Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 631

"Magic knife, why did you come to our northern wasteland city?".

"Magic knife, do you want to do some shady business in my northern wasteland city?".

"Magic knife, the northern wasteland city is not a place where you can fool around. You should know that there are time and space wormholes here. If you fool around here, you will become the public enemy of the major forces in the whole wasteland".

After the magic knife appeared, too many people were shocked. They saw figures rising from all directions.

These people are all strong above the realm of yin and Yang, and even have a great power level.

A dozen people surrounded the magic knife.

These strongmen are the strongmen of the major forces in Beihuang city.

Now so many people surround nalanjing with the magic knife, but the strong people who surround nalanjing look like a great enemy.

In contrast, the magic knife nalanjing, the clouds are light and the wind is light.

Lin Feng was moved and admired by the fact that Mount Tai would collapse without changing his face.

Can such a man be a devil?


"Ha ha, I\'m just passing by here? Look, I scared you.". The magic knife laughed and took out a jar of wine. With a slight force and a shock, the plug flew out. Under the gaze of countless people and surrounded by more than a dozen super strong people, the magic knife nalanjing drank heavily and was unspeakably forthright.

"You are really a good seedling to practice Sabre technique.".

The magic knife nalanjing looked at Lin Feng.


Everyone\'s eyes also looked at Lin Feng. Everyone\'s eyes twinkled with different eyes.

"Magic knife nalanjing is talking to me? Am I answering?".

Lin Feng was nervous at this moment.

Because the right way and the evil way are coming in the same direction.

The magic knife nalanjing is one of the eight scattered cultivation of the magic way.

Now, in full view of the public, it is possible for Lin Feng to be stigmatized as a demon spy if he communicates with magic knife Na Lanjing.

How did the unwarranted charges come from?

That\'s how it\'s often deducted.

The disciples of Qingyun sect also shook their heads at Lin Feng and motioned Lin Feng not to answer.

Once he was involved in the relationship with magic knife Na Lanjing, he couldn\'t wash it clearly.

Magic knife Na Lanjing looked at Lin Feng\'s uncertain face, but he couldn\'t help showing a disdainful smile.

He turned and was about to leave.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly said, "I met an opportunity in the secret place of thunder knife, so I suddenly realized some mysteries of knife technique. I didn\'t expect to show off in front of my predecessors today.".

Seeing that Lin Feng really dared to talk to knife demon Na Lanjing, many people\'s faces suddenly changed.

"Boy, don\'t step back quickly. In front of you, there is an unforgivable devil," a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang suddenly shouted.

Lin Feng looked unchanged and said, "I want to learn from the bright moon. What\'s more, it\'s harmless for me to just chat with my predecessors who helped me. Is it possible that I will be possessed by the devil?".

"What are you talking about, boy?". The strong man in yin-yang environment who was refuted by Lin Feng suddenly looked gloomy. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and said, "I think your mind is very dangerous. If you don\'t wake up in time, you will fall into the devil sooner or later.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help sneering and said, "your predecessors are really generous. I\'m a disciple of Qingyun sect. Can\'t you take care of it?"

"Ha ha, that\'s good!" when naranjing saw Lin Fengjie\'s monk in the yin-yang realm, he immediately laughed and looked at Lin Feng with more appreciation.

"Boy, since ancient times, loyal advice is against your ears. You are young and most vulnerable to evil demons. You should think twice before you do anything. Otherwise, if you fall into the devil, even Qingyun sect can\'t protect you.".

Another monk in the realm of yin and Yang sneered.

Lin Feng asked, "the elder said that the younger generation fell into the devil. I don\'t know how the younger generation would fall into the devil?".

"Don\'t you fall into the devil\'s way when you are with the great evil of the devil\'s way?" said the monk in the realm of yin and Yang with a sneer.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "I wonder if you can tell me why this elder naranjing is called one of the eight domineering casual practices?".

"He practiced the magic Dao Sabre technique and killed 376 monks in World War I in the South China Sea. He is not an unforgivable devil. What is it?". The monk in the realm of yin and Yang sneered.

"I\'ve heard that there are no good and evil skills, and people\'s hearts are divided into good and evil. If people are kind, even if they practice magic skills, they can benefit one party. If people are evil, even if they practice righteous skills, they will become the devil who kills people without blinking an eye.".

Lin Feng said.

Hearing Lin Feng\'s words, Na Lanjing\'s eyes became brighter and brighter.

Many people are pondering Lin Feng\'s words.

Those big people floating in the air sneered, and several big people scolded, "boy, steal concepts and make unreasonable arguments. If we don\'t quit, we don\'t mind helping Qingyun clean up the door".

"Ha ha......" Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" the big men shouted angrily.

"I laugh that you are all demons.". Lin Feng said.

"Arrogant boy, how dare you slander us?". A group of big men were livid with anger.

Lin Feng said faintly, "master nalanjing, this magic knife is a devil. It\'s natural for you to kill me? How can there be such a truth in this world?".

"Boy, you compare us with the devil. I think you\'re possessed.". A big man shouted angrily.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Let me ask you, have you ever killed less than a thousand people since your cultivation? Ask yourself, whose hands are not covered with blood since your cultivation? It\'s natural that your hands are covered with other people\'s blood. Why did master naranjing kill people? It\'s an unforgivable devil. The world of cultivators is the survival of the fittest. Who lives in this world Isn\'t your hand covered with blood? Just because elder naranjing practiced the so-called devil Dao Sabre technique, is he the devil? ".

"Well said." many people have applauded Lin Feng\'s words.

Indeed, the so-called demons are often shaped by these big forces. They need to shape some enemies to set off their image of justice.

More than a dozen big people looked at Lin Feng and almost cut him like a thousand knives.

"Ha ha, I didn\'t expect anyone to excuse me today. It\'s really interesting. Boy, how dare you drink and enjoy the moon with me at the peak of the northern wasteland city?".

Lin Feng laughed, "why don\'t you dare?".

Just four words.

But unspeakable heroic and unrestrained.

"Go..." the magic knife flew towards the tower in the distance.

Lin Feng immediately rose into the sky and followed the magic knife Na Lanjing.