Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 620

"Hum, who did I think it was? It was you.".

At this time, Xiao Ziyang came out and looked at Tanaka Dao coldly. He naturally remembered Tanaka Dao.

I met him a few days ago. At that time, this guy wanted to return the blood stone jade and even said he was willing to exchange some other things for the blood stone jade, but he was sneered at by himself, and Tianzhong Dao didn\'t do it, so xiaoziyang thought Tianzhong Dao was a soft egg.

Now when I see Tanaka Dao again, I naturally have to make a mockery.

Tanaka looked gloomy and clenched his fists. It was obvious that he was holding back his anger.

If it hadn\'t taken into account the forces behind xiaoziyang, Tanaka Dao would have done it long ago.

"Look, isn\'t that Chu Nan who clashed a few days ago? Do you still have those two new disciples.

"Yes, it\'s them. At that time, Chunan and Jiping suffered a great loss. It seems that xiaoziyang has been moved out now.".

"Tut Tut, Chu Nan is really powerful. Even Xiao Ziyang can invite him out."

"That\'s not simple. Chu Nan himself is a mistress of Xiao Ziyang.".

"The two new disciples are afraid of getting into trouble. Xiao Ziyang is not a dandy. He is the cultivation of ten Heaven in the realm of King Wu. It is said that this person is experiencing \'spirit\' recently. I don\'t know if he wants to suddenly realize \'spirit\'. If he can suddenly realize it, it will be terrible.".

"Yes, Xiao Ziyang did it. The two new disciples were afraid of bad luck.".

The gravity peak was already crowded, so even if someone talked and pointed after seeing the conflict here, they looked at Lin Feng and Tanaka with pity.

In many people\'s opinion, since Xiao Ziyang has shot, Lin Feng and Tanaka Dao\'s two new disciples must come to no good end.

Xiao Ziyang\'s eyes immediately looked at Lin Feng and said with a sneer, "boy, did you let wrinkled flat people roll down from the gravity peak? Still slander me behind my back?".

Lin Feng guesses that in order to invite Xiao Ziyang to fight, Chu Nan and others will definitely add fuel and vinegar to Chu Nan and say some bad words about themselves.

Lin Feng\'s expression is indifferent, but he doesn\'t care. Because of Tanaka\'s relationship, Lin Feng is destined to go against Xiao Ziyang.

"Take care of your bird?" Lin Feng looked at Xiao Ziyang faintly.

Xiao Ziyang\'s mouth twitched violently. He never thought Lin Feng dared to talk to him like this.

This is not taking yourself seriously at all.

"Lin Feng, you dare to be so rude to elder martial brother Xiao. Are you trying to die?". The rain son Ge Leng drank loudly.

"Lin Feng? Is He Lin Feng?" many people were stunned.

Even Xiao Ziyang\'s eyes suddenly stared.

These days, the name Lin Feng has become a hot topic among many people in the inner door. Everyone is talking about who Lin Feng is.

But after looking around, I didn\'t find an inner disciple who met Lin Feng\'s identity.

So some people think that Lin Feng on the list of heaven and earth is likely to be a false name.

As long as there are some means, it is quite easy to make a fake inner disciple order.

Of course, after some investigation, I found a disciple named Lin Feng.

It\'s just that this disciple named Lin Feng is a disciple who has just joined the inner gate. Naturally, no one will associate this disciple who has just joined the inner gate with Lin Feng on the list of heaven and earth.

After a short shock, many people shook their heads and thought it was just a coincidence of names. It could not be the same person at all.

"Grass, scared me.".

Xiao Ziyang, who came back to God, cursed.

Lin Feng looked at yuzige lightly and said, "yuzige, if I were you, I would be honest, rather than jumping out again.".

Yuzige sneered and said, "boy, this is the inner door, not your place to be wild." elder martial brother Xiao is still here. How can you end this matter today? ".

"How do you want to end?". Lin Feng looks at yuzige and others lightly. Don\'t say yuzige. Even xiaoziyang is a clown in Lin Feng\'s eyes. He can crush him with one hand. He doesn\'t even understand "spirit" and doesn\'t even have the qualification to become Lin Feng\'s opponent.

Xiao Ziyang said faintly, "compensate a thousand high spirit stones, then kneel down, knock ten heads, slap yourself ten times, and let you go".

Lin Feng sneered. He was about to speak. At this time, Tian Zhongdao said angrily, "don\'t go too far.".

"For the sake of this blood stone jade, I won\'t clean you up today, but the boy can\'t run away. Go away quickly." Xiao Ziyang looked at Tanaka with a sneer.

Tanaka said angrily, "you, you shame me one after another, I, I have endured it, but if you shame me, brother and brother, I don\'t, won\'t, let go, let go of you.".

"Shit, the loser who can\'t even talk says he won\'t let me go?".

Xiao Ziyang immediately laughed sarcastically.

"Tian stammer, hurry as far as you can. It\'s none of your business here.". Yuzi Ge said with a curl of his mouth.

"It\'s a clown who dares to jump out even if he stutters.".

"The world has really changed. All kinds of cats and dogs come out and bark.".

Chu Nan and others looked at Tanaka Dao and sneered.

Many onlookers shook their heads and looked at Tanaka Dao with pity. Naturally, they saw that Tanaka Dao had language barriers and didn\'t speak quickly. Now a group of people ridiculed his shortcomings, which must be extremely painful.

"Lao Tian, I\'ll deal with today.". Lin Feng patted Tanaka on the shoulder.

Tanaka said, "Maple, maple, give it to me, you, you have a rest.".

Tanaka saw that Lin Feng was almost like a bloody man. He guessed that Lin Feng must consume a lot in the gravity chamber. If he started, he was afraid he would suffer a loss.

Moreover, Tanaka Dao really couldn\'t stand that Xiao Ziyang asked Lin Feng to kneel down and kowtow to apologize and asked Lin Feng to smoke his face. Just as Tanaka Dao said, insulting him, Tanaka Dao, he endured it, but if insulting his brother, Tanaka Dao would never tolerate it.

Lin Feng read his firm eyes from Tanaka\'s eyes. He nodded and retreated to one side.

"I don\'t know how to live or die. Since I give you face and you don\'t want face, I\'ll clean you up today.".

Xiao Ziyang sneered and hit Tanaka road with a fist. This move is called splitting Huashan. It is a very powerful unique skill.

"The new disciple who doesn\'t speak very quickly is going to be unlucky. Won\'t he be beaten to death by Xiao Ziyang?". Many people exclaimed.

Take off! Moon step! Leg kill!

Tanaka Dao Leng drank and walked in the void. In an instant, he avoided the blow of kaixiao Ziyang and walked around behind Xiao Ziyang.

"Bad". Xiao Ziyang\'s face suddenly changed and wanted to escape.

But just at this time, Tanaka\'s right leg had been severely smoked.


With the sound of a dull collision, Xiao Ziyang, who was arrogant, was directly pumped out by Tanaka road. His body moved out for tens of meters and fell to the ground in a panic.