Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 621

"God, what happened? I won\'t be dazzled?".

"Xiao Ziyang was kicked out for tens of meters by a new disciple? Am I dreaming?".

Many people shouted in disbelief.

Xiaoziyang is the top ten Heaven in the realm of King Wu!

Although Xiao Ziyang did not understand the "spirit".

However, Xiao Ziyang has also stayed in the shichongtian of the realm of King Wu for more than two years and began to feel the power of "spirit".

Among the inner disciples, Xiao Ziyang is also an expert.

But it was such a character that he was kicked out by a new disciple. How could those watching the excitement not be shocked and moved?

Lin Feng feels very normal. He gets along with Tanaka Dao day and night. He knows that although Tanaka Dao doesn\'t show mountains and dew on weekdays, his strength is a little too strong. The talent of twin martial spirits is not even worse than Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng always suspected that Tanaka Dao had understood two kinds of "spirits".

The first kind of spirit was the unique skill that Tanaka Dao showed when he was younger. Lin Feng was deeply impressed. A kitchen knife was in his hand and a knife was cut out to form a dense knife net.

Although Tanaka did his best to hide the breath of "spirit", Lin Feng, who had practiced Taigu dragon like formula, was very sensitive to the power of these characteristics.

Although Tanaka deliberately hid the breath of "spirit", Lin Feng felt it more or less.

Another kind of "spirit" should be related to Tanaka\'s invisible martial spirit.

But Tanaka Dao has never used the second "spirit".

Therefore, Lin Feng is not sure whether Tanaka Dao really understands the second "spirit", but Lin Feng has always been extremely confident in his intuition. Since he thinks Tanaka Dao understands the second "spirit", he should not be wrong.

Therefore, Tanaka road is actually very terrible, but it is usually low-key.

"Boy, I\'ll tear you up!".

Xiao Ziyang got up from the ground. At this moment, Xiao Ziyang was disheveled and covered with soil, looking very embarrassed.

His face, which had been a little gloomy, was twisted together at the moment.

Xiao Ziyang\'s eyes were filled with endless anger and killing.

What he has experienced today is like a nightmare for Xiao Ziyang.

He was kicked out by a new disciple, which was a great humiliation.


Xiao Ziyang\'s body sent out an extremely terrible smell.

I saw strong winds sweeping through the elixir field of xiaoziyang.

"Wu soul, Xiao Ziyang is going to urge his Wu soul!"

"Xiao Ziyang was completely angered. His martial spirit is wind blade martial spirit, hundreds of millions of wind blades and hundreds of millions of knives. The attack power of this martial spirit is quite terrible. I don\'t know whether the new disciple who doesn\'t speak quickly can resist it?".

Many people exclaimed when they saw Xiaozi Yangshi displaying his martial spirit.

The strong wind swept the world, and Xiao Ziyang\'s body was suspended in the air.

His face was cold, and there was a faint color in his eyes.

"Elder martial brother Xiao, be serious. That guy is dead.". Chu Nan said.

"Yes, once elder martial brother Xiao\'s wind blade martial spirit is displayed, many elite disciples in the top 100 of the heaven and earth list will be difficult to fight, not to mention the stuttering?". Wrinkled flat also nodded, with an excited expression on his face.

"Ha ha, this guy angered senior brother Xiao. See how he died.".

Yuzige looked excited. This person has always harbored a grudge against Tanaka Dao because he pit Tanaka Dao\'s family blood stone and jade. Tanaka Dao came to seek revenge and was trampled on his face by Tanaka Dao in Bingyan town. When Xiao bi was defeated by Tanaka Dao, he always harbored a grudge against Tanaka Dao.

Now, seeing xiaoziyang displaying the spirit of the wind blade, Yuzi Ge fangruo saw the scene that Tanaka Dao was cut into pieces by the spirit of the wind blade. He felt very excited at the thought of this.

"The world is so big that the martial spirit is really strange." Lin Feng looked at the wind blade martial spirit of Xiang xiaoziyang in surprise.

In the storm, numerous wind blades appeared, one wind blade and one knife.

The attack power of this wind blade is absolutely powerful.

"Boy, do you feel trembling? Don\'t worry, I won\'t kill you. The sect prohibits fighting, but the sect doesn\'t prohibit fighting. Later, I\'ll let you taste the taste of thousands of cuts."

Xiao Ziyang\'s face was full of arrogance.

"Blade storm!"

He gave a loud roar.

Hoo Hoo!

Suddenly, the wind swept the world.

The numerous wind blades, I don\'t know how many, all went towards Tanaka road.

"What a terrible storm", many onlookers looked at the rolled up wind blade storm, and their faces became as white as paper.

If you are involved in it, won\'t your body be torn to pieces?

The terrible storm shrouded Tanaka road in an instant.

At this time, Tanaka urged his soul.

A martial spirit like a kitchen knife emerged.

"I\'ll go, kitchen knife Wu soul?".

"What kind of garbage ghost is this?".

"It\'s over, that guy is completely over. I thought he could fight xiaoziyang with his martial spirit, but this guy\'s martial spirit is actually a kitchen knife. How can he compete with xiaoziyang\'s wind blade martial spirit?".

Many people shook their heads and felt that Tianzhong road would be defeated.

If you fall into Xiao Ziyang\'s hands, you have to take off a layer of skin if you don\'t die.

Chu Nan, yuzige and others are even more ecstatic. They want Tianzhong road to be torn to pieces by the wind blade soul.

Facing the powerful wind blade storm, Tanaka murmured with a voice that only he could hear.

"Kill God\'s sword, chop!"

The sound fell, and the "kitchen knife martial spirit" suspended in front of Tanaka rose to the sky.

Cut the void.


The wind blade storm sweeping the world was torn by Tanaka\'s "kitchen knife martial spirit" like cutting tofu.

The knife Qi vibrates in the void.


A knife Qi hit Xiao Ziyang hard.

Xiao Ziyang was swept out directly if he was struck by lightning.

The vigorous Qi of body protection was scattered.

A splash.

Xiao Ziyang fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Tanaka Dao went to xiaoziyang\'s body step by step, directly grabbed xiaoziyang\'s neck and lifted xiaoziyang up.

"Sun, Sun Tzu, I endured you before. No, I wasn\'t afraid of you, but, no, I didn\'t want to have more trouble. Today, today, you dare to humiliate, humiliate my brother, I smoke, smoke you to death, you..."

The voice fell, and Tanaka directly raised his right hand and pumped it towards xiaoziyang.


The loud clapped hard on Xiao Ziyang\'s face.


Xiao Ziyang vomited a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with these teeth.

It was not until this time that everyone came back. The disciples who were watching were all looking incredible.

How can such a garbage kitchen knife and martial spirit split such a powerful wind blade storm?

Chu Nan, yuzige and wrinkle Ping, who were originally arrogant, saw that xiaoziyang was defeated by Tanaka Dao at this moment. They were all pale and trembling.