Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 623

Five days before accepting any assessment, Guo Xiao and Qin Yao came to Lin Feng.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "younger martial brother Lin, elder martial Brother Guo has found a good job for you this time.".

Lin Feng asked, "I don\'t know what job it is?".

"Go to the spirit mine in the northern barren mountains to experience for one year.". Qin Yao said with a smile.

It\'s a good job to go to the mining area for experience.

Because if they go to the mining area, these disciples are equivalent to supervisors.

How did the word "self-defense" come from?

That\'s how it came.

Of course, it doesn\'t mean that you can embezzle a large number of Lingshi belonging to Qingyun sect. It\'s no problem to collect a small amount of Lingshi.

This kind of thing is inevitable.

Moreover, even if these disciples are clean, people in the mining area will give gifts.


Because these disciples who go to practice have outstanding talents and are the future of the sect, they will naturally be flattered by many people.

"Thank you elder martial Brother Guo for worrying about my affairs.". Lin Feng hugged the fist.

Guo Xiao smiled and said, "it\'s not a big deal. Younger martial brother, don\'t take it too seriously.".

"Elder martial Brother Guo seldom speaks for others, and uncle Guo hates others to go through the back door. This time, elder martial Brother Guo risked being scolded by Uncle Guo to recommend elder martial brother Lin to go to Guman mining area. Moreover, the leader of the team going to Guman mining area is younger martial brother Lin. at that time, more than 20 disciples going to Guman mining area will follow your instructions, If these people dare not obey younger martial brother Lin\'s orders, younger martial brother Lin can give them a very low score when they come back, and the sect will send them back to the outer gate at that time. ".

Qin Yao said.

Lin Feng was surprised. He didn\'t expect that the team leader would have such great power.

His surprise was quite remarkable.

Lin Feng said, "it seems that my debt to Brother Guo is becoming more and more difficult to repay."

Guo Xiao said with a smile, "although we are teachers and brothers, in fact, I have always regarded younger martial brother Lin as my own brother. What is inhumane about human feelings? It is also human to help my brothers.".

I have to say that Guo Xiao is really good at dealing with people and helping Lin Feng. In a few words, he has narrowed the relationship with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng invited them to sit in and the three exchanged views. He asked Shi Weizhu, Tanaka Dao, the old drunkard, Wang Hu and other disciples of butianfeng what kind of assessment tasks they would get.

Guo Xiao said with a smile, "younger martial sister Shiwei and Zhu will also go to Guman mining area. I don\'t know the rest.".

This is the list of people going to Guman mining area. Guo Xiao handed Lin Feng a list of 22 people.

Besides Shi Weizhu, Wang Hu is also on the list.

Guo Xiao took out this list obviously to let Lin Feng know these people in advance. After all, Lin Feng will experience with these people in the next period of time.

Moreover, if the sea demon controls these people, it\'s better to understand the character of these disciples first, and it\'s easy to communicate and restrict.

After Guo Xiao and Qin Yao left, Lin Feng went to Shi Weizhu\'s residence and saw Lin Feng coming. Shi Weizhu invited Lin Feng into his room. Shi Weizhu\'s room was very simple, with a faint aroma, simple but elegant.

Perhaps it was the first time for a man to enter the boudoir. Shi Weizhu\'s pretty face was slightly blushing.

Lin Feng said, "well, I learned from elder martial Brother Guo Xiao the list of disciples who went to Guman mining area for training, and elder martial sister is also among them.".

Shi Weizhu\'s pretty face suddenly showed an expression of information. Naturally, she knew how difficult it was to go to the mining area, which meant that she could get a lot of spirit stone resources in the mining area, which was too important for cultivation.

Shi Weizhu asked, "will younger martial brother be with you then?".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I\'m the team leader.".

Shi Weizhu smiled and said, "it\'s more than enough to serve as the team leader with the younger martial brother\'s ability. It seems that the elder\'s vision is also very accurate.".

After Lin Feng left from Shi Weizhu, he went to Wang Hu and told Wang Hu the news.

This guy is also excited to dance.

It\'s a pity for Lin Feng that Tanaka road is no longer on this list.

In the next few days, Lin Feng asked Wang Hu to collect the information of the other members. He read it carefully, which also gave him a familiar understanding of a group of disciples who were about to travel together.

The day of departure was getting closer and closer. That night, Lin Feng found that the old wine ghost had sneaked away from his residence and swept away in the distance.

Lin Feng frowns. The old drunkard\'s actions are very strange these days. This is not the first time that the old drunkard slipped out late at night.

Because Lin Feng often watches the stars at night.

So every night, Lin Feng\'s spirit is always very strong and finds the strange action of the old drunkard.

Today, the old drunkard sneaked out again. What the hell is this guy doing?

Lin Feng always felt that the old alcoholic joined Qingyun sect for other purposes.

Lin Feng followed the old drunkard quietly.

They went all the way.

Lin Feng was surprised that the old alcoholic was going to enter the core disciple area.

That place is not easy for inner disciples to enter. If they disturb the cultivation of core disciples and are killed by core disciples, they can only admit planting.

"Does this guy have to go to the top of the mountain of which core disciple?".

Lin Feng murmured in his heart.

But unexpectedly, the old drunkard bypassed the mountain of the core disciple, and finally came to a very desolate mountain, which is said to be the mountain of a very powerful core disciple in that year.

But later, the core disciple seemed to have made a big mistake and was expelled from the sect. There was no news of the core disciple anymore, which was a long time ago.

Now this mountain peak is full of broken prohibitions. It is like a ghost peak. There are dark winds and no one comes. Only the old wine ghost comes to a cliff and drinks under the moon. He doesn\'t know what he is thinking. At dawn, the old wine ghost just leaves.

"What is this old guy sneaking up here for?".

Lin Feng shook his head and came out of the mountain forest. He wandered in front of the cliff and got nothing. He was about to leave. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be a trace of Tao breath here. If ordinary people couldn\'t feel it at all, Lin Feng\'s perception was very strong because he practiced Taigu dragon image formula, and he could detect the subtle breath.

Lin Feng was surprised. He sat cross legged and wanted to feel it carefully, but he found that he could no longer feel the breath of the silk road.

"The breath of Tao, what is hidden here?".

Lin Feng frowned. This place is not simple. It must have hidden amazing secrets, but it takes opportunity to detect the secrets here.

"When I come back, explore again.".

Lin Feng murmured and got up to return.

The next day, the 500 new disciples of Qingyun sect officially received the notice from the sect, and the one-year task assessment of the new disciples began.

Lin Feng and more than 20 disciples who went to the ancient man mining area together should take the transmission array. First go to the North wasteland City, and then transfer from the North wasteland city to the transmission array to the ancient man city. When they arrived at the ancient man city, they had to take a beast cart for half a month to reach the ancient man mining area.