Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 624

Beihuang city is one of the ten ancient cities in the wasteland, and the time and space wormhole of the wasteland is also in Beihuang city.

Ordinary transmission arrays can only transmit between cities within a domain, but space-time wormholes can "transmit across domains".

Lin Feng and his party of more than 20 people came to Beihuang city. They came out of the transmission array. Lin Feng said, "we must be tired after taking the transmission array for three days. Let\'s find a place to rest for a day, and then go to ancient man city".

The crowd nodded and had no opinion. They followed Lin Feng to look for the inn.

Because Lin Feng is the team leader and holds the right of whether everyone can pass the examination, many people are courting Lin Feng all the way.

Lin Feng and others found an inn, which is quite good. There is an independent garden with elegant environment. It is divided into small courtyards. Lin Feng rented a courtyard.

Lin Feng said, "today is a rare time to relax. In the evening, let\'s go out and relax.".

The crowd was naturally cheering. They were practicing all day. Indeed, they were rarely able to enter such a huge and lively ancient city. Originally, many people were worried that Lin Feng would restrict everyone\'s freedom.

A disciple named Ma Yong said, "Beihuang city is very lively and has many interesting places. I have been here and can be a guide for you.".

At this time, a disciple named Liu Ge said, "I heard that there is a Wanhua building with an elegant environment. The women inside are as beautiful as heaven and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, etiquette, music and six arts. Many monks like to go there to cultivate their sentiment. Why don\'t we go to Wanhua building?".

Lin Feng has also heard of the Wanhua building, because there are many ancient cities in the Wanhua building. This force has collected a large number of beautiful women and has a good relationship with many big forces. Of course, the Wanhua building is not a romantic place, and the women here are all entertainers rather than prostitutes.

An inner disciple named Mo Yuning said, "the consumption of Wanhua building is very high. We are afraid that we will spend thousands of high spirit stones. We are afraid that it is difficult to bear such a consumption level with our financial resources.".

Mo Yuning is not simple. He is a genius of the sect. It is said that he has understood the "spirit". It is not too much to describe it as the proud son of heaven.

At this time, an enchanting female disciple named Wu Xiuer sighed, "although we are a large number of disciples, it seems that we are beautiful, in fact, only we know ourselves. We are all poor."

Wang Hu said, "elder martial sister Wu, you, elder martial brother Mo, elder martial brother Liu and elder martial brother Ma are the key disciples of quadrupole peak. Do you have any savings? Who doesn\'t know that quadrupole peak is one of the richest peaks?"

"Younger martial brother Wang, that\'s why I said it looks beautiful, but it\'s actually poor.". Wu Xiuer said.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "it\'s my treat tonight. Everyone wants to be happy.".

"Elder martial brother Lin is so kind.".

"Long live younger martial brother Lin!"

A group of disciples immediately cheered and obviously wanted to go to a high-end place such as Wanhua building.

Wanhua building is very lively. This is Xiaojin cave, which is a favorite place for many monks.

When Lin Feng and his party arrived, a beautiful woman came up with a smile. The beautiful woman obviously had eyes. At a glance, she saw that Lin Feng was the leader of this group.

The beautiful woman smiled and said, "is this your first time to come to our Wanhua building?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I heard that Wanhua building is very special. We came here to have a look.".

"I don\'t know which sect you come from?". The beautiful woman asked with a smile.

"We are the elite disciples of Qingyun sect who came out to practice.". Liu Ge said proudly.

Many people look at it after hearing it. Qingyun sect is one of the four major sects in the wasteland. Naturally, Qingyun sect\'s disciples will be looked up to in the wasteland.

The beautiful woman showed her respect and said, "it\'s a disciple of Qingyun sect. Please take a seat in the VIP room on the third floor.".

Liu Ge and others showed a proud expression. The identity of the elite disciples of Qingyun sect was really easy to use. He enjoyed being surrounded by the envious eyes of those around him.

Thank you. Lin Feng said thanks and walked to the accord on the third floor with the beautiful woman.

The VIP Pavilion on the third floor is magnificently decorated. All kinds of precious calligraphy, paintings and antiques are placed. Even the table is made of Millennium mahogany, which is a precious material for forging treasures.

It can be seen that there is no reason why the Wanhua building is famous.

Lin Feng ordered some wine, herbs, ten dancers and ten singers.

The beautiful woman retreated with a smile.

Soon, good wine and dishes were brought up, and the dancers and singers also came. These women trained by Wanhua Pavilion were enchanting and beautiful. The sound of Qin and Howling was beautiful.

Even if you don\'t know music, you can listen to it like being touched by your lover. It\'s a warm feeling.

A beautiful dancer danced like a fairy in the dust of nine days.

Many male disciples have straight eyes.

This is also human nature. These male disciples practice hard in the sect. They rarely come into contact with so many beautiful and moving dancers. It is inevitable that they will have some strange thoughts when they see the charming appearance of these dancers dancing their delicate bodies.