

"The saint seems to think too much of this man.". Beautiful women.

"I don\'t think so. On the contrary, I think this person deserves my evaluation.". Bai Shengyi.

"Damn it, damn it. If it weren\'t for naranjing, the boy would have been killed by this seat.".

Yu Boyun\'s face is extremely gloomy, and Li Yanlong\'s eyes around him are also extremely gloomy. Now he has offended people like Lin Feng. If Lin Feng is not eradicated earlier, it is definitely a great threat to them.

"Kill my confidant. He must die. Send someone to find out what these people are going to do, and then try to solve them on the way.".

Li Yanlong\'s voice has a sense of killing.

Yu Boyun nodded slightly.

"What do you think is evil? What is right?".

Suddenly, nalanjing opened his mouth and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "the difference between justice and evil lies in the heart".

Nalanjing smiled and said, "no, justice and evil are in the eyes of others.".

Lin Feng pondered.

Nalanjing\'s words really make sense. It\'s the so-called public opinion that can make people die.

Maybe that\'s how three people become tigers come from.

When a good person says he is a bad person, others may not think that when two, three or even more people say he is a bad person, when someone mentions this person, others may say he is a bad person.

"In my early years, I was almost possessed when I practiced magic sabre. I don\'t know whether people control the sabre or the sabre controls people. This is magic skill.".

Nalanjing suddenly talked about some things he experienced in his early years.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved. At this time, he remembered the "ancient magic ring" he had lost.

That\'s the magic treasure.

But at that time, the ancient ring wanted to control itself and enslave itself.

"It\'s not uncommon for the master of magic skill to be among the practitioners of magic. Maybe his heart is not bad, but he can\'t extricate himself from the enslavement of this magic skill.".

Nalanjing sighed.

"But the elder obviously doesn\'t belong to the people enslaved by magic skill". Lin Feng said.

"In the past, I was not a person in the devil\'s way, but an abandoned son of an ancient sect. Later, I inadvertently got the method of cultivating the magic knife. I have two ways to go, give up cultivation and continue to become a loser in the eyes of the world. The second way is to cultivate the magic knife.".

Nalanjing showed a look of memory.

"The elder chose the second.". Lin Feng said.

Nalanjing said, "yes, I chose the second one. When I practiced magic skills, in order to resist the evil nature in my body, I imprisoned myself in the deep-sea Magic Cave and suffered from the heart of thousands of demons.".

"Master, this is to conquer the devil with the devil. Many demon masters kill wantonly because they want to take a shortcut?". Lin Feng asked.

Nalanjing nodded and said, "they don\'t have the courage to fight against the demons in their hearts, so they will be driven to become demons in the eyes of the world, but there are also many people like me who would rather die when fighting against demons than fall into real demons".

Lin Feng revered nalanjing and what nalanjing said.

How can those who dare to go out against the evil idea be evil? I\'m afraid the willpower of these people is also extremely strong, because fighting evil thoughts is enough to torture people to mental collapse.

"Why did the elders say they were demons?". Lin Feng asked.

"Later, I restrained my evil thoughts. Once I met my former fellow disciples. The two sides fought, and the other was defeated by me. Then I moved out of the sect\'s strongman to chase me.".

Na Lanjing sneered. He pointed to his broken arm and said, "at that time, I was not very strong in my cultivation of magic knife. I was constantly pursued and gradually improved my cultivation in the killing. Later, I was besieged on an island and my arm was cut off. At the moment of life and death, I reversed the mind method of magic knife and killed all the more than 300 people who pursued me.".

Lin Feng said, "everything in the world has its causes and consequences, but it can only be regarded as private hatred at most. There are too many such things. There is no need to define the elder as the devil?".

"At the beginning, I was naturally not a devil...".

Nalanjing showed a disdainful smile and said, "later, my cultivation became stronger and stronger, and then became the so-called devil".

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "justice and evil are not controlled in people\'s hearts, but in the mouth of many great forces".

"Yes, it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s right, evil, evil or evil. There\'s a steelyard in my heart. Demons are not necessarily demons, and righteous people are not necessarily demons. Hidden demons are even more terrible.".

Nalanjing said faintly.

Lin Feng had a drink with Na Lanjing. They talked a lot. Obviously, Na Lanjing appreciated Lin Feng.

"It\'s time for you to confirm your \'Tao\'. Many people don\'t know what their \'Tao\' is when they practice Yin and Yang. Such people won\'t achieve anything in the future. The sooner they establish their own \'Tao\', the better they will practice in the future."

Nalanjing said.

Their own \'Tao\'.

Lin Feng was slightly moved, and Na Lanjing also mentioned letting himself establish his own \'Tao\'.

Before that, when the Lord of Tianfeng left, he warned himself to establish his own "Tao" as soon as possible.

But Lin Feng couldn\'t understand what this meant.

"Please give me your advice.".

Lin Feng Road.

"Tao is the foundation of cultivation. In the future, we will practice according to the Tao. I heard that when the secret realm of thunder knife is opened, the body of the eternal God King appears. The Tao of the eternal God King is the eternal way. He has created several terrible supernatural powers with the eternal way, such as eternal haste, such as eternity, such as reading for thousands of years, such as vicissitudes of the sea...".

Nalanjing said.

Lin Feng moved. Is this his "Tao"?

Establish a kind of "Tao", which is not only the basis for self-cultivation in the future, but also the basis for creating all kinds of unparalleled and unique learning.

The next day, Lin Feng said goodbye to nalanjing. He and the disciples of Qingyun sect entered the transmission array and went to Guman city.