Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 622

"What a powerful martial spirit". Lin Feng was surprised.

He had long known that the martial spirit of Tanaka Dao was not simple. It was not a kitchen knife martial spirit at all, but its shape was somewhat similar to a kitchen knife.

Today, Tanaka Dao shows this kind of martial spirit, and indeed shows his shocking and moving combat power.

"Ah, dare you beat me? I tell you, my grandfather, but elder Wudu peak, you offend me and come to no good end. Now let me go and kowtow to me and apologize. I can forgive you, otherwise, you will die.".

Xiao Ziyang cursed bitterly and threatened Tanaka Dao loudly.

"Just, just smoke you...".

Tanaka said coldly, slapping and slapping.

Pop, pop, pop!

The loud slap came out, and soon Xiao Ziyang\'s face was swollen.

"Spare my life, I\'m wrong. It\'s all my fault today. I apologize to you. Just spare me.".

After being slapped for dozens of times, Xiao Ziyang softened and begged loudly. Xiao Ziyang, who was arrogant before, has become Xiao Ziyang with a frightened face.

In this door, the strong are still respected.

Whoever has strong strength and hard fist will live with dignity and status.

"Me, me, where\'s my blood stone jade?" Tanaka asked fiercely.

"Here, here you are." at this time, where did Xiao Ziyang dare to embezzle the blood stone jade of Tanaka road? He quickly took out the blood stone jade and handed it to Tanaka road.

"Go away...". Tanaka Dao threw xiaoziyang to the ground.

Then he went to Lin Feng.

"Spare your life, it\'s all our fault. For the sake of our fellow students, spare us.".

Chu Nan, wrinkled flat, yuzige and others looked pale at Tanaka road and Lin Feng.

"He, they, what, what to do?".

Tanaka looked at Lin Feng and asked.

Lin Feng\'s mouth aroused a cold expression: "kneel on the ground and slap himself a hundred times.".

Chu Nan and others\' faces changed again and again. If they did, they would become the laughing stock of the sect.

But they didn\'t dare to resist. They knelt down one by one and raised their hands.

make love.

A slap followed by a slap in his face.


After returning, the days seemed to be calm again, and Xiao Ziyang, who suffered a great loss, did not appear again, but Lin Feng and Tanaka were still on guard against Xiao Ziyang\'s trip.

Of course, they are not afraid of the wind to reduce the cover of water and earth.

Seeing that one month\'s time is passing quickly, when one month\'s introductory period has passed, we will start the task assessment of new disciples.

Of course, the task assessment this time is generally not particularly difficult and easy to complete.

But it is said that the content of this task assessment is different. There are dozens of task assessments.

Now many disciples have been discussing the content of this task assessment, praying that they can be assigned a better task.

The best task is to guard the spirit mine.

Qingyun sect has dozens of spirit mines, large and small. If you can get the task of guarding the spirit mine and stay in the spirit mine for so long, you will always get a lot of harvest. The sect will also turn a blind eye to this kind of thing.

But it\'s not easy to get such a task.

The worst task is some escort tasks, because such tasks often escort some important people to a place. Naturally, they may encounter danger on the road.

As for what kind of tasks can be assigned, it is unknown. This is the right of the sect elders.

Disciples have no right to intervene.

At night, there are stars in the Milky way.

Lin Feng sits cross legged and understands the star map.

As for Huo Qilin, he lies on the ground to rest.

Since Huo Qilin came back, Lin Feng found that some changes had taken place in Huo Qilin, and Huo Qilin became very sleepy.

In the past, Fire Kirin could eat.

Wherever you go, the kitchen will become a disaster area.

But now Fire Kirin can sleep.

Obviously, something happened to fire Qilin that Lin Feng didn\'t know, but fire Qilin didn\'t say it, and Lin Feng couldn\'t ask more.

Because Lin Feng knows fire Qilin\'s character very well. If he can tell himself something, fire Qilin will not hide it.

Lin Feng was immersed in 90000 stars. 90000 stars were arranged together. The light of stars intertwined and condensed out the mysterious ancient strong man.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was feeling the mysterious old strong man\'s breath.

Lin Feng slowly touched him. Every time he was about to touch the mysterious strong man, Lin Feng would be forcibly cut off.

Lin Feng guessed that the mysterious strong man took the initiative to cut off his feelings with him. As for why, Lin Feng didn\'t know.

However, every time he understands the star map, Lin Feng will feel the improvement of soul power.

Now Lin Feng feels the star view map every night. In addition, Lin Feng has a baby like Tianxing soul jade constantly providing star power. His soul power has made rapid progress. However, it is very difficult to promote the soul power at the level of creation, so Lin Feng\'s soul level still stays at the level of heaven at the level of creation.

Lin Feng tried to feel the breath of the mysterious strong.

He approached the mysterious strong man little by little. In the past, whenever Lin Feng was about to approach the mysterious strong man, he would be forcibly cut off from this state of perception, but today this forcibly cut off state did not happen, which surprised Lin Feng very much.

Then Lin Feng\'s face showed a happy color. It is the so-called that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. He felt that something different might happen today.

Lin Feng tried to get in touch with the mysterious strong man.

Finally, with Lin Feng\'s efforts, his mind touched the mysterious strong man.


A breath of terror surged out of the star world.

I saw 90000 stars that were still rotating rapidly at this moment.

His mind and the mysterious strong man are in the most central place.

And 90000 stars revolved around him and the mysterious strong man, just like the celestial movement of extraterritorial stars.

The satellite revolves around the planet.

Planets revolve around stars.

And these stars will surge out with each rotation, and the powerful power of stars will flow towards the center.

The power of the stars poured into Lin Feng\'s mind and was absorbed by Lin Feng\'s mind. When Lin Feng\'s mind returned to his body, the majestic power of the stars was absorbed by Lin Feng\'s soul.

Lin Feng found that his soul power has been madly improved. He realized that 90000 stars rotate, and Lin Feng\'s soul power has broken through to a heavenly peak in the realm of creation.

"What is this?".

Lin Feng opened his eyes and his face was full of shocked and moving expressions.

The operation of 90000 stars will greatly improve the power of your soul.

This stargazing chart is so mysterious.

Is it true that archaic stargazing is hidden in the stargazing map?

Lin Feng\'s heart jumped at the thought of this ancient secret art known as the first soul refining divine art in ancient times.

He vaguely felt that the rumor was likely to be true, and the archaic stargazing was even hidden in the star world, but he needed to understand it slowly before he could get the inheritance of archaic stargazing.