Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 629

It\'s made of bright blades. It\'s like splitting Huashan Mountain and killing the old man in the realm of yin and Yang.

Lin Feng had understood the "spirit" when he didn\'t enter the realm of King Wu, and could press the existence of the peak of King Wu.

What\'s more, Lin Feng is now the cultivation of the seven heaven peak of the realm of King Wu.

Lin Feng may not know how strong he is now.

The bright blade blasted down.

There was a loud bang.

Lin Feng collided with the old man in the realm of yin and Yang.

Deng Deng Deng!

Both stepped back three steps in a row.

The whole accord was silent in an instant.

It\'s incredible that a friar in the realm of King Wu resisted the attack of a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang.

"Will, will of the sword".

The face of the white masked woman called "Saint" by the beautiful woman was full of shocked expression.

Spirit itself is difficult to understand.

Those who can understand the spirit are geniuses.

If you want to upgrade "spirit" to "will", it will be more difficult. It is not too difficult to describe it.

But now, Lin Feng, a monk in the realm of King Wu, even advanced the spirit to "will".

How could the white masked woman not be shocked?

Even she has been trying recently, but she failed after many attempts.

"Isn\'t that boy too scary? He resisted the attack of the strong in Yin and Yang?" at this time, the friars who watched the excitement finally regained their consciousness and looked at Lin Feng standing in the elegant Pavilion in horror.

Rao Shi, the monk of Yin Yang realm, frowned slightly.

"Is younger martial brother Lin strong enough?".

The disciples of Qingyun sect all looked at each other.

They have heard that the top three disciples of Qingyun sect also have the strength to fight against the strong in Yin and Yang, but they have never seen it.

They think that kind of rumors must be false. They can\'t be true. After all, they don\'t enter the yin-yang realm. There are mole ants in front of the monks in the yin-yang realm.

Until today, seeing Lin Feng\'s hand, they didn\'t believe those rumors were true.

There are always a small number of people in the world who have strong combat power that others can\'t imagine.

"Yu Lao, kill this boy, otherwise, where is the majesty of our Yanlong Gang?".

Li Yanlong walked out of the pavilion with a gloomy look and looked at Lin Feng with a cold expression.

"Want to kill me? Let\'s see who will win.". Lin Feng\'s mouth aroused a cold killing intention.

When Li Yanlong saw Lin Feng\'s sneer, he couldn\'t help feeling cold in his heart.

"Don\'t worry, sect leader. I\'ll take this boy\'s life for the sect leader today," said the old man.

"If you want to divide life and death, you\'d better go out and fight. Don\'t destroy my Wanhua building.".

A faint smile came, and a masked woman in white came under the crowd of more than a dozen people.

"Bai Shengyi, this is the saint of Wanhua building. It is said that she is a peerless beauty on the Qunfang spectrum".

Someone exclaimed.

The Qunfang spectrum records a total of 100 women in tianwu mainland.

These 100 women not only have strong talents and amazing strength, but also are as beautiful as immortals. They can be called a natural beauty and compete with the nine heaven fairies.

Any woman on the Qunfang spectrum can be said to be a beauty that brings disaster to the country and the people.

Some people feel it\'s a pity that it\'s difficult to see the fairy beauty of Bai Shengyi.

"It\'s a white fairy.".

The old man obviously knew Bai Shengyi and showed a dignified color. Wanhua building is a very terrible force.

Although they are all women, I don\'t know how many experts they have won over with beautiful women these years.

On this day, there were few forces on the mainland who dared to offend Wanhua building.

"Boy, come out and die.".

The old man looked at Lin Feng coldly and took the lead to sweep away.

"Be careful!" Lin Feng glanced at Shi Weizhu and others. Their faces were very pale.

"Don\'t worry, young master. Before you decide the outcome, no one will touch your fellow disciples. Anyone who dares to touch them will be the enemy of our Wanhua building".

Bai Shengyi said.

Hearing Bai Shengyi\'s words, Li Yanlong, who originally wanted to mobilize experts to catch Qingyun sect disciples and threaten Lin Feng, suddenly changed his face.

Even if he is the local snake of Beihuang City, Li Yanlong will never dare to offend Wanhua building.

"Thank you"!

Lin Feng hugged his fist.

Then he flew out.

"God, a friar in the realm of King Wu wants to fight with a friar in the realm of yin and Yang. Let\'s go and see who wins and loses this war?"

"The old man in the realm of yin and Yang is Yu Boyun, but he has been famous for a long time. Although his cultivation remains in the realm of yin and yang due to his injury in his early years, he can\'t improve, he is also a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang. The strong man of this level can\'t be compared with the realm of King Wu, so the boy must be dead in this war.".

"Yes, I think the boy will die in Bo Yun\'s hands."

Many people are talking about it. Obviously, in the view of these friars, Lin Feng, who competed with the friars of the realm of yin and Yang, has no hope of winning.

At night, Yu Boyun stood in the void.

The energy wings from behind Lin Feng also hovered in mid air.

After hearing the news, countless people poured out, and the streets were crowded with people looking at the duel in the sky.

"Flying secrets?".

Bai Shengyi squints at Lin Feng.

"Boy, within three moves, I will take your life.". Yu Boyun smiled grimly.

Lin Feng just resisted his blow, but at that time he only showed three success forces.

Therefore, Yu Boyun is full of confidence in killing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a deep breath. He didn\'t speak.

Then, everyone saw that Lin Feng was marching forward in the void.

He walks very slowly.

But every step, the body will emit a terrible smell.

Every step, Lin Feng\'s breath will rise madly.

"Shi! It\'s Shi!" Bai Shengyi was surprised.

Lin Feng not only understands the "will", but also understands the "potential". Moreover, Lin Feng is only the realm of King Wu. Isn\'t that incredible?

I don\'t know how many great powers of the realm of creation have failed to understand "will" and "potential".

But Lin Feng understood it.


"Boy, die", Yu Boyun felt Lin Feng\'s breath getting stronger and stronger. After that, his face sank slightly. He raised his right hand and blasted Lin Feng with one palm.

"Sun Moon rotation".

Yu Boyun roared and saw a divine sun and a bright moon evolved from the void.

The sun and the moon rotate! Shoot at Lin Feng!

Facing the terrorist attack, Lin Feng stepped forward.

Lin Feng raised his right hand, and the endless sword Qi on the right crossed the world.

Lift up your left hand and the bright blade will sweep across the sky.

"Crack the sky"

"The sword cuts the world!"

"Sword merger"! Lin Feng roared.

Endless divine light surged out. A thousand Zhang sword awn and a thousand Zhang sword awn condensed into one. Towards the rolling sun, the divine moon blasted away.