Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 630


The attacks of both sides were blasted together. In the void, they radiated the power of destroying the sky and the earth.

The terrible power surging out almost suffocated many monks watching.

When the energy afterwaves dissipate.

When they looked, Lin Feng and Yu Boyun looked at each other several kilometers away.

"God, that guy resisted Yu Boyun\'s attack again. Is he really just the realm of King Wu?" many people cried out in disbelief, which was really shocking and moving.

A friar in the realm of King Wu can show such powerful combat power.

"The monks in the realm of yin and yang are really strong", Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Only after fighting with monks of this level can we know how terrible monks of this level are.

"Boy, this seat will kill you.".

Yu Boyun looked gloomy. He shot again. This time, Yu Boyun showed an extremely powerful secret skill. He saw his hands pinching out all kinds of magic decisions.


Soon after, the roar shook the sky, and a huge lion condensed out of the void.

It was a flaming lion with a height of kilometers. The momentum was impressive. The lion roared, and the northern wasteland City faintly trembled.

"Tiangang fire lion skill".

Someone exclaimed in surprise. This is a powerful unique skill. It is said that Tiangang fire lion skill was created by a strong man called fire lion demon king in ancient times.

Fire lion rage!

And Tiangang fire lion skill also has the breath of fire lion rage.

The attack is terrible.

The fire lion roared and galloped in the void, killing Lin Feng.

A breath that destroys the sky and destroys the earth envelops the heavens.

The fire lion\'s body radiated the power enough to cause the collapse of the earth. It killed Lin Feng like an ancient fierce beast.

Many people were pale when they felt the terrible smell of the fire lion.

The fire lion is too powerful. Many people can\'t bear it just by feeling the breath on the fire lion. What\'s more, Lin Feng locked by the fire lion?

Everyone looked up at the war in the sky and wondered whether Lin Feng could resist the powerful attack.

"Hum, how dare a mere fire lion show off his ferocity in front of me?".

Lin Feng sneered and directly displayed the ancient Saint emperor\'s poor and strange treasure technique.

Roar, roar

The roar shook the void.

A thousand meter high three monsters gathered together, opened their teeth and claws, and rushed directly at the fire lion.

"It\'s poor!"

"Isn\'t the poor strange a head? Why does the poor strange have three heads?".

Seeing Lin Feng condensing out a poor and strange virtual shadow, many people were surprised.

At this time, the three poor Qi had collided with the fire lion.

The two giants are the strongest attack and the most violent collision.

With the sound of the violent impact, I saw that the fire lion was torn by three poor wonders in the void.

"What a terrible secret. It broke Yu Boyun\'s Tiangang fire lion skill.".

Seeing this scene, many people were shocked and roared. They couldn\'t believe it was true.

But this is really what really happened in front of us. I have to believe it.

With a low roar, the three heads of poor Qi jumped out and killed Yu Boyun. Yu Boyun obviously didn\'t expect such a situation. He couldn\'t cope for a moment and was forced back by the three heads of poor Qi.

"Go to hell".

Yu Boyun could not help feeling the endless humiliation when he thought that he was forced back by the secret skill of a friar in the realm of the king of Wu. He roared and killed three poor Qi with one palm.

This is Yu Boyun\'s angry blow.

Now Yu Boyun feels strange eyes and looks at himself. Those eyes seem to be mixed with ridicule.

I, however, am the existence of a realm of yin and Yang, but now I am forced back by a monk in the realm of King Wu. It can be imagined that this matter will quickly spread all over the northern wasteland City, and I will become a laughing stock at that time.


The attack launched by Yu Boyun under the fury was naturally very terrible. The blow killed three poor Qi and directly blew them apart.

Then Yu Boyun rushed towards Lin Feng as fast as lightning. He saw that Yu Boyun\'s palm condensed into a huge energy light ball.

That\'s an energy light ball formed by concentrating mana together.

Once the energy light ball explodes, it will inevitably cause extremely terrible lethality.

Lin Feng felt an extremely depressed feeling from the energy light ball, which was a breath of death.

Lin Feng knew that Yu Boyun\'s attack was only afraid to kill himself. He didn\'t dare to have any reservation. He quickly condensed the word "destroy".

A destructive force began to surge out of Lin Feng\'s body.

When Lin Feng displayed the word "extinction", Bai Shengyi seemed to feel something, and an extremely shocked expression appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"Isn\'t it?". Her voice trembled slightly.


Finally, in the void, a word "Mie" exuding the breath of Tao condensed.

The word "Mie" went directly towards Yu Boyun.


