Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 628

"It\'s Jinfan...". On the second floor, someone exclaimed and recognized the identity of Jin Fan.

"Jin Fan of Yanlong Gang?".

"Yes, that\'s him"

"God, who is so powerful? Beat Jin fan like this?".

The sound of exclamation came out, and everyone\'s face was shocked.


Jin Fan got up from the ground and roared angrily.

Today, he was beaten from the third floor to the second floor. Jin Fan had never suffered such a great loss. He was very angry. He jumped up and jumped to the third floor again.

Many people know that Jin fan is completely angry when they see his twisted face.

"Boy, you are strong! You are qualified for me to display the spirit I understand.".

Jin Fan smiled grimly.

"Spirit... Is Jin Fan going to use his spirit?".

"Go back, the spirit of Jin Fan, but an extremely strange spirit. If you get close, you may even become his slave.".

Those monks who watched seemed to know what Jin Fan\'s spirit was. At this moment, when they heard that Jin Fan was going to display his spirit, they hurried back one by one, all looking pale.

This makes Lin Feng very surprised. What is the spirit of Jin Fan?

Lin Feng glanced at Wang Hu and others and said, "help Mo Yuning up. You stand back."

"Yes". Wang Hu and others quickly helped Mo Yuning, Liu Ge and Ma Yong up. They were all injured.

And Wu Xiuer\'s body is still trembling. She\'s worried that if Lin Feng can\'t resist these people, she\'s afraid Wu Xiuer will come to no good end.

"Great mercy, Mo Ke boundless".

At this time, Jin Fan began to urge his "spirit".

On the surface of Jin Fan\'s body, the golden light is dazzling and extremely dazzling.

"Buddha light...". Lin Feng was surprised.

The golden light is actually Buddha light.

"Yes, it\'s the Buddha\'s light. When I was seven years old, I was enlightened by an old monk. I got the opportunity to practice the secret arts of Buddhism. Later, I realized that Moke is limitless and there is no Amitabha!"

The golden Brahma suddenly sat with his hands folded and knees crossed. The Buddha light added to him, setting him off like an eminent monk.

Lin Feng frowned. He looked at Jin Fan. He didn\'t know what the hell was going on with Jin Fan.

However, Lin Feng guessed that it should have something to do with "Buddha".

Suddenly, the golden light in Jinfan\'s body was greatly changed.

The golden light intertwined in the void and condensed out the golden Dharma body.

An old monk in a golden cassock appeared in Lin Feng\'s sight.

"Benefactor, killing is too important. Amitabha, goodness is goodness. Please put down the butcher\'s knife and become a Buddha.".

The old monk put his hands together and the Golden Buddha light surged out. The old monk was like the incarnation of the Buddha. His words were like the wisdom of heaven and earth Avenue.

"I am willing to convert to my Buddha".

Some people who are close to each other sit down with their knees crossed and their hands folded. They look pious. They seem to have seen through three thousand mortals and want to become monks.

Seeing this scene, many people were pale with fear and hurried back.

"Ah, I also want to convert to my Buddha." several disciples of Qingyun sect even showed pious expressions and wanted to convert.

Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed. He shouted, "you quit quickly and don\'t get close.".

Shi Weizhu and others all looked pale. Wang Hu was very straightforward. He directly knocked out several affected disciples, then collapsed one wall of the accord and retreated from the side.

"It\'s to enslave other people\'s souls. Isn\'t Buddha kind? How can he do such things that people and gods are angry with?".

Lin Feng looked at Jin Fan with cold eyes.

He can feel that a strange force is invading his soul world and trying to enslave his soul.

This is the so-called "great mercy, Mo Ke boundless"!

A strange "spirit".

But this kind of "spirit", Lin Feng could not see the so-called compassion. Instead, he felt endless evil.

Even if you kill others, you will die and disappear, and everything will return to nothingness.

It\'s always better than controlling people\'s souls and enslaving others.

Lin Feng was enslaved. Life is worse than death.

"Amitabha, goodness is goodness. Almsgiver, you have deep demonic thoughts and boundless suffering. It\'s time to turn around."

The old monk continued to put his hands together and be merciful.

Lin Feng became a great devil under the old monk\'s words.

A more terrible force surged out and wrapped Lin Feng to enslave Lin Feng\'s soul.

Many people looked at the scene pale.

Everyone\'s heart is full of fear.

The unknown is the most terrible thing, just like what happened in front of you.

This "spirit" that enslaves the souls of others.

Lin Feng walked towards Jin Fan step by step.

Many people were surprised to see that Lin Feng took the initiative to rush to Jin Fan.

"Is that boy crazy? The closer he gets to Jinfan, the more powerful the power to enslave people\'s souls will become. Does he want to be enslaved?".

"Crazy, crazy, must be completely crazy. That boy will be enslaved by the golden fan and become the soul of the golden fan".

Many people roared.

But soon, people found that Lin Feng didn\'t seem to be enslaved, but had come to Jin Fan.

"He resisted the power of enslaving people\'s souls?" many people were surprised. How did he resist such terrible power?

These people naturally don\'t know how powerful Lin Feng\'s soul is. It\'s not a simple thing to resolve Jin Fan.


Lin fengjinfan\'s face changed greatly when he saw that he had come to his side.

"I don\'t know how to enslave me."

Lin Feng sneers and blows at Jin Fan.


The punch hit Jin Fan\'s chest.

Click, click.

Jin Fan\'s chest collapsed and vomited blood.

Lin Feng raised his foot and kicked Jin Fan.


Jin Fan was kicked off by Lin Feng, and his body exploded directly in mid air.

"God, that boy kicked Jin Fan to death.".

Many people looked at what was happening in front of them.

"Jin fan is Li Yanlong\'s confidant. Killing Jin fan is tantamount to causing great trouble. I\'m afraid a strong man in the realm of yin and Yang will kill the boy.".

"If the monk in the realm of yin and Yang did it, the boy would be dead.".

Many monks were whispering.

"Vertical son, seek death"

Just then, a roar of anger rang out.


An elegant pavilion\'s door exploded, an old man snatched it out, slapped Lin Feng and killed him.

The smell of terror can be called destruction.

Feeling the old man\'s breath, many people\'s souls are trembling.

"The strong man in the realm of yin and Yang really appeared. The boy is finished.".

Cried many monks.

As they guessed.

The strong man in the yin-yang realm of the Yanlong sect shot.

Although the disciple of Qingyun sect has strong accomplishments, he can never be the opponent of the strong in the realm of yin and Yang.

Everyone\'s eyes looked at Lin Feng.

They thought that the next moment, Lin Feng might be killed by the old man in the realm of yin and Yang.

"I have a knife in my heart".

Facing the attack of the old man in the realm of yin and Yang, Lin Feng stepped forward, raised his right hand and waved it gently. A hundred Zhang sword was condensed and killed the old man in the realm of yin and Yang.