The word "Mie" and the energy light ball offered by Yu Boyun blasted together. Then, the breath of destroying the sky and the earth surged out and swept all directions.

The energy generated after the crazy collision surged around.

Lin Feng and Yu Boyun were bombarded by the energy afterwave, and both of them were blown out.

Lin Feng flew backwards for thousands of kilometers before he stopped.

Yu Boyun also flew backwards for a distance of seven or eight hundred meters.

Below, there are countless stunned monks. Lin Feng\'s combat power is too terrible.

Everyone\'s heart is extremely shocked. This guy is too evil, isn\'t he? If you don\'t die, I\'m afraid you\'ll become a strong man in the future.

Yu Boyun naturally knows this too. He even looks shocked in his heart. He makes three moves against each other in a row. His means are stronger and stronger time by time, but he can\'t occupy any peak. Is this boy too scary?

If you let him grow up, when he breaks through the realm of yin and Yang, can\'t you kill yourself?

Now that there is a grudge, there is absolutely no reason to stay alive.

Thinking of this, Yu Boyun has more killing intention in his heart. He urges the mana in his body to the extreme, and more violent mana surges out. Yu Boyun obviously wants to do the strongest blow.

"It seems that I need to use the last soul secret skill..." Lin Feng\'s face is a little pale and displays the word "destroy". Lin Feng has felt the fatigue and weakness of his body.

But obviously, Yu Boyun\'s state is still at the peak. Is this the biggest gap between the realm of King Wu and the realm of yin and Yang? The level of King Wu is more expensive than consumption, and can\'t compete with the monks in the level of yin and Yang.

"You see, Yu Boyun is going to use more powerful means, but the boy\'s breath seems to be much weaker than before. He has repeatedly used a big secret to love you. His body should have reached the limit.".

"Yes, the boy has reached the limit. It\'s troublesome. He\'s afraid he can\'t resist Yu Boyun\'s attack.".

Many friars also saw Lin Feng\'s situation and talked about it one after another. Many people even felt some regret. Lin Feng, such a proud son of heaven, is likely to fall here. It\'s a pity that he fell here before he grew up.

"Boy, I will kill you this time. Star boxing".

Yu Boyun shouted coldly and punched out. A big star appeared above Boyun. He pushed the big star forward and wanted to crush Lin Feng with the big star.

"Use the soul secret, then burn my immortal blood, stimulate the body potential and kill him!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are full of fierce expressions. Lin Feng\'s biggest dependence is a drop of immortal blood recovered from his body. Once activated, Lin Feng will be blessed with unimaginable power.

Of course, this will also cause great harm to Lin Feng. If the divine blood burns, it will be more difficult to awaken the divine blood again, or even never awaken the divine blood, let alone revive the immortal blood at that time.

But now Lin Feng\'s situation is critical and urgent.

Lin Feng bit his teeth and was about to burn the divine blood in his body, but at this time, a sneer came from the restaurant from afar.

"No matter what Yu Boyun said, you are also a monk in the realm of yin and Yang. Since you said to kill the boy within the three moves, you have passed the three moves. Since you can\'t kill the boy, you should show the demeanor of a monk in the realm of yin and Yang. This matter should stop.".

Shua! Everyone\'s eyes looked in the direction of the restaurant. Near the window, there was a middle-aged friar. The middle-aged friar had one arm.

The is pouring and drinking.

"You\'re in charge of this seat?". Yu Boyun sneered and didn\'t take the one armed Friar\'s words to heart.

He continued to shoot Lin Feng.

"Do you want the face of the strong in the realm of yin and Yang? Since you don\'t want face, I don\'t mind slapping you.".

The one armed friar sneered.


Seeing his figure flash, he has disappeared from the restaurant.

"So fast", Lin Feng was surprised. With his ability, he didn\'t see how the one armed friar disappeared.

"The one armed friar is gone," many people exclaimed.

The next moment.

The one armed friar has come to Yu Boyun.

"You......" Yu Boyun\'s face suddenly changed.

He stepped back quickly.

But it\'s too late.

The one armed friar raised his right hand and slapped Yu Boyun.


A loud slap came out.

This slap hit Yu Boyun\'s face.

Yu Boyun\'s body immediately moved out for hundreds of meters and hit a two-story restaurant. The restaurant collapsed and Yu Boyun was buried in the ruins.

"I, nalanjing, hate people who don\'t count their words in my life"

Said the one armed friar with a sneer.

"Na, Na Lanjing?", many faces showed extremely frightened expressions.

Magic knife naranjing! This is one of the eight scattered cultivation of magic road in tianwu mainland.

Everyone talks about the terrible devil.

Rao is Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changes when he hears the name